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Posts posted by Loki1950

  1. Git and svn are both version control systems git was designed by Linus Torvalds for use by the Linux kernel developers after the commercial version control system they where using decided to up the fee they where charging the Linux Foundation. Svn more properly subversion is also Open Source been around for a long time available on most platforms as well. Both have diff/patch functions and where originally designed for use in a terminal window though GUI are available for both the git ones on Linux are kinda primitive for svn I prefer ksvn on Linux Tortoise has both for windows that integrate into the Windows Explorer shell with very good context menus that's the one our wiki recommends on Windows.

    Enjoy the Choice :)    

  2. As far as I know only the Atlas(Map editor) can save in the game's map format.With that as a given there is no easy way you will need to export each model separately as .dae then import them into the games public mod or add them to a custom mod so that they become available within Atlas.BTW there are several tutorials on doing all this in our wiki(the Development link in the web page header).

    Enjoy the Choice :)

  3. That may be just bad press that all Open Source projects share with the anti-malware companies they just do not trust noncommercial software at all this has been going on for years. 

    Enjoy the Choice :)

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