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Everything posted by zoot

  1. Can you give a "better" example of how triggers would be beneficial in the implementation of RMS? "Event: new game started, Condition: true (no condition), action: [all the random map code]" doesn't seem too mindblowing? I actually would like to see triggers in part 1 too, but mainly because it enables single-player missions - not for programmatic reasons.
  2. It's usually not considered good practice to arbitrarily allow one part of a program to modify other parts of the program, hence scopes. Why not just break the common stuff out into include files?
  3. What is the advantage of AIs having access to the RMGEN stuff? Isn't RMGEN filled with functions for terrain manipulation and other stuff that no player (whether human or AI) should have access to? Can't the AIs build walls with the usual AI API?
  4. As a nitpick, maybe a bit of top and bottom padding in the 'grey box' where text and images are shown would look good? Currently, the hotkey images/animations clip very closely to the edge.
  5. How would you use triggers in RMS? (Not saying that you shouldn't, just trying to find out what exactly people understand by 'triggers'.)
  6. I've been wondering about that too. Maybe instead of the pitches being completely random, they could be selected using the unit's entity ID as seed.
  7. Apparently, it was once posted here but is now long gone.
  8. Don't know if you are already aware of this, but sometimes walls are generated which exceed territory boundaries, which apparently causes them to gradually lose health and eventually die:
  9. When a Brythonic civic center is nearly destroyed, it emits additional smoke particles:
  10. How should unit_commands.js insert and delete items in the list? I am not too clear on how things are scoped. Via a global, e.g. g_UpdateOnTick?
  11. You gave it that olden look and drew the trade routes yourself? Nicely done The image use policy seems to say that the image is "freely available for re-publication or re-use, including commercial purposes", which ought to be good enough for including it in the release (unless it is from the "SeaWiFS sensor", but it does not appear that way).
  12. Any chance you can link to the original map? If it's just fan art for personal use, the problem is limited, but if you are suggesting including it in the release as the standard icon for Atlas, "can be used for educational and informational purposes" would not suffice.
  13. Yes, that seems like the best solution. Placeable emitters can be a secondary/lower priority solution to be implemented later if anyone have time.
  14. How about making it possible to fit any actor with an ambient emitter - some emitters could then merely be a "bodyless" actor without a model (e.g. for the sound of sandstorms in a desert), while others could be put on existing objects (e.g. a mill might emit ambient sawing noises, a fishing node might emit the splashes of fish jumping at the surface, barracks might emit the sounds of soldiers preparing weapons ahead of battle etc.)
  15. What you are describing is a multiplayer lobby, and it is being worked on.
  16. Three? For the spacing between [amount] and [icon]? I already think one space looks too wide. There is actually something in Unicode called THIN SPACE and HAIR SPACE which are narrower variants of a standard space character, but in the game they are rendered as questions marks.
  17. I get "construction complete" sounds from the enemy's buildings at the other end of the map if 'reveal map' is on.
  18. Like this? It's possible to add a few pixels of padding in the icons instead.
  19. zoot


    This is the type of thing I'm convinced the Software Freedom Law Center can help with. They are smart people - the guy who founded it is basically the author of the latest version of the GPL license (GPLv3) - and they have tons of experience helping Wordpress, GNOME, KDE and many other major open source projects. If nothing else, they can give advice on how formal things need (or don't need) to be.
  20. Here it is without commas with the resource icons in front of the numerical quantities: Here it is with commas: What does people prefer? resource-icons-small4.tar.gz resourceicons-flipped-wo-comma-space.diff resourceicons-flipped-wo-space.diff
  21. That's the point isn't it - RTS's are all about engaging in conflicts. The millions of dollars being poured into campaign advertising as we speak are testament to the fact that people can be converted and that there is value in doing so.
  22. I'm sure repo maintainers much prefer being nervous and safe over intimidating anyone who raises their concerns into silence and being unsafe.
  23. zoot


    Debian has a repository called 'non-free' that does roughly the same as 'multiverse'.
  24. I'm sure there's lots It's a bit like cleaning spam, isn't it - it's a process, not a job that ever really gets done. One thing I thought of are the fonts in the game - where were they drawn from? I see no licensing info in the fonts dir.
  25. These are some of the most important but they are also heavy: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus For lighter stuff, explore Trac: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/report
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