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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I think sending a caravan unit carrying resources as a tribute would really add something to the gameplay. It requires full cooperation of allies in order to make sure there is a safe path along which to transport these resources. Maybe also a treasure boat (or whatever you want to call it) for water maps?

    and enemy scouts to Assault the wagon. and have the Trasure. you play Zelda Twilight Princess, you must protect a Wagon from Barbarians Goblins, In HBO Rome series(TV) the Optimates rout with a Wagon and Caesars men intercept the wagon and steal the wagon.
  2. Lion, on your screenshot at #36, I guess you raised saturation a bit, right ? It's nice, it's your style. ;)

    yes, i was use in some situations the color to send messages, in this case a Colourful Paradise. and other could be more Dramatic.
  3. Scenario editor:

    -ZOMBIES!! Make some zombie units, about 5 or 6 models and skins. Make them slow (about 80% the speed of a foot man), big LOS so they can detect your units easily, nedium-high melee attack and lots of HP. You may make the unit that is killed by a zombie to become a zombie too (and change its player color to the zombie's player color).

    could be more real if they are Riots than zombies?
  4. after update today.

    all maps, if you select any unit.

    8 Conjunto de cambios [12938] por ben



    Fixes small bug introduced by r12937. Clarifies new serialization test

    WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/session/selection_details.js line 20 reference to undefined property template.pack

    ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/selection_details.js line 20 TypeError: template.pack is undefined displaySingle([object Object],[object Object])@gui/session/selection_details.js:20 updateSelectionDetails()@gui/session/selection_details.js:292 onSimulationUpdate()@gui/session/session.js:375 onTick()@gui/session/session.js:259 __eventhandler42 (tick)([object Object])@sn tick:0

  5. Mayans painted their buildings in many beautiful colors (inside and outside), many people think that their buildings were all rocky and the interior of their houses looked like a cave but it is not true, the buildings were covered by cement, they invented it, and painted in many colors.

    Mayans did build walls, but in a different way and fashion from the standard medieval and iron age walls. They were small and multileveled.

    Some mayan walls:



    The mayan gate wall of Tulum:



    good Info. in my Country they don't Build Walls.
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