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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. i know but need your 3 D as shape to guide me...
  2. My Internet today .. -_-

  3. i think in each map volcanic map for example, its impossible. and irreal farming, tiny Inlands, too.
  4. @zaphzaph wait i put some references, i want very detailed, in blender to use as texture shadows and that thngs thats why, you do this I need that Scale Armor, to painting it. but ned some 3d effects. @idawin look that Helmet ( left guy)
  5. from a bad movie about Cleopatra but the clothes are good. see this Ramses
  6. i see that, love Documentary hey you can do some renders?i want Egyptyan armor and Armor for Egytian and Sea People. in try to access to our "trac/wiki" https://sourceforge.net/projects/aristeia/ and ask to idawin to do you an access level. try wok with idawin he is the Mater of 3D and me th madster of 2D.
  7. Idawin that type of Structures Farm, Gardens with bushes, can be turn in fire. think in Hannibal Razing Famland in Italy.
  8. XD wow, that banner texture is very old the time when i modding Fifa Teams XD.hey see Dark skin texture?
  9. see only i was posting and Atenmeses XD and before you and idawin.
  10. but he dont show, his skills, you already do that before, to many ways.
  11. haha show him your work Lordgood.
  12. Scisso Rock and Paper. the thing is Civs are to every player, example im not good with Celts and dont like play with them.
  13. love that epoch.we can be distribute with some Designs , and banners
  14. some civs are underpower in some ways, you dont hope to see Mauryan Spearman vs Greek Hoplite, have same stats, , but all are Balancing after all.
  15. i thni to the possibly to upgrade villagers to can Hunt. thinking in Britons an others.
  16. yeah the point is that, the people can desire have for Many reason a Farmstead.
  17. not bad garden, like can plan tree apple? to collect, but i dont really care if the building have incorporates that, im more inteesting in a Radial LOS to give bonus for farming and very far of Main CC.I likethe idea of Farm Colonies. that happens with mnyCivilizations, like Carthage and Rome. in late time Rome dont Produces own food. think in Egypt, large Farm Land near Nile Valley. but im agree the Civic Center with farms don't be good thing visually.
  18. yeah im interes in alll mods are shared in fb page to grown 0.a.D Project.
  19. obiusly me too but a little farmyard with Farmstead, and less than build one. and can be mini
  20. Nobody want Babylonians . i like this have much Legendary things.
  21. nice bombs , guys you have fb fan page?
  22. yeah all work hard, and this can be legendary rts
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