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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Lion.Kanzen

    IA OP

    si es que en opciones tiene varias formas y una es atacar en modo boom / rush a los 13-14 minutos. debes cambiarla a defensivo y ver nustros tutoriales en video y los consejos de @borg- para hacer una economia fuerte.
  2. Lion.Kanzen

    IA OP

    the ai is way to hard. in 15 minutes they rush him. is not a rage or complaint , is a quite faster. by the way kind regards he said.
  3. again the answer is ... make all clones , nobody have time to read, Christmas eve is near, Happy 2020. baibai
  4. deja que los desarrolladores respondan, a veces se pasan los post si no los tageas, Stn sabe quien trabaja en qu area del juego. el otro que puedes consultar es @elexis
  5. you must be save that one in the art repo can be useful for press and media screenshots. like fyers, posters, FB post etc.
  6. Some ideas... Some blavksmith basic technique I know is XIV century but... Some things doesnt change, forging melt and iron cast change but hammering...
  7. he can connect or verify with the server. The rest is clear. @Stan`
  8. En el 94 tenĂ­amos eso, aqui fue por q hubo un desaste connlos cables de telefono luz e internet en mi colonia.
  9. I have a book with legions shields. @Alexandermb https://www.pinterest.com/pin/310044755578925848/?lp=true
  10. question @Genava55 why celtic teams use this pattern?
  11. current champion is discarded... Genava said isn't accurate unit.
  12. sorry ... I wasnt time this week. to much work, social life (girlfriend), even one day I was without power (energy) and Internet. poster copia.pdf
  13. I dont use psd this time, I use Adobe Illustrator. And save as pdf.
  14. there are optimization at this A24 25% more i guess.
  15. Se ve raras esas alas como separadas las plumas. El del segundo.
  16. Rare perspective and yes look like metal than stone.
  17. i was going to suggest for the next time.
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