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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. first impresions. It need improve the visibility. improve the texturing. improve the handycap, (is too easy).
  2. I'm going to add some Mesoamerican buildings here.
  3. I'm going to take a look at it. don't you have Mayan stelae?
  4. I haven't uploaded it yet. I must try it first. I need new textures, this map is designed to test Mesoamerican art,Jungle textures, abandoned jungle objects. Some Mayan pyramid...etc.
  5. thematic and historical and that has the potential to mix the AOE saga into one single game. Also the idea of contributing ideas and development (art in my case).
  6. taking into account that it is based on an almost RPG action game. Very difficult to determine the attack of many units. Without leaving the lore aside of course.
  7. I have a habit of ordering things on the internet. This is related.
  8. algo parecido a algún códice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilam_Balam
  9. that's a good idea, I wanted to do something similar with the Mayans in some mod. Capture stables to use horses.
  10. the 4 options for the Heroes Attic Thracian. the only thing that changes is the detail of visor, the visor is that adornment that is added in attic helmets as a reinforcement on the forehead. Apulian Corinthian with Attic features. As before, the examples all have a visor reinforcement. Italo Corinthian with Thracian features Montefortino/Negau with Attic Thracian features. this would be a mix of several helmets. all these would be the bases for the helmets of the heroes.
  11. I made a sketch based in Attic style Thracian. https://www.res-bellica.com/en/shop/attic-thracian-helmet-2/ http://www.roman-reenactor.com/wpimages/wp1ddc8bd1_05_06.jpg
  12. Si, yo conocí a los romanos jugando Caesar II, aquí solo lo que verías en películas de semana santa y 6to año de escuela. Nadie le interesa la historia en países como los míos. Solo fútbol se habla aquí. Caesar II me llevo a comprar Age of Empires I Gold Edition. Y leerme la parte de historia de la enciclopedia océano. https://www.oceano.com/oceano/quienes/presentacion.html Literalmente despierta tu imaginación.
  13. Eso de mitológico no significa que no pasó. Siempre lo he dicho. Por que haya la intervención divina ( Deus es machina) no significa que sea ficción o todo lo sea. Lo mismo se pensaba de los Hititas en la biblia o los Asirios. Lo agravante con los Mayas es la destrucción de su historia. Ojalá se encuentre algo en las selvas de Guatemala, tengo esa esperanza.
  14. There are many technologies that need to clear that.
  15. in theory North Africans are natives. Swordman class but less defense than Iberian/Roman swordmen.
  16. Si, pero estamos hablando de entretenimiento. Las formas más interesantes de aprender son las lúdicas, luego las audiovisuales y luego las orales y por último texto.
  17. Digo, en videojuegos, solo en libros y películas muy pocas. Por eso nadie los sabe diferenciar.
  18. @Duileoga por qué la reacción?
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