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Everything posted by quantumstate

  1. The symbol isn't so helpful for beginners though, since many people will not know what symbol is for what civ.
  2. Very little has changed for qBot from the previous release. It would be surprising if much has broken, it is more likely that you are discovering bugs that already existed.
  3. If you are able to modify the games data files. You can modify the hero templates to remove the "<RequiredTechnology>no_heroes</RequiredTechnology>" line. This will of course break multiplayer compatibility (unless they also make exactly the same changes).
  4. Vectors manage the memory for you. This means that they will not perform as well in some situations. If you know in advance how many items your array has then it is often more efficient to use a plain C++ array. Though most of the time this is not a concern.
  5. I don't know who is responsible for the OpenSUSE packages. You can download the source and compile yourself ( http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/LatestReleaseLinux ), compilation is veyr straightforward for 0 A.D.
  6. This depends on what sort of data structure you are using. In C++ it is common to use the standard template library which has a built in find operator http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/find.html . If you are using C then you may also be using a library to help with managing your data strcutres, which may also contain a find function. Otherwise you will have you write your own as MoLAoS suggests.
  7. We don't have any fixed plans yet. It is very hard to give any estimate at all.
  8. I think I prefer the CD as it was before, rather than restricting the soldiers to one quadrant.
  9. Please attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Also please tell us what you were doing in atlas at the time of the crash.
  10. One thing to consider related to the live score is the amount of information we want to give away. In competitive AoE you could watch the score and spot a drop when they spent a large sum of resources on an age upgrade. Since different tactics used different timings this could help in countering the enemy. This is a fairly small aid of course but I would prefer to eliminate this. To do so we could just balance the score given for researching a tech with the score for the resources, though the score would then have to be done when the player begins the research which complicates things. I'm not massively bothered about this though, just something to consider.
  11. I would like to see this done via the technology system. Then we could have technologies which affect the population cap as well.
  12. It partly depends what you want the tower defence mode to be like. It would require some programming work for any approach though since we don't have any triggers implemented currently (or planned).
  13. I like the design. One thing that I think could be changed is that when you make the cross/ring so large it si very obvious how sharp the edges are. This contrasts with the rough texture, I think it would be better to have a rougher edge. Perhaps if there is a 3d model available a normal/displacement map could be produced and it could be rendered very nicely.
  14. While this should be implemented, I am really unconvinced that Atlas is sufficiently stable for you to go 2 hours without saving. Please save more regulrarly to avoid grief if Atlas crashes. We should really implement an autosave option to help with this.
  15. The reason for adding a manual field to the technology templates is that the possible requirements are varied so having a human write the tooltip should result in clearer, more well written tooltips.
  16. As a reference, Command and Conquer: Generals contained building capture by infantry. The mechanism was that infantry would kneel and plant flags next to a building which would start flashing at an increasing rate (to show progress) until it was captured. I think that the capture timer reset even if you stopped the capturing process for 1 second. Once the buildings was captured you could train units of that nation. This made capturing the command centre very valuable since you got access to all of the buildings of that nation, so could play as both civs. Should we do this for 0 A.D.? It was common to capture buildings and instantly sell them to gain money and prevent them being recaptured. I think it would be worth removing the delete feature for buildings (maybe have a deconstruct action which requires builders) unless we want the capture feature to turn into a raze feature (capture and delete). Regarding gates, what do people think about making gates (and maybe walls) orientatable? So they would be capturable from one side (and wall towers would be garrisonable from one side only).This would be more realistic and add some interesting gameplay but would make the gui more complicated when choosing the gate upgrade.
  17. The way to counter a long tunnel would be to scout around your base to detect the start point. I don't see why it i essential to be able to easily counter it as long as it takes a decent amount of time to construct and has sufficient cost. Many games have uncounterable weapons (e.g. nukes). Being able to knock down a wall in peace if the enemy isn't watching seems quite tame in comparison.
  18. I have also had the problem where the main menu music stopped, several times. I don't know how to reproduce it though (other than launching the game a few times and lots of waiting). I had wondered if it might be caused by the stream running out of buffered content and causing an error before getting more data. This is a pretty wild guess though.
  19. Can you upload the model somewhere? Then someone can take a look at what might be causing the error.
  20. Not many, we are in feature freeze now so only bug fixes should be committed from this point. We will not release with known srious bugs though, so the time to release is not definite.
  21. I just committed this to svn. You will need a rebuild since it is in the C++ part. Take a look at the default.config for the hotkeys and you can adjust how much pressing the hotkey changes the speed (view.scroll/zoom/rotate.speed.modifier).
  22. I also agree that this behaviour would be an improvement.
  23. This sounds theoretically possible and hopefully not too difficult, feel free to implement it . It will almost certainly require some new C++, probably only within the simulation2/components code though.
  24. I have successfully played games with Ubuntu and Windows, It would seem surprising that Fedora would be especially different. What problems were you having with Fedora?
  25. All of the javascript components are where you linked to. There are some C++ components in source/simulation2/components/. So if an entity has <Footprint>...</Footprint> in the xml if will have the Footprint component loaded for it. The C++ simulation system handles all of this so you can pretty much ignore how it works in detail for most purposes.
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