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Everything posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. Not looking too good, guys. Here's an Alpha 14 release blocker, with patch: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1906
  2. Nice. That strategic map is exactly how I wanted 0 A.D.'s to look.
  3. IMHO, making sure Arabic and Chinese all render correctly is not a top priority. IIRC, Age of Kings was big in Korea at one point even without Korean script support. As long as the code can be extended in the future to include these languages, then we're good (possibly for Part 2 after Part 1's release has gone wide and is a proven success?). For now, focus on Western fonts and languages. That's what I think anyway.
  4. For Part 2, I can't really see having 12 factions, but it's just a possibility. I like the idea of both parts having the same number of factions, but it's not 100% necessary. But anyway, I can't see removing any of the factions we've already created. Also, only a minority of players think we should have 6 or fewer factions. Most prefer more. And of those who say we have too many factions, a lot of them erroneously assume it takes away from programming time. One would have a point about balancing, but it's a challenge we can tackle semi-successfully, since our factions are closer to Age of Kings differences rather than Starcraft 2 differences.
  5. That looks really great. And to reiterate wraitii, any optimization you can do is always a good thing.
  6. We'd probably do the Seleucids for the 12th, then maybe add Syracusans and Thebans as Atlas factions (to go along with generic Celts and generic Hellenes). 24 (total for both parts) is a good number. But about the selection screen, it's probable that there would need to be a scroll bar implemented anyway for lower vertical resolutions (1024x768, 1280x720, et al.), so we could just design the page with a scroll bar in mind, or design it with 1080p resolution in mind and add a scroll bar for anything less. But either way, it's not mandatory that all the information fit on one screen. We can use scroll bars and tabbed browsing.
  7. Breathe, bro. It'll happen. Manpower is short currently. It's just that previously I was able to keep track of everything myself. But now that I can't do that anymore, it's best to do what you are suggesting.
  8. We'll have to decide as a group what to do. Previously when this issue was brought up, it was decided that artists are more comfortable with the looser arrangement found on the forum. The only problem was that my time became more and more limited so I could not keep up with maintaining the meta-threads. If the fundraiser is a success, my time will essentially be unlimited. So, I'd like to get other artists' feedback too before changing what we've been doing so far, which has generally worked okay if the Art Dept Lead (which I used to be) has the time to guide and maintain the art flow.But for now, all you have to do is, uh, look in Atlas to see what we have in the game already. We aren't hiding anything. What we have done is in the game already (and easily looked at in Atlas). What we don't have done is not in the game. EDIT: Edited above.
  9. Not sure why you'd need to toggle them 'off' in Atlas. Maybe for screenshots? If so, probably better to just have a nice pop-up dialog box for screenshot options, with a toggle there.
  10. Here's the complete list of desired animals: https://docs.google....eVE&output=html If I ever get time, I'll make "Mythos_Ruler's big thread of animals, with updates!"
  11. Yep, this sounds pretty good. I endorse such a selection screen. It'll have to wait though, but we'll definitely keep it in mind once we get around to making our "final pass" on the UI graphics and layout.
  12. Well, if you continue to argue your point, don't get upset when others argue back. Anyway, I think based on the IRC convo, we'd prefer to use emitters, because they can be created and destroyed easily with triggers, should we implement triggers. Plus they are easy to place in Atlas as an object, using the existing object placement code. Going the terrain texture route would necessitate new Atlas UI features. All-in-all, emitters are just way more flexible. Oh yeah. Definitely. I could hear a cool locking sound for the gate. And of course, each animal will need their own unique death sound.
  13. Weird. It actually happens to me with the embedded video, but not if I watch it at YouTube's site.
  14. A lot of these can be used for Macedonians and Seleucids as well.
  15. Here's one with a CC-BY-SA license: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ptolemaeus_IV.jpgOr, you could reuse and rework Pureon's portrait, here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/political_face.png
  16. I guess you don't use real layers then, just masks? The wreath one with the side view of Ptolemy's face in the middle of the shield would be good. And one like this one on the white elephant tower (right side)... the half moon shapes surrounding the face of Ptolemy.
  17. Here is the code for the Barracks completion sound: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <SoundGroup> <Gain>1</Gain> <Pitch>1</Pitch> <Priority>30</Priority> <ConeGain>1</ConeGain> <ConeInner>360</ConeInner> <ConeOuter>360</ConeOuter> <Looping>0</Looping> <RandOrder>1</RandOrder> <RandGain>1</RandGain> <GainUpper>1</GainUpper> <GainLower>0.8</GainLower> <RandPitch>1</RandPitch> <PitchUpper>1.1</PitchUpper> <PitchLower>0.9</PitchLower> <Threshold>1</Threshold> <Decay>3</Decay> <Replacement>complete_barracks.ogg</Replacement> <Path>audio/interface/complete/building</Path> <Sound>complete_barracks.ogg</Sound> </SoundGroup> What do I need to add so that the player can always hear this, whether it is on-screen or not? <eOmnipresent>yes</eOmnipresent> or something like this?
  18. Can you post some PSDs of these? I wouldn't mind trying my hand at player colorizing them.
  19. Cannot confirm. Works for me. Did you try closing and relaunching your browser? Flash may have bugged on you.
  20. I think training and building complete sounds should be omnipresent. This, after watching some Age of Kings gameplay videos and also when playing 0 A.D. being confused when I couldn't hear these sounds when off-camera.
  21. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my units from minute to minute. Didn't have a plan on what to showcase in the vid.
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