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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, eh? Personally, no, I don't believe in love at first sight. I also don't believe there is only "one person out there" for me. For instance, "soul mates." With the BILLIONS of people in this world, there is bound to be 100s, if not 1000s of completely compatible people of the opposite sex out there right now. Kind of a comforting thought (but where are they?!?!?! All mine must live on an island somewhere! ).
  2. The 0 A.D. version has one too many syllables. Also, the tune of the taunt is the AOM main theme.
  3. I think they just piled up the corpses and threw a buncg of wood on top of them and had a bonfire.
  4. "An axe to your groin, or a sword through your very entrails - which shall it be?"
  5. I drive a 1995 Ford Thunderbird LX. Before that I drove a 1988 Ford Thunderbird. lol... I didn't plan it that way though. The 1995 is definately a "step up" from the 88, lemme tell ya. Here was my 88 Tbird...
  6. Loved them, but was disappointed with the terrain texture. Why no footpaths or anything like that?
  7. And finally, the books from which I derive much of the architectural inspiration for my sketches.
  8. I lied... got 2 more. This is my 0 A.D. sketch binder - where I keep all my completed sketches for WFG...
  9. A book I have been reading off and on... the author is one of my heroes...
  10. The family library... ... where I got a lot of my knowledge as a child.
  11. My cat... "Taz" (so named, because when he was a kitten he was as wild as the "Tazmanian Devil" cartoon character... he'd even playfully attack my 80 lbs. dog!)
  12. Some random photos for everyone... First, my dossier... LOL
  13. @Surt - We already have that covered. What we are implementing for the game is different from what your idea entails, but takes care of exactly what you're talking about. That's about as detailed as I'll get.
  14. People don't like to talk about their income, because society views your WORTH by your income. It's a sad state we all live in. Myself, I don't care HOW much you make (of course that's what everyone says, but most people lie). I make $7.20 per hour working at Wal~Mart. Do the math - that's $400.00 take home pay (before taxes - $600.00) every two week paycheck. Trust me, the 2 week paycheck thing really sucks. The second week gets kind of tight, monetarily. So, 600 x 26 = $15,600 gross pay, or $10,400.00 take home pay (what I actually get to keep and spend) per year. In America, that's poverty level. In Mexico, I could hire a nanny for my son and build a 3000 sq. foot house with that much. It all matters where you live and the cost of living there. Anyone want to talk about DEBT? I'm sure most of you have absolutely no concept... LOL
  15. Think about group dynamics and the fact that the average age of Olympic athletes is probably late teens/early twenties... most of those condoms might have been thrown away, and then the fact (read: story) that they were "utilized in a fashion consistent with their recommended use" was created for the benefit of said athlete's friends. But anyrate, I bet the majority of the condoms were lost or thrown away. And secondly, currently there are 360 million sexual acts being performed on this planet by human beings while you are reading this. A couple thousands bumps and humps at the Olympics is a drop in the bucket.
  16. Don't know what's "horrible" about it... Think about it... you are living in a village of THOUSANDS of young people of the opposite sex for a month. They are all extremely athletic. They are all around your age. They are all exotic to you. And a good percentage of them are probably very attractive.
  17. Gotta love it! I especially like the last paragraph. http://cnn.aimtoday.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...21.htm&sc=reodd Olympic Athletes to Be Given Free Condoms ATHENS (Reuters) - Athletes at next month's Athens Olympics are expected to go for gold in the bedroom as well as on the field, with 130,000 free condoms being made available throughout the Games. Condom manufacturer Durex has donated the prophylactics as well as 30,000 sachets of lubricant for the August 13-29 Olympics, "to smooth the performance of the world's elite sports people in the arena and under the covers," it said in a statement. The condoms will be available to over 17,000 athletes and officials at the pharmacy of the athletes' Olympic village. "The condoms will come in an individual pack, with an instruction leaflet in various languages," said a spokeswoman for Durex Greece. "We have discussed the numbers with the organizing committee and we think they are realistic as we know from previous Olympics that athletes do come into contact during the Games." In the Sydney 2000 Games, each competing athlete was given 51 condoms on arrival at the Olympic Village, but another 20,000 had to be shipped in when supplies began to run low. 07/27/04 09:46
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