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Everything posted by akya

  1. depends if you are still against Randy or not and it depends on your imagination...can you army really be powerful enough to try and destroy Black Op ? Black Op, again, I want you to continue the story I'm going to bed
  2. 5.9 and 1131 and counting... 19 posts to go till I reach 1200 !^^
  3. excellent Randy aww, the power of Senior moderator ! ^^
  4. heh I've been doing just that for a couple of minutes with Randy's help
  5. Galactic Empire Black Op: Emperor of the Galactic Empire and the Dark Lord ZeZar: Darth ZeZar, Black Op's apprentice King Tutankhamun : General, The King of the Thousand Oaks Sector, he became a major ally of the Dark Lord when the EMPIRE came to power. He now is the head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency. Commander Brian: Tutankhamun's aide who's notorious for bickerring and causing severe mishaps. Curufinwe : Admiral, replaced Akya as invasion commander. SpHeRe31459: One of the Empire's best Special Ops. Shykre: Lieutenant aboard the Silver Dragon. Dr. Chadeous: Brilliant scientist who makes gadgets for Imperial agents, often for King Tut and Brian who usually breaks it. Known as "C". Dr. Van Nueter: Dr. Chadeous' brain surgeon, died in a lab accident. Argalius: Droid used by King Tutankhamun to track Swellick. Commander MarkT: CO of an IIA monitoring facility. Dr. Mystic-Al-Bob: Replaced Van Nueter as "C"'s assistant, expert in X-Weapons Dev. WFG CheeZy : The one who first discovered a robot had taken the place of CO, later discovered to be a robot TheRealDeal: TheRealDeal: AKA Ken Word, helps CheeZy fight the robots, Wijitmaker's trainer Quacker : A friend, gets captured by the robots and replaced Acumen : Pocket pal of TheRealDeal Wijitmaker : The man in charge of the ship 0AD CodeOptimist : A friend of CheeZy, member of WFG, he is later discovered to be powerful in the Force and Akya's older brother. Akya: Former Imperial Admiral and footsoldier, she had changed her loyalties and gone after her brother CodeOptimist, member of WFG. After numerous attempts at restarting her career with the Empire met with failure, she has no place left but WFG. She has been slightly trained in the Force by Master Swellick. Chichigrande: Resistance fighter against the Nazis who allied with CodeOptimist DarkAngelBGE: 1st Mate of the 0AD, discovered 'Randy's Explosives Empire" which was a front for the Empire Mythos_Ruler: Crewmember of the 0AD SturgeonSurgeon: Accused of being the cook of the 0AD TheCobra1 :member of the elite fighters of the 0AD. Klaas: long lost accomplice of WFG. Uppy: Related to both SturgeonSurgeon and TheCobra1. TLA ElfTheHunter: First Mate of the Last Alliance, 0AD's sister ship. av_nefardec:Gold leader, he leads the attack on the Executor rohirwine:commander aboard of the Last Alliance Valahiru: Enerwaen:Gold eight, an elite pilot Wildfire Legends team Nazgul11 Red08 DKATyler Jedi master Swellick : he abducted Akya when she was reduced to being a footsoldier and trained her in the way of the Force. He tells her she is needed, that her brother needs her thus making her break completly her loyalty to the Empire. He dies after being shot in the head by Sphere and become a spirit. Dnas: Messenger for Master Swellick. Robots = a faction who has been destroyed RobotOptimist: A robot who had taken the place of CO RobotDak Losar: Destroyed by TheRealDeal Quackernotquaker: A robot who had taken the place of Quacker, has been discovered and destroyed Eken132 : Leader of the robots. RobotKlaas: Tried unsuccessfuly to spy on WFG movements. Axis Powers = has surrendered to the GE...except a small faction Ph4ntom: Leader of The Knights That Say Black Op Will Regret This, formerly called the Nazis and now called CHIPOTLE Tonto Icy Tripod: The Grand Admiral of The Knights That Say Black Op Will Regret This Starfleet now called CHIPOTLE starfleet. Last Samurai: Ph4ntom's brother and Commander in the Axis Navy, now part of the CHIPOTLE resistance group. Night Hawk: Chancellor of the Galactic Axis Powers, surrendered to the Empire. The Prophet: Former Grand Marshal of the Wehrmacht, the Axis military. Now the leader of the Allied Powers. Guardian : CHIPOTLE Propaganda Minister Dragon Galactic Domination Network Cat: Human/cat hybrid who leads this secret pro-Imperial cult. Captain Aldaron: The Executor's captain, also a member of DGDN. Zeus147: Guard aboard Ph4ntom's ship. He's been posted there by DGDN to remain dormant until he was needed. Jeremiah: Aldaron's second. Arctic: Is part of Team 1 during the mission to kill Akya aboard the Vengeance. Danthered: Has been posted with Zeus147 aboard Ph4ntom's ship. Crasher: Also with Zeus aboard Ph4ntom's ship< Battlestar : Leader of the infiltration team aboard the Vengeance, he had succeeded in obtaining the post in surveillance. cameraman : Has been posted with Zeus, he's the one who reveals important informations to Akya by mistake. He'll remain aboard the Vengeance. Hehe, I took over the list now, came up with the ideas anyway ~ Randy
  6. can I add all the posts I've made in all my other forums ?
  7. thanks 1116 and counting...^^ I want to catch up with Randy
  8. Techniquement, at home peut être traduit de plusieurs manières, tout dépendemment de quelle façon tu veux t'exprimer. Chez soi, chez moi, à la maison je pense que tout ces exemples peuvent à un moment ou à un autre devenir la bonne traduction de at home Curu, où es-tu ? j'aurais besoin de qqn qui connait l'anglais mieux que moi et puisque tu l'enseignes, tu devrais être au courant de ce genre de choses...
  9. Je vais corriger quelques unes de vos phrases....Si ça vous énerve, dites le moi J'essaye juste de vous aider à vous améliorer nous l'avons vu à l'école ha (ne prend pas d'accent sur le a) Je ne me rappelle pas. J'l'ai vu chez toi (ou moi ? je ne comprend pas le sens de la phrase) encore une fois : nous l'avions vu à l'école...,...maintenant...
  10. Carpe Diem oui, je l'ai vu...mais celui dont parle Curu, je ne l,ai pas vu...je le louerai peut-etre bientôt... un film que je veux voir, c'est l'auberge espagnole, il parait que c très bon...
  11. lol ! Well, I guess we'll be starting a PCC now For those who are interested, (like ZeZar) the GAGFC (Get a GF Club) can be created as well, but I won't be in charge of it
  12. 3 guardian posted and none of them corrected my spelling mistake ? o_O I voted for both...the more competition, the more fun we're going to have
  13. "We Need Mates" Club ? Since there's already one for Proud Singles [edit] I made a mistake in one of the poll's choices...can someone correct it please ?
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