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Everything posted by asmartgoat
I'm actually going to wait until alpha 8, and I'm adding a section on game modification and the atlas editor.
Alright, i've done those changes feneur. I'll be adding more images and content, so by the end of the week or next alpha i'll have a new revision out.
Alright, agreed. Awesome, i'll have a look in there today. haha, yeah thanks. Yeah, the problem is the highest resolution logo was 400x200, but i'll download the svg and resize that. Thanks for pointing that out.
yeah, I'll download the SVN and have a look at the new faction and start typing it up. One dialema, how to write '0A.D.!'; is it '0A.D.!' or '0A.D!' Thanks, Asmartgoat
Hi, Over the next week i'll be updating the 0A.D. Game guide as I have more time for this now, have a view here: Direct Download (no registration required) Please do have a read, it's hopefully quite good now. Please suggest any improvements that can be made, i'm not sure what I can do but I'll trawl for more information on units and probably restructure section 9 because it is a terrible terrible mess. Thanks, asmartgoat Luke
Desura does support Linux now (in beta). But, why have your game laden with DRM, when you can have it without?
Thats an Idea. I might import a bigger version of them though when I next do a video.
Please, Can we have Skybox on by default in atlas, I don't think anyone will mind seeing the edge while editing? Or is it more complicated than that, am I missing something? Or, is there a quick and dirty solution for the skybox?
The angle + me clicking slow on atlas and not speeding it up in the video editor. As stated; just a Muckaround.
Persians have been pushed to git and they're civ set is as far as I can see, complete. Hopefully we get them in alpha 8. And, on a side note: Here is a nice vid made by me. (We need skybox, chromakeying is terrible. ) Stupid video editor, won't show me it in Widescreen while editing so I can't predict where items are going to fall. (thats the cause of the shifted video in the villager collection section.)
o.o Good thing for territories, or Rugos would have filled up the WHOLE map.
0ad for android and ios
asmartgoat replied to ac892006's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Ah, I'm wrong on that. But AFAIK, .apks are only java?. But you *Can* install stuff like busybox etc. But its not the norm. Anyway, i've only done a little in java, so i'm no expert. -
Hi, I had a look at your new website, and It's good to see you have somebody working on that (I was going to offer ) It looks very nice, the only problem is there is no background image and that the red banner has no ending piece, looks choppy at the moment. Do you have somebody helping with the site, if not I can donate my time. Also, I'm curious, I Remember someone stated that you are moving away from IPB, how do you plan to do that with WP? Edit: IPB handles the website. Oh! Anyway, Just my <title>$0.02</title> Edit: Fixed IPB's stuff up.
0ad for android and ios
asmartgoat replied to ac892006's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
It would require a complete rewrite of the game engine for each of these devices since they are both java based. -
This is an excellent idea, it should work as the towers do: more units garrisoned = faster fire rate. With the exception of it can't move without units, and has no 'owner', the owner is who has units inside, and when you fight it; you fight the garrisoned units.
Download the Australia Map: http://0ad.me/sword/download.php?view.3
Ping! Updated guide.
It's fixed, in the guide. I'll release it with the new&improved 0AD within 3 hours. Edit: Here it is: http://0ad.me/sword/download.php?view.14 You'll need to sign up to download, but relax; you'll also get access to maps.
Lol, thats only *part* of the guide. I'll be uploading the 60~ page guide soon, so stay tuned.
Will Release tomorrow evening (T Minus 24 Hours), that's a promise! Just finishing a few last things up... Here is Australia, this was rendered on an el-crappó pc so the entities have squares around them for some reason. EDIT! As promised, the australia map for AOM. Rename the file from .zip to .scn, your filter doesn't allow .scn! WARNING: THIS FILE IS FOR AOM! NOT FOR 0A.D. Thank you. australia.zip
Linux: 85FPS Windows: 70FPS Nvidia cards have good drivers (just dont get a laptop with optimus: http://luke.asia/2011/open-letter-to-nvidia/ )
How do I get new maps ingame?
asmartgoat replied to Jubalbarca's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
terminal #su -c 'cp - /home/you/path/to/files/* /usr/share/0ad/path/to/public/maps/folder' -
Here is all the information you need: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Atlas_User%2527s_Guide You might want to start off by editing other's maps? and use the tools to ruin fix their maps. xD
Revision 4 Has been released: http://0ad.me/sword/download.php?view.14 Ok, so i'm working on Revision 4 5 of my game guide (Currently 60~ pages of game guide goodness)(no active download sorry) I need more strategies as part of the guide. here is what I have so far. So post yours! Legal stuff: By posting it here you agree (unless specified) to release it under the CC-BY-SA Here is what I have already: Edit: format is abit stuffed, should be fixed. ____________________________________________________ 6.0 Major Game strategies In this section of the guide we will explain some common game stratergies. 6.1 Rushing Theory: If in the first few minutes of a new game, you should immediately get your military setup. Ideally you want to kill your enemy and win the match in the opening minutes, before he gains defenses. The worst case scenario is that you harass him and slow his economy for a few minutes. Action: At the beginning, set the troops you have to make a barracks, and the rest of the female-citizens (Depends on how many) to Wood, Metal and Food. After, set the troops you begin with (Citizen Soldiers) to begin making a barracks. Once your barracks is complete, spam whatever you can, whenever you can. Just make early 10-12 troops and hit the opponent. Hopefully, if your quick, you may be able to catch your opponent unaware. When you attack, aim for the buildings that matter- Civ Center, Fortress, Hero Trainer, Special Units Trainer, Barracks and demolish them. If this fails, make sure you ruin his economy- killing his female-citizens and getting away. Then change to the Boomer or Turtling Strategies. Set your troops to "Violent" mode in order to kill whenever, and whatever. This method suits the Celts the best, as they have cheap infrastructure and troops, and can be made easily. Plus: Easy to attempt.Makes matches quick.Works excellently on Small Maps Minus: Hard to be successful, requires lots of skill and practise.Failure makes counter attacks easy.Rushes are impossible on large maps because opponents can create defenses faster than units can walk 5 kilometers. Interesting: In chess, rushing can make you win in 4 turns… or make you lose to a player rapidly, there is no middle way for that set of moves. 6.2 Booming Theory: If you focus on your economy, you will be able to quickly advance and be successful in a late-game assault. Actions: At the beginning, focus on a better economy, and make enough female citizens to have a total of 15 female-citizens in the beginning. Iberians should have - 4 to food, 3 to wood, 4 to metal, 3 to stone Hellenes should have 4 to food, 5 to wood, 3 to metal and 2 to stone Celts should have - 5 to food, 4 to wood, 4 to metal and 2 to stone After, just spam citizen soldiers and make fortresses, hero buildings and special unit buildings... Basically make as many troops as possible and keep on making more. Make sure you have a good defense though - Outposts/City Wall Towers with 2-5 people stationed in them would be a nice defense. After you have 50+ troops, send some troops 10-20 to go and harass enemy economy- killing female citizens, destroying farms, etc. Once you start losing troops, just keep on spamming troops to fill their spots. Once you've got 100+ Troops, launch your big BOOM. And hit them hard. Get the buildings that can produce troops first, then the outposts that are guarding their city. However, still keep on making troops, as you never know if he had launched a sudden counterattack on you from another position while you were still marching to his city. Booming is almost suicidal if you are playing a game with more than 2 people though, as once your troops leave your city, you are prone to attacks from others. Suited best for- Hellenes (Strong Military, but expensive and hard to get) Plus: Once completed, not even the best defense can stop you. You are essentially handed victory.The longer the match goes for the more exponentially your chances of success become.With a tech advantage, units can survive outnumbered. Minus: Easily countered by a rush.Countered by a faster boomer. Interesting: A successful boom can pwn anyone, but a noob can rush you in the first minute of the came and your dead. 6.3 Turtling Theory: This is basically a defense game, and when the circumstances are right, become a boomer. Actions: At the beginning, start out with making your economy strong- wood, food, metal and stone would all be welcome. Make a couple of houses, and keep spamming female citizens out of them. Also, make whatever units you can from your civ center and make them work as well. If you are hit by a rush, you can select all of them - (clicking on one of the type and clicking it 3 times will give you all that type of a troop) and work as a defensive core. After your economy is pretty strongly entrenched, send your soldiers to build walls that will block off key points where the enemy could attack - secret shallow crossing bridges, etc and leave one route open. At that route... leave the bulk of your forces to play defense, while the others are still building up buildings. Keep your troops on the "Stand Ground" Stance and just let them stay there, waiting for the enemy. However, if there is another alternate route, leave that open, and send 20-30 men to guard it... After, just keep on spamming troops to help build up your defenses, and make your defenses STRONG- multiple outposts and city towers/walls. When the time is right- when he sends his main forces to engage yours, send your 20-30 men in the secret route and hit his city. Aim for his Troops building Buildings first, then his farms/houses then finally anything else-temples/markets, etc. Also, keep on making reinforcements in your Fortresses/Barracks/Civ Center and reinforce your main force as it loses ground to your opponents force. Plus: Once completed, not even the best offense can break you.Works well on large mapsWorks very well on maps with choke points.Minus: Easily countered by a rush.Boomers can kill you easily at the start of the game Interesting: You can be guaranteed survival if you set up (back up) bases elsewhere to stop you from easily getting completely killed. But don't be tempted to send troops from your backup base to the base your losing. Because that can alert the enemy to your other bases location, if you do feel compelled to do so, make your troops travel around it, as to not let the enemy know your origination point. 6.4 Ambush Theory: This is just a trick that usually only works on AI opponents, but a similar tactic can be used against human players. You trick the AI into following some units you use to ambush them with. Then send in your 'real' army straight after. Actions: Make enough female citizens until you have 10, then set then to Food: 3, Wood 3, Stone 1 and Metal 3 This way- the resources needed to make soldiers will be at large- with the exception of "Karsken - Iberian Slinger" However, just keep popping up houses and outposts. And keep on making soldiers, until you have 50-60 - more would be better, but for an ambush, it has to be earlier in the game, before he masses up huge amounts of troops. Send a party of 10 into enemy territory, and do just enough to get the AI chasing you. At the time this is happening, march the other 40-50 troops just outside of your city. When the AI is chasing the 10, get them back to the city ASAP, but the AI will follow you, so it walks straight into the path of your 40-50 soldiers on "Aggressive" Stance. You kill all his troops- and just raid his city with your survivors, however, keep on making troops, you never know when or if he has a massive army into the Fog of War. This works with Multiplayer as well- Maybe in the early stages, your opponent is attempting a rush, and what you can do is rush him as well... Wait for his troops to exit his city, then just hit his city before it has a chance to get built up. Or if your opponent is booming another player, you can just boom him while he's booming another player. So- Rushs, Booming and Turtling are almost guaranteed suicide in Multiplayer if you are facing opponents with experience - and can see through the fog of war. Best for Hellenes or Celts - the Hellenes have the strongest troops - imagine an army of spartiates... and the Celts can mass their armies very easily. Plus: Once completed, not even the best offense can break you.Works well on large mapsWorks very well on maps with choke points. Minus: Easily countered by a rush.Boomers can kill you easily at the start of the game Interesting: You can be guaranteed survival if you set up (back up) bases elsewhere to stop you from easily getting completely killed. But don't be tempted to send troops from your backup base to the base your losing. 7.0 Tactics 7.1 Healing Station your troops in Buildings to heal faster – this is especially good for keeping your elite and advanced units alive if they have suffered damage. Healers have no functions yet, but once they do they will be able to heal your troops. You can train them at your temple. 7.2 Outposts Reclaim the country side by building small wall circles around resources and drop-sites. While placing outposts within the walls. Doing this exclusively for one resource can prove to cripple their economy just as badly as doing it for every resource.