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Everything posted by kkaallllee

  1. I saw this project called PORCHWIND, if someone is interessed can you look on this link: http://kadevelopment.swedishforum.net/t1-porchwind-announcment
  2. Hello, I just want to tell that the ARPG project PorchWind has possitions aviable if anyone is interested in develop ARPG.
  3. Can I edit the layout and icons in atlas editor? On trac it says that engine and that stuff is writen in c++ so can I use visual c++ 2010?
  4. Sounds good but maybe still mediterean intead of middle eastern beucase its more like arabian countries for me? Or what do you think?
  5. Thanks but I allready try to apply the Rise of the East mod. But thanks anyway
  6. Ok not really but maybe Italy?
  7. Thats a lot to be fixed but thanks for liking it! And my english isent very good but im learning every day
  8. I used your movies and some of the desktop pics on the website and made this: Click here!
  9. My vid really sucked so I made a new one: Trailer
  10. The project will not get in development beucase both the programer and animator. And then my friend (Design) leaved to. And here are I completly alone sooo...... yee, so nothing will happen with it as I look on it now....
  11. Niiice! The far east at this time is very interesting and ther arent so much good games about the east.... maybe AoE 3 Asian Dynasty but I didnt find the fun in that game...... whathever heres a sudgestion: Maybe a Mongol faction shulled do good?
  12. Maybe but its would be cynda hard find out (I bet it not appers on the first google search) but if you rite its lightweight the work a lot if you know what I mean And if Rise of Nation is that way its the exactly what I meant! But it will come out a bit more then just 3
  13. If you dont just make a exactly copy can you use it!
  14. I dont know what Rise of Nation is but you may haved played LoR The Battle of Middle Earth? Thanks for the names by the way
  15. Why I used latin was beucase it shulled work both for troia and greek. But if you translate it I really apreciate it . And that with horsemen I thought like this: Then training a unit you get a complete troop. And better units gets a smaller troop. Just for making it more balanced. The picture looked awsome it really gives me ideas!
  16. Any suggestion for the third unit in Myceneans Fort? And I just get blackout then trying to think of the Hittites Forts units! Someone with some ideas?
  17. I would go for the nr 2
  18. Ok! Thanks exactly what I needed!
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