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Everything posted by kkaallllee

  1. Ok this is an emerrassing question but: Were the troians like persians or like the hellens? (we didnt talk a lot about troia in school)
  2. Ok, looks good! If I were you I maybe combine the 2 and 3, and maybe 4 and 5. Just my opinion...
  3. ....if its just brainstorming or gamemaking! How far have you guys come? If its just planning I hope you guys start develop beuacase this idea: ROCKS!!!!!!
  4. I dont have time scanning through the topic so what is the six factions and what ages will it be?
  5. Ok but thats good! Have some sketches or models on the buildings/units?
  6. Here are 2 sketches I did on the house and barrack, just wondering if im whole wrong with the greek style and what I can do better. I really appreciate if someone can give them a better look beucase im really sucks on drawing.... whatever here they are:
  7. This topic maybe shull be removed beucase it will get up on trac if I understod it rite?
  8. It worked Thanks now I can do exactly what I wanted to! Thanks!
  9. Thanks but I´m pretty sure we keep the list as it is for now
  10. Great , dont just forget to write it on trac/wiki!
  11. We´ve uptated the planning so now ther more detailed (and we change that instead of sparta and athen we take both in one): Buildings: House-This will give you more unit slots Civ Center-Here you can buy citizens/salves (I dont really know what we will call them yet) Barrack-Here you train all normal units Stable-Here you train all cavalry Watch Tower-It defend as normaly Fortress-This is both as a Watch Tower and a barrack for special units No wall´s will appear as we look on it now......
  12. Ok! But there arent to be so much units for each faction? Beucase it will take a really long time then.....
  13. Maybe a bit less faction will make it more balenced?
  14. Its not just get in hmmm.... are it any other program that someone knows really works??
  15. It didnt work so I upated the blender to 2.5 and now it dont even shows the files then im trying to open them. If ther any other free program I shull be thank full if someone can list up some or at least one of them.
  16. Ok, I hope you guys get somwere with your mods (I´ve been trying for years and fail all the time, so this project I really hope somthing become done in )
  17. Ok, I hope the blender team can fix it and before they done it I can only edit non-animation models like tree´s and house´s? Or did I understand somthing wrong?
  18. yea i did not find another song on my cumputer and it shull be a movie instead of pics but I dont have a program for movie screenshot......
  19. But they dont get in blender... its come up un error code Someone know how I can import them into blender or need I another program?
  20. Hello, just wondering how to edit like a unit or house? Can I open them in blender or need I to do somthing with them first?
  21. Ok, but it´s will be easier to just make like 2 factions or 3 or 4. And it would probely become somthing if doing that (at least faster). But it´s your idea so if you wanna make it have fun then doing it
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