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Thorfinn the Shallow Minded

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Posts posted by Thorfinn the Shallow Minded

  1. I understand some of your concerns, but do realize that first, the game is in the alpha phase so expecting much balance or missing features is a bit unrealistic. Second, the depiction of women is different I will admit, yet in many conservative societies such as Athens, Rome, Persia, Macedonia, and others such was basically the case. Granted, with the Britons and Gauls letting them have the ability to build military structures seems rational. Sparta actually does feature relatively flexible female units. Realize though that regardless of something being sexist, there is a lot of fact behind the roles for women in the game. Having men be solely devoted to fighting is itself sexist. The final option is not exactly historically justifiable also. It is best to have an accurate yet working system, which is what 0 A.D. has; perhaps it is not perfect, but perfection is difficult to achieve regardless.

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  2. Realize formations should streamline it dramatically. Either way, economy is fairly automated. If a toggle option were integrated into the game, it would not be much more complex than myth units were to Age of Mythology, and furthermore, it should be rather intuitive. Regardless of your sentiments, which I admit have a valid basis, the plan is to incorporate such mechanisms into the combat system. I would say that making the game pace slower would be one way to accommodate more complicated aspects however.

  3. Faction Specifics (Trying to make each faction more unique through historical attributes)


    Athens as a faction with naval strength (especially mid-game), good tech/infantry/ranged units and an expand & protect focus.


    - Iphicratian Reforms, instead of the (silly imo) "train units from ships" bonus, should give speed bonuses to infantry units. Iphicrates improved Hoplite mobility and focused on skirmishers. Makes sense for a Civ with weak cavalry that focuses on expanding and protecting it's colonies.


    - Colonization (Civ Bonus): Civ Centers Cheaper or build faster

    - Athenian Empire (Civ Bonus): Civ Centers, Triremes or both provide a small tickle of metal.

    Athens' main strategy was founding colonies/allying coastal towns and protecting/taxing them.

    Actually, the Athenians did not plant that many colonies compared to cities like Corinth. Rather, I would recommend that they have trade and infrastructure bonuses. If there are philosophers, other Greek powers also had very influential ones so it should not be limited to only Athens but also Macedonia and the Ptolomies.

    Finally, regarding the choice of moving cavalry to the town phase, I think the the problem isn't so much that but repurposing them. Starting cavalry should be weaker and only used for purposes such as scouting and hunting. Without inventions like the saddle for for riders, charging would be relatively ineffective. A technology like that available during the town phase could be a logical idea.

  4. I would personally restrict the armor to heroes given how difficult it would be to access such a suit of armor at that time. On another note, maybe you could try to incorporate some shield variations such as using the shapes from this piece of pottery and the picture from the "Lion Hunt" dagger.



  5. Well, regardless of what the branch does, the game will change enough in the alpha that getting upset about one change is not terribly realistic considering that the way the game is will certainly be different over the next few alphas. The branch simply balances the game in its current state. A real problem is that the game does not have a finalized technology system that has balance between independent technologies and ones that involve choice; furthermore it obviously needs a good historical basis. Once that has been accomplished, balancing the game should be far easier.

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  6. Great, I like the idea to derive the champion limit the dynamically from the current population count.

    It would make defining the limits hard-coded obsolete.

    Not sure about walking speed, but couldn't we define it like in real world? e.g. Arabs might have swifter horses ... cavalry without any accessories is basically x times quicker than infantry and the like.


    horse: <50 miles / h

    human: <30 miles / h (Bolt)


    horse: 3..4 miles / h (3.7 mi/h => 6 km/h)

    human: 3.1 miles / h 5 km / h

    I would love a malus + bonus depending on the terrain texutre and slope.

    Having it depend on accessories' weight too would only add epicness.



    Although the data may seem convincing, consider the fact that many troops would be weighed down by armor, so running would be substantially slower in their case unless the stamina simply was drained a great deal. As far as the speed increase, I personally enjoy 0 A.D.'s slower paced gameplay. This is a patch dedicated to balancing the game, so such a modification is extraneous to the mod's overarching purpose, unless there is some way this change actually does balance the game as opposed to making 0 A.D. a more feverish to play game.

  7. I would personally recommend making it sound more Middle Eastern given the area. The elite would want it Hellenistic, but odds are that the commoners didn't bother much at all in changing it. Perhaps you could experiment with the differing styles.

  8. One question: why have the first level units be Neo-Hittites when the Assyrians were in fact a separate ethnic culture and were arguably existent before what is commonly identified as the Hittite Empire came into existence?

  9. I would not be so skeptical. Team members have shown earnest interest in separating the Iberians into the Lusitanians and Celtiberians. The buildings and units would began as simply being Iberian and Celtic models and gradually the team could replace them with more appropriate ones.

  10. Actually Harold Bluetooth, who lived circa A.D. 990, was a Christian who 'converted' all of Denmark to Christianity. I would recommend to have it be choice the player can make. They can remain pagan and have access to berserkers or convert and have a different bonus.

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