Adds a more advanced bot(based on PETRA) to the game.
UPDATE: Version 0.3.0
For the Volatile Market mod:
Added a feature for building an Embassy.
Prioritize exchanges to get resources(food, wood, stone, metal).
Batch Size changes depending on the amount of food resource available. The more resource available, the larger the size can be.
UPDATE: Version 0.2.1
Changing priorities and some other settings.
UPDATE: Version 0.2.0
Bot adapted for the Volatile Market mod.
Actively barters new resources and researches technologies.
Settings are more noticeable after 15-20min of play.
Focused on players with experience.
Bot with the same bonuses for each difficulty level as the basic PETRA.
At population limit(e.g. 300) it will hire units up to the ceiling.
More technology and economy oriented at the start.
More active in the Market.
Builds more buildings to hire units.