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Everything posted by mod_3d

  1. The screenshot of the tutorial , was shown only for general understanding, where the information was taken from while adding the resource to the game. gui/summary is the folders in the mod the full path may look like this: summary.js file /home/.local/share/0ad/mods/Name of your mod/gui/summary/summary.js var g_MaxHeadingTitle = 9; replace the value with 10 (if 1 new resource is added) summary.xml file /home/.local/share/0ad/mods/Name of your mod/gui/summary/summary.xml <repeat var=“x” count=“9”> replace value by 10(if 1 new resource is added) there are 5 such lines in the file
  2. This may be the game's plan, but Resources that are generated using the ResourceTrickle function are not displayed in the Total Gathered Resources tab.
  3. Bug fix. Modify the files in the summary folder by path: gui/summary summary.js file var g_MaxHeadingTitle = 9; replace the value with 10 (if 1 new resource is added) summary.xml file there are several such lines <repeat var="x" count="9"> replace value by 10(if 1 new resource is added)
  4. Mod updated(0.3.1) Fixed a bug in the Summary tab (for Resources and Market).
  5. Mod updated(0.3.0). Testing There are 8 Resources available in the game. Added description to the first post.
  6. Steps when adding a resource and a mod file: Volatile_Market_0_2_0.zip
  7. The resource was added according to the official tutorial (adding a new resource to the game) and in the game behaves correctly, but in the summary window there is an error.
  8. Adds a more advanced bot(based on PETRA) to the game. Settings are more noticeable after 15-20min of play. Focused on players with experience. Bot with the same bonuses for each difficulty level as the basic PETRA. At population limit(e.g. 300) it will hire units up to the ceiling. More technology and economy oriented at the start. More active in the Market. Builds more buildings to hire units. Possibility of limited recruitment of siege units: In the Civic Center added hiring of rams (limit 4 on the map) from the start of the game. Reduced resistance to Pierce. After building the Arsenal, the limit increases. bot_PETRA_Expert.zip
  9. Mod updated(0.2.0). Added description and video to the first post.
  10. UPDATE: Version 0.3.1 ( Fixed Summary tab ) NOTES: The mod changes some parts in the GUI. Access to Barter and Resources through the button in the top Panel. 8 Resources in the Game. New: Amphoras, Olives, Papyrus, Coins. Description: Base Barter rate at the start of the game: 100 to 82. After the first Barter on the Market, the rate for each resource starts to change dynamically. If 100 units of a resource can be exchanged for a number greater than 82 it means a more favorable rate. And vice versa. Dynamics of Rates: Standard - when prices are updated, the rate can increase or decrease with equal probability, i.e. 50%/50%. Growing - when prices are updated, the rate is more likely to rise than to fall. For example 85% increase, 15% decrease. New Resources are available only in the Civic Center (technology) and Market (technology and barter). The Civic Center generates new resources 2 times faster than the Market. Amphora Available to all factions in CC and Market through technology. standard price standard dynamics Olives standard price standard dynamics Access : Market through technology in all factions CC Production is available to the following factions through technology Athens Iberians Macedonians Ptolemies Rome Sparta Papyrus standard price standard dynamics Access : Market through technology in all factions without bonuses CC Ptolemies first technology is available in Phase 1. The rest of the factions from Phase 2. Coins Price: standard Dynamics: Growing (this resource increases in price during the game) Available to all factions in CC and Market through technology. Version(0.2.0): Added 5th type of resource "Coins" The resource is NOT AVAILABLE for mining on the map, and for traders moving between markets. Ways to get the resource: 1.It is possible to barter for other resources in the Market. 2.The Civic Centers and the Markets generate coins after researching technologies: Technology branch in the Civic Center (Coinage). Technology branch in the Market (Profit from local comerce) Feature of this resource: Has positive price dynamics Coins become more expensive over time. Preview Version(0.2.0) on YOUTUBE: Market in the Mod: After the first Deal, prices become dynamic, in other words they change: 1.If players Barter resources in the Market 2.If players do NOT Barter resources on the Market The exchange rate may gradually decrease or increase over time. In a new game, the exchange rates will be different from the previous game. Each next trade will increase or decrease the price differently. The interval between updates has been increased to 7sec. The market recovers unevenly for each update interval. Infrequent events where there is a significant jump in rates. Installation method: Right-click on the archive Select open with - specify 0 AD. In the Settings menu the Mod should be displayed in Green color. Save and Restart the game Volatile_Market.zip Volatile_Market_0_2_0.zip Volatile_Market_0_3_1.zip
  11. Update: Version 0.1.1 Trading has become more profitable. Building a Dock will give a small boost to food, even if there are no fish on the map. Increased bonus from trade. Market The number of traders on the map is limited. Building a Wonder increases the Limit Market construction is available from Phase 1, the cost is increased. Will give a boost to all 4 resources (local trade). Construction of the next market is not closer than 150m. Increased bonuses from trading between your markets, and from trading with allies. Forge Construction is available from Phase 1. Some technologies have been moved to a lower phase. BOSSY Bot: Builds Markets from the beginning of the game and actively trades. More actively uses barter.
  12. On the first screen(6 batches of 2) the cost of the queue at the time of its formation is 6 * the cost of 1 batch. The cost of inactive 5 batches in the queue are removed from the balance. On the second one, the cost of the queue will be the cost of 1 active batch at the time it is ordered. The length of the queue is any. The difference in the number of resources .
  13. Is there any way to make the bot create an auto queue(which is available to the player)? Bot's queue As shown in this screenshot. Player's queue
  14. Update Version 0.1.0 Added BOSSY bot difficulty level - very hard Builds 3 barracks actively researching technologies No extra bonuses Game stats: BOSSY(blue) with PETRA(red) Towers Mechanics changed: can be built closer together garrison limit reduced to 1 construction cost increased default number of projectiles is increased (up to 5 for regular towers and 10 for stone towers). spread increased increased reload time Mechanics of recruitment of units has been changed: for : champions, elephants, mercenaries(cost increased), cavalry, and some ranged units hiring from phase 1, access in the Civ Center map limit match limit For example: Persians can hire Elephants from the start of the game, but there can't be more than 4 of them on the map at the same time. Hiring for the whole game is limited to 20. Added male suppport-unit, slingers, archers and spear throwers. Resource extraction characteristics are high throwing characteristics low Possibility to hire support units in warehouses and farms
  15. As far as I remember, you don't have the bot configuration files themselves in Delenda Est.
  16. In Delenda Est - PETRA could not build fields, but by manually increasing his fruit supply he could develop noticeably. This applied to an early version of the mod. I haven't tried it now.
  17. VERSION 0.0.3. All factions are now able to hire Heroes in Civ Center from the first phase of the game. Sparta - Spartiates can be hired in Civ Center with a limit of 10. The limit can be increased by building a unique building. Britons - military dogs can be hired in Barracks, Stables and Civ Center. Limit 30 Added technology branches. Testing PETRA Changes Added Hero, War Dogs, and Spartiates hiring priority starting in the first phase of the game. Actively researching technologies.
  18. Mod Updated. Added screenshots and description to the first post.
  19. Fishing boats and some other parameters can be customized in the AI/Perta/config.js file sample code this.Economy = { "popPhase2": 80, // How many units we want before aging to phase2. "workPhase3": 160, // How many workers we want before aging to phase3. "workPhase4": 300, // How many workers we want before aging to phase4 or higher. "popForDock": 25, "targetNumWorkers": 800, // dummy, will be changed later "targetNumTraders": 40, // Target number of traders "targetNumFishers": 30, // Target number of fishers per sea "supportRatio": 0.35, // fraction of support workers among the workforce "provisionFields": 4 };
  20. Yes, that solved the issue of unnecessary calculations outside the building aura. But it looks like the stackable effect is from neighboring buildings, not units.
  21. Example aura, but the change calculation heppen even when the units are not near the building. Is there any way to specify recalculation of indicators at the moment of action, and avoid unnecessary calculations? { "type": "range", "radius": 60, "affects": ["Soldier"], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Capture/Capture", "add": 0.2 } ], "stackable": true, "auraName": "Capture Bonus", "auraDescription": "Each Soldier in range increases capture points by 0.2. The effect is stackable.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" }
  22. Added archive with mod to the first post. Changed some settings of AI behavior and unit stats.
  23. The AI has no bonuses compared to the player, other than the ones it already had(ie on the hardest level it's +56% to gathering speed, and trading). Changes For AI : limit of fishing boats - increased to 40 limit of traders - increased to 50 batch size some priorities expanded minimum and target limits for unit recruitment Changes to the stats of buildings, units, technologies and resources apply to the player as well.
  24. Hi! A description of some of the changes and mechanics: Added BOSSY bot +batch size : random number in the range of approximately (5, 30) and increases with population growth +technology manager : increased priority for researching economic technologies from the warehouse, as well as some others + various configuration changes : customizations refer to the level of difficulty very complex + selection of units for rush, etc. increased RESOURCES: increased deposits Each next unit will have some additional bonus, that is, the more units involved, the faster the mining. UNITS: Melee Infantry changed parameters Ranged Infantry changed parameters Added paired branch of technology in the forge. One increases Range and Dispersion, the other decreases Dispersion. The ability to attack buildings is NOT available, but the range for capturing has been increased and a bonus has been added. The Civic Center has access to up to 6 Ram's from the start of the game. Building an Arsenal increases the limit. With these changes, PETRA can be more effective. Foundation Buildings are built with 50 XP and have increased durability. TOWERS Can be built closer together, but increased time to reload. MARKET Resources are exchanged at different rates. Metal is the most expensive. Almost all buildings give a bonus to population so that the AI can scale. NOTE: The mod is in the early testing and balancing phase. It is intended for more advanced players. The highest difficulty level may differ markedly from the vanilla version of the game. Easy difficulty levels look like they should remain unchanged. INSTALLATION: Extract the archive to the folder with mods and activate it in the menu. BOSSY_0_1_0.zip BOSSY_0_1_1.zip
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