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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-08-02 in all areas

  1. The names are as correct as possible, but there's no guarantee ofc. Some civs have not a lot of written documents, which makes it hard to find plausible names. You'll also see that not all buildings have historic names yet. Some just have a question mark.
    4 points
  2. I think the anims were not good enough for @Enrique (The guy in charge here) that and people being busy So hopefully you improved ones will be okay
    1 point
  3. You really did a great job with these animations, hopefully I hadn't worked too much on my own version. I have corrected 2 small issues I found : a couple duplicate vertices (likely created when mirroring) and a deformation at the bottom of the neck in the walk animation. I have also added groin movements in the idle animation. Maybe overdone though. What is stopping it from being added to the next release ? Pig4.7z
    1 point
  4. Thanks stanislas69, here's the zip: gorilla_diffuse.zip Now I move to the musk ox texture rework (if nobod catch me before! ) => https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20583-musk-ox-model-texture-enhancement/
    1 point
  5. Hello, Are the names of the buildings and units historically authentic? Since I am Arab and I know that Arabic is derived from Phoenician (Carthage), I remarked that some words are so close to the actual Arabic (when playing Carthage certainly) ... Are those names historically correct or were just made up for the game? Great work, I love this game Thanks
    1 point
  6. Thanks @Lion.Kanzen, I already had you in mind for that task Unfortunately I won't have time till weekend to do further work, but I hope I can upload the mod within a week.
    1 point
  7. Here is a better version, with 128² texture : The photoshop 3d module helped me to clean texture seam (it's not very accurate, but for this resolution it works pretty well ) P.S.: on the left is 256 texture map, not the one used in game...
    1 point
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