Depends on what kind of map you are talk about. For Skirmish maps, King of the Hill skirmish object can be place in most skirm maps by designer. But yeah, I would like to see Skirmish map be able to have multiple victory condition possible set by the designer in Atlas. Maybe even extend this to allow true and false and recommend. So, can choose recommended victory conditions, victory conditions that are allowable, but map not specifically designed for, and then victory condition it specifically does not allow. But maybe this is complicaed.
I would like to see this be a wonder of the world, one of the 7 wonders. If it is desert map this wonder is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (the Persian wonder is change to Gate of All Nations, I can't wait to see this, fam). If it is a temeperate map, this wonder is the Stonehenge (Britons get the White Horse of Uffington to replace). If it is a Greek map, it can be the Colossus of Rhodes (this can look really awesome). Egypt map? The Great Sphinx. Capture this wonder for X minutes and you are the king of the hill. Game can add cool structure from history to the game this way that you won't find with the current available civs. So, the Temple of Jerusalem can be one. Temple of Artemis.Thing like these.