I'm not into maya, but I found some stuff that may help: http://vandaengine.org/exporting-from-maya-opencollada-collada/ Another way: Export to FBX and convert to COLLADA:
I mean two different things, in the sea there is no reference about the fishes, hard to send the ships to got some resources if u cant find any place to farm, and the warships u cant see if they are attacking or not, arrows are really small too. Thas waht i meaning in the post before. sorry my english, Spanish my main Language. Greetings
Because Rome in 0AD Empires Ascendants ( the first part of the game) is based in middle republic ( around Punic wars) before Marian reform. You can see it in the Document designhttp://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Romans_Republican