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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-11-28 in all areas

  1. Update #1 A week has past and so it's time for another update. The map has received a number of painting updates including Geographical changes suggested by Prodigal Son. Also the field of Marathon is moved a little to the North East to better match the original circumstances: We also included a visibility flag like you once saw in AoK: It's non-selectable and indestructible but has a vision range and a player owner. That concludes it for this week. More updates are Work in Progress and will be included in coming updates so keep in touch!
    2 points
  2. Perhaps you could slightly edit the terrain to make the east more of a block of land by removing that north-east "lake", and place a new Isthmus to the west? This would make the geography of the region much closer to accurate without major edits. Still Marathon and Athens would be rather misslocated though. Besides the geography restrictions the use of the pre-made map causes, it looks great:)
    2 points
  3. Hi everyone! We decided it would be a good idea to do some pioneering work on trigger-based scenarios. Hence we are going to create a trigger-based scenario called Athens Triumphant. The main purpose of this project is logically to do pioneering work on triggers, to provide a base for other maps and to get our Scenario Designers accustomed with the Trigger functionality in 0 A.D. This scenario deals with the Greco-Persian Wars. We divided it roughly into three parts: Battle of Marathon, Defense of Athens and the Battle of Salamis. We created a story diagram to give an easily readable overview of the story line. Note that this could be changed in the future. We have used the Athens Sandbox as a base to build our map upon. Here is the current status (with some triggerpoints and names placed): We'll keep you up-to-date with weekly updates! Keep in touch!
    1 point
  4. good work; the fog makes it difficult to see details, but it adds to the winter wonderland motif
    1 point
  5. Appreciate the scenario inputs, Thorfinn! We might as well put those ideas in a similar scenario in the future. However, we have used the sandbox Athens map to make map-making easier and less time-consuming, so we can only put ideas and scenario objectives within the constraints of the map itself. Having said that, I have started the painting of the map, and lo, my inadequate painting :
    1 point
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