The early Muscovite Period marked the starting point of the rise of Russian Civilization. Not European, nor Asian, the Russians are a people unique. Join this glorious civilization, as they break the shackles of Mongolic oppression and march towards the construction of one of the greatest empires to ever exist on earth.
-Two centuries of Mongol domination weren’t just about submission. The Eastern Slavs learned and incorporated a great deal of the Golden Horde’s combat techniques. Extensive use of cavalry and archery play a big part in this faction’s fighting. Agile archer riders, often having a powerful saber in the reach of their hands are the strong point of the Russian Army.
-Long swords, as found in Western European lands, were almost totally surpassed by the Asiatic-style saber, a much cheaper, faster, and easy-to-handle kind of weapon. Long swords are restricted to a few noble champion units.
-The crossbow, a lethal artifact imported from the Far East, is one of the aces used by this people. Have a regiment of quick-fire crossbowmen in your army to shoot certain death at your enemy.
-Units are cheaper and faster trained than most civilizations’, what eases the possibilities of an early attack. Warriors have, however, weaker armor.
-The vast majority of buildings are made of wood, what makes them cheap and fast to build.
-Unique structures include the Bath House, where injured units are healed quickly.
-The Orthodox Priest has one of the strongest conversion powers. Update him to Patriarch to enhance conversion power, especially over non-Christian units.
-Lumbering rate is the fastest in game.
-Train only pigs at corral, which are more nutritious than cattle and also fastest to breed and butch.
-Cheap and fastly trained military.
- Low use and need of metals.
Concepts to follow soon.