I could make the planner somewhat faster, but the main function is still a recursive one. So, I still have to convert it into a while loop, because FF's profiler doesn't help with recursive calls. However, now it is ready to optimize for either cost or time and it is more robust now. I have tested it on all units and structures of athen, hele and mace found in the triple store, which gives a cost report like this: depth iter msec ops Name time food wood stone metal 78 79 13 20 units.hele.ship.trireme 535 850 1900 150 108 109 14 24 structures.mace.wonder 2035 850 3000 2400 2000The costs are total, as if you start with a CC only. Time is the minimum with one unit building and excludes gathering resources. I didn't manage to make nice tables here, shots are attached. The report generator is also online. If someone has a machine planning a units.athen.champion.marine in less than 5 msecs, I'd like to know...