Athenians I like Mythos_Ruler's suggestions, though of course all of the Hellenic factions need a functional Phalanx Formation. Britons I like the idea of two types of War Dogs and the free Kennel. Carthaginians I believe the Naval Shipyard should also get the tech pair suggested for the Athenians and/or the ability to garrison ships in the Naval Shipyard for repair, something to make them the naval power they were demonstrated to be throughout history. Also, I would like them to be able to garrison 10 troops in their wall towers as I believe it was planned. The animal capture feature is of course needed. Gauls Since they recently received the Tavern and Naked Fanatics, I think something could be done with them, though I don't really have any ideas since I haven't got to use them yet. Iberians Tactical Guerrilla aura and Flaming Javelins are definitely needed, basically what is already planned for them. Macedonians I really like them as they are, since they basically have everything except a Cavalry Archer and Syntagma Formation not functioning yet. And somebody needs to get the Thracian Black Cloak, if not the Macedonians then someone else. Mauryans They really just need what is already planned for them. Persians I like Mythos_Ruler's suggestions. I also like the idea of giving them a Champion Elephant and the Scythian Cavalry Archer. Ptolemies Can they also build more Civic Centers in addition to the Military Settlements? Romans A functional Testudo Formation and possibly the Marian Reforms is all they need, though I don't like the idea of the Entrenched Army Camp and Siege Walls being completely temporary. Seleucids I like Mythos_Ruler's suggestions for the Hellenic Reforms. Spartans I like the suggestion of a free Spartan Hoplite for each House built, though I also like the old idea for The Agoge of the Barracks and Military Mess Halls providing a population bonus. Thebans I still say the Thebans could be interesting, especially since they are the other major Hellenic power during the City-States period, so it seems like it would be a disservice to the time period not to include them eventually. Though this isn't the place for such discussion.