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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-02-16 in all areas

  1. Generally, maps with fewer obstructions (trees, water, impassable mountains) will make the pathfinder's job easier. Splitting up large formations (e.g. 160 units) into 5 groups of 32 will also help performance. Avoid tasking formations to walk through a forest or a sea of buildings.
    3 points
  2. You can also give your computer a little boost by reducing graphic settings. In particular try running with renderactors=false.
    2 points
  3. And smaller maps generally are a lot faster than bigger as well. Water maps are best avoided at all in play against AIs as they don't support them yet.
    2 points
  4. Most of our developers use Windows 7 or 8. So, there aren't many (or any) compatibility issues specific to Windows 8.
    2 points
  5. Now, no one can see the future so who knows what will happen in the end. However, I would actually say we have had more issues with the funding we have received than getting work done without it =) Though I would say you are "correct" in one of your fears: I don't think work will really ever end on 0 A.D. (well, ever might be taking it too far of course, but for many years). But I hope and believe that it will be in the sense of improving and adding to rather than it never getting to a "1.0" or full release or whatever you want to call it
    2 points
  6. Maybe I could ? What is needed ? Edit Made the Animation of the Cart Edit 2 : Also, It would be nice to have the same props as the corral for player color, you know the little tissue stuff on the fence.
    1 point
  7. I've also listened to some other tips: - Stuck workers/units cause a lot of pathfinder lag (works, have reduced lag by searching and moving a stuck unit). - People with slow computers or connections cause lag (multiplayer, should be true). - Long distances between player locations, like one being in Canada and one in Europe, might cause lag (multiplayer, no clue if true). - Slower game speed (like x 0.75) reduces lag (no clue if true). For me graphic settings made no real difference on lag and I have a 2008 computer with 4GB ram (I guess this helps a lot) and an old Nvidia 9600GT graphic card.
    1 point
  8. It's available in the development version, and will be available in the next Alpha version I guess Wraitii forgot it wasn't in the last Alpha
    1 point
  9. I'd prefer changing the cloth in other buildings (since there's not overused except in the blacksmith) to these new ones, which IMO look much better.
    1 point
  10. One thing I would suggest is to make the market use the same cloth textures as the other buildings in the set, just for visual consistency. Or at least use them as variations.
    1 point
  11. At least it would be nice to have an option to check the settings while in game.
    1 point
  12. Once we have a need for it, I don't really think we've had enough multiplayer related content to warrant a new forum just yet at least. You have to remember that with every new forum added it's another place people have to look before they might find what they are looking for, so it's not always a good idea (+ of course the more forums there are --> the bigger risk that two forums are so similar that people are uncertain which one to post in. Not necessarily an issue with a forum related to Multiplayer though, but still something to keep in mind in general.)
    1 point
  13. The AI developmemt has made some more progress and another new idea could be put together:The decision tree now is connected to the commanders in chief. That adds yet another level of strategy as it now is meaningful if the senate (in Roman Republic Mod Branch's peacetime mode) or You (in current 0 A.D.'s Emperor/Dictator mode) decide to replace a commander. The new commander will have a completely different set of military experience (decision tree) and might surprise your enemy with unexpected tactics.I hope we get the AI into contact with Aegis in a few months. Should such kind of AI really turn out invincible (at the later simulation) then we should try to figure its best commanders and capture it or wait until the most capable commanders have died of age. Really can't await seeing this algorithm in action ...
    1 point
  14. First I hacked a few lines into the shared code, so AI's could register a callback. Then I stepped deeper into your code and it looks like Aegisbot.savedEvents has all I need. So I started a simple game and watched event tv in dbgView. What I understood is 'Create' is called when training starts, but it lacks the owner. 'TrainingFinished' is more useful and 'Destroy' is nice too. Similar to 'ConstructionFinished'. What I want to achieve is what I call 'Groups' actually EntityCollections subclassed. Let's say the manager or mayor of a civic centre asks for more food. He launches a Group of 5 females and one field, all do not exist. So the group asks the major for females, once trained they get automatically assigned to the group choosing a place for the field and let them work. That part should work by push not by poll. It would be simple (one possibility) if postcommand returns the ids of the future entities. All needed then is a dictionary/map with the ids as key and the callback as value. When 'TrainingFinished' comes in I would just dispatch the message via callback and the id to the Group which then takes care. When 'Destroy' comes in the Group asks for a new female and the entry got deleted from the map . Similar with 'Destroy' field. I understand that is currently not possible, what I'm planning now, not tested, is polling idle entities not registered in a Group, check which Group has asked for these kind of entities and set up the dispatcher accordingly. That way the mayor only deals with resource allocation and training entities. Groups ensure no idle workers. And on top I believe that system would also work nicely with armies. Another idea is that in easy mode the mayor does not launch e.g. repair groups listening at 'Attack' events. Does that makes sense? Btw, two questions: Is there any possibilitiy to communicate with the AI once the game runs? Maybe with chat commands, clicking at hot spots, mouse gestures, konami code, whatever? Just to trigger functions. I've found the developer overlay, very useful, can an AI also draw shapes on the map, just for debugging? Or how can I use dumpimage? Google is of no help.
    1 point
  15. This game is already in the make for years so why sould it not come very far? maybe progress is slow but there is progress.+ look how the game looks mutch better then any AOE
    1 point
  16. I like PataƱjali as well.
    1 point
  17. Next update for the Assyrians! The main additions are Akkadian unit and structure names, as well as some accompanying illustrations (good thing the Assyrians were skilled at crafting these incredibly detailed reliefs; it's making my job a lot easier). Neo-Assyrians-0.3.pdf
    1 point
  18. Here is a pdf of my progress on the civ document so far: Neo-Assyrians.pdf
    1 point
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