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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-18 in all areas

  1. @Romulus: Let's end this discussion. By all means make a mod that does not have infinite farming and does exactly what you want, I'll be glad to try it out and so will many other people. However infinite farming is a design choice that seems settled for most people and I believe we're no longer doing any constructive arguing. We seem to be repeating the same arguments over and over on both sides and that will lead us nowhere.
    2 points
  2. I just want to say that, regardless of the final game and if there's an unlimited farms or not, that you guys are making a great project. Not only its free and awesome, you always are open for the fan feedback (of course, they cann't do it everything that is suggested) People should think about it, its only a game. And remember, you are arguing against another human that are making that not for money. Be a little more humble, please...!
    2 points
  3. Hi all, Its probably too late into the development now for it to be of any use, but I thought to just post some concept sketches I've done/doing. Starting with the Civ Center, because I remembered saying somewhere that the current design don't feel "Han Dynasty" enough. (Sorry to be so blunt) Its just for fun mainly but it would be sick if they can help with future development in any way at all! Sorry if it look a bit crappy, I'm no good! I'm working on the rest of the buildings and there will probably be units as well when I have time. EDIT: Noticed that I've written the plaque text the wrong way round, so I moved them.
    1 point
  4. I think the problem with these portraits is one of contrast. Either the background should be light and the subject dark, or the subject light and the background dark. Right now, the backgrounds and the subjects are all within the same range of brightness and contrast and saturation. Muddles the portrait and makes some of them useless at lower resolution (as what would be a UI button). Also, the colors and saturation are completely out of range when compared to the rest of the UI and things like tech buttons and building buttons. Most importantly, the UI needs a consistent artistic direction and right now we are not achieving that.
    1 point
  5. This is what I want. It's been up on Trac nearly 2 years. All the other ideas out there don't really address some of the core concerns, while this ticket does. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1318 EDIT: In fact, some of the maps already have farmland terrain on them.
    1 point
  6. In this case I really think it’s a “less is more” type thing. The current background—and this holds true for a lot of current and potential backgrounds—is somewhat distracting at 40x40. So while a flat color would just be ugly, you do need something that barely contrasts itself but strongly contrasts the guy. Maybe a very blurred out (Gaussian blur with a very high radius, I’d guess like 12px), desaturated picture or painting of... something Greek. Although it needn’t even be recognizable, so the Greek requirement could probably be dropped. =P
    1 point
  7. Hello everybody, Yesterday i looked on IndieDB for a cool game to be playing and I came aross 0 A.D. First of all I want to thank all volunteers at Wildfire Games for making such a great game, with only donations! When I first played this game I was amazed by the graphics and how stable this game is for an Alpha build. I also got some nostalgic feelings from AoE 2 when I played this game. Probably because this was first a mod for that game. I made a video showcasing this awesome game, full of nostalgic feelings from AoE 2. Perhaps my channel isnt that big, but I hope that its fun Sorry if the sounds are to loud at some points. This is the first time I have to change settings in the game folder itself Back to playing this game, now JMLigthart PS: Keep up the great development of this game.
    1 point
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