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  1. One way to add avert the priests-as-healer trope would be to have physicians as a trainable unit and have them be more effective healers while priests be units that act as general support units. Or just have doctors be more effective priests.
    1 point
  2. American conquest did this incredibly well, there was no micro needed as the formations were considered as single (yet reasonably flexible) entities. I would love to have something like this for 0 AD, it would reduce micro of the current sloppy formation building and repositioning And the morale system was amazing, if units started to get cut down left and right the survivors would turn tail and book it to the nearest fortress, zig-zag and be unselectable for a time. Each unit had it's own morale strengths and weaknesses. Central american natives in particular were terrified of horses and guns (which required constant regrouping of soldiers) it gives more immersion than having all units have just suicidal amounts of loyalty
    1 point
  3. OK,I'm going to start modeling/texturing the market for Ptolemaic kingdom and will post WIP in 1-2.
    1 point
  4. Door's a little shorter now, propped the roof. Pulled back the drapery I agree with you Lion, the Farmstead does look way too similar to the house variations. maybe there should be more than three house variations to begin with but... ptolemies... need to grind out those ptolemaic buildings!
    1 point
  5. At the moment, I would say all. Manually canceling units from garrisoning should be easier than manually adding units to a garrison, and I don't trust simple heuristics to micromanage my game for me, anyway. On a different tangent, I think it's also more mod-friendly if it's not hard-coded to distinguish female workers from other workers (soft-coding is fine provided the modders can easily change it). For example, mods with only one type of workers or mods where female workers are more proficient in combat.
    1 point
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