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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-10-08 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone ! I'm new here, i discovered the game last week, and i need to say that i'm very impressed by the quality of your work ! I'm a french archaeology student, specialised in "protohistory" (bronze and iron age in France). I have some suggestion,i hope that i'm in the good section. I'll try to do my best in english, and not be too boring. I will make some post about the Gallics, they will be related to an aspect of the game each time. Take this like a post about the last archaeological discoveries of the gauls. The lastest news will be in Bold ! Introduction : Gallics were exellent traders, craftmens, farmers, and of course warriors... but it's always difficult to describe them. For a long time they were depicted like barbarian, stupid and violent. Text made by Roman or Greek author were not true all the time. To be fair, if the celtics tribes had a chance to do the same (supposing they choose to wrote), i think that they won't say only beautiful things about their neighbors ... Of course that could be explained, for exemple, Bellum Gallicum , wrote by Caesar is also a propaganda text, he needs argument during the war, and depict the celtic tribes as nice and peaceful people were not the best idea to convice the senat that they should invade the gauls. The confrontation between excavation and text is very usefull, it allow us to find the better theory about life of the gallics, since twenty or thirty years major improvement were made. We can point out the truth and the lies between the different text, name some discovery made during an excavation... In some subjects they were better than the mediteranean people. But in other they were worse. A / Stuff irrevealent to the game : This part is especially about the things that won't impact on the gameplay, but may be interesting to know. I'll try to present the way of life of the gallics. For exemple : -Better ship (Caesar says it himself during the battle against the Venetes in Brittany), strongest because made for the Atlantic ocean an not the mediteranean sea. -Better chariot (also carriage, wagon ...), they also invented the Vallus (prototype of the combine Harvester), and an important road system (that Caesar didn't forget to use btw...). So they had a very good trading system, they were able to make Lille-Marseille in less than a month. -they invented the horseshoes (the roman use another thing called "hypposandale", i don't know the word in english). -They invented the chainmail, and the curb/chain for fix the sheath to the hip, also the milimeter iron sheet (used for the whell, the barells, the cauldron and more). -They we're able to craft glass (it appears that Roman learn that from them) -They were not barbarian : rasor, mirror, invention of the soap and the matress. So they were pretty clean (for some of them). -They were using pants unlike the mediteranean people, called "Braies". -They also invented the salting for meat (smoked ham) and were expert of salt trading (in antiquities, salt is one of the most important resource because it's the only way to storing meat/fish ...). B / Stuff that could be added : 10/07/13 : Today i want to present you an odd instrument : The Carnyx I think the Carnyx should be implemented in the game, i don't know how, but this will be great ! Like a special unit for buff or somehing like that. it's one the major specificities of a gallics armies in battle. There is a lot of picture about it on the internet. They was an old topic (2008) about the subject, i made this one aniway because i hope to see it in the future, but i'm aware that it may be really hard to do. I will present more interesting things in the next post. C / Stuff that should be modified : About the war : -The hearth of the Gallic army is cavalry, they are really fond of horses, and they bought it from very far away (the gallic horse is short, and loke like a pony, but for the war they were able to use bigger horse, coming from other lands). After that they is also the trained infantry and mercenaries, well-equiped. The rest of the army is made of peasants and ineperienced people. - About architecture : We know today that the classic fortification is called the Murus Gallicus - About the religion : 10/10/2013 - Celtic sanctuary of Gournay-sur-Aronde has been found thirty years ago, it was the only exemple of celtic sanctuary found in France (with the one found in Ribemont-sur-Ancre) for a long time. Today the gallics sanctuary are more documented. In the central europa they're called "viereckschanzen", in France "enceinte quadrangulaire" (quadrangular enclosure).
    1 point
  2. The Phoenician (still in Bronze Age): Phoenician war vessel (Bronze Age)
    1 point
  3. Hi folks, I'm the "colleague" that GunChleoc kept referring to regarding the Basque/Old Irish translations. Since I'll be working on the Gaelic localization with her, might as well pick up another account I agree that not using Spanish is preferrable to begin with. Using Iberian is something that we can probably forget about to begin with. We can read the script but apart from a half dozen translations which seem probable, we don't know the meaning of any of them (ignoring "decipherments" by fringe "linguists" like Arnaiz-Villena). The il-/ir- root in any case (if it means settlement) seems to have been a Sprachbund (i.e. shared across language boundaries) with Proto-Basque so that's not a problem for using Proto-Basque. Celtiberian is somewhat better attested and readable but if we're mainly using some form of Basque, mixing the two will turn into an evil headache very fast. It would be like saying "For the Saxons, because Saxon is poorly attested, let's use a mix of Finnish and French". There will be endless posts and arguments about which feature to pick from which language. There won't be much usable material from Aquitanian, most of it comes from funeral stelae which follow the Roman pattern of "erected by X for Y" so we mostly have a bunch of names. On the bright side, procuring Proto-Basque is not impossible (I'm working on it, I already have the short list, I just wanted to double-check a couple of things before posting). Fortunately a lot of work has been done on reconstructing it and in any case, some phonetic changes and loanwords aside, Basque is an unusually conservative language (the reason for why we can read the little Aquitanian we have so easily). Zezen, by the way would be a bad choice for "monument", the Basques of old sacrificed goats, not cows
    1 point
  4. Here is a first try for the library, I used a lot of props from Enrique models. Polycount around 7100 tris. Any suggestion?
    1 point
  5. I would include "native" or "mini-factions" as post-release free DLC (probably as part of our post-release patches, to sweeten the deal). And then I would only use them in scenarios and skirmish maps, so that they can be used judiciously and uniquely by the designer. I'd rather they be a "special" feature of some maps rather than something that's used all of the time in random maps and whatnot. They could also be useful in campaigns. To make sure they are actually implemented, it is best to think of ways to include them without much extra programming. Try to think of things that we are going to include anyway, then just build on those. For instance, best to think of a way to use the planned 'capture' feature and integrate that into your plans instead of coming up with a whole-new way of doing things. This way, your pet feature (in this instance, mini-factions) is easier to implement, making it more likely to be implemented. Just my advice.
    1 point
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