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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-07-23 in all areas

  1. Hi! I found it quite interesting to read the technical discussion and progress reports on this forum. I think it is incredible what you all have accomplished. It seems like backwards compatibility is an important goal. I believe performance is the best way to ensure broad compatibility. I am by no means an expert in this field, but it sometimes comes down to backwards compatibility vs performance. When opting for backwards compability over performance, you are making it unplayable on many systems. Systems with low (single) threaded cpu performance like : AMD bobcat, Jaguar and K8. And systems with low GPU performance like intel (GMA) HD4500, HD2000+ and other low end graphics cards. The developer behind Banished saw a 25+% fps boost in a scene when he changed the api from DirectX 9.0c to 11 on his nvidia 610m based laptop. I understand that newer standards doesn't always mean better performance, but as I mentioned before, good performance is the best way to ensure as many as possible is able to play your fantastic game. -Norvegia
    1 point
  2. Well, unlike common thought, there are many mountains which have rounded and flat peaks.
    1 point
  3. The problem is that people using Steam or similar services expect complete, functional games. 0 A.D. is not complete, nor completely functional and requires quite a bit of polish (look at all the discussion about performance issues). So bringing 0 A.D. in this alpha state to Steam would generate a lot of complaints and perhaps cast a negative picture of both this game and Steam (as a portal to good, carefree gaming). I would advice against it until the game is better able to deliver on its promise (please don't take this the wrong way, I like the game, it just needs some time). For now, it seems wiser to invest time and resources in the game itself or attracting developers, rather then growing the number of players.
    1 point
  4. Carthaginian Blacksmith concept: What do you guys think, like it?
    1 point
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