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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-05-31 in all areas

  1. That wouldn't address the problem in this ticket or Mythos' suggestion, it would only be a minor visual enhancement. Wraitii is correct that it has never been implemented since the simulation rewrite. Building placement is buggy all around, walls are maybe the worse case, because they need to reach otherwise impassable terrain to seal it off (not only cliffs but shorelines). And there's a ticket for it, so we only need someone to work on that http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1610
    1 point
  2. I imagine it is simpler if you have a clear idea of what sounds you want where. But if you look at a map like this, the designer doesn't really seem to have given much thought to aesthetics/realism, and still it can go on to be popular, and "shape" the multiplayer experience. So we can let those kinds of maps "rot in hell" so-to-speak as far as ambient sound is concerned, or we can at least let the sound follow the general theme of the layout and terrain.
    1 point
  3. I couldn't find anything on trac, so here's the ticket: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1953
    1 point
  4. I would like to know if and how in detail it is planned to add and/or support collision detection and line of sight. I read (http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=17334) that it's not planned. IMO line of sight and collision detection (for projectiles mainly. Units could be handled by the pathfinder) is a quite basic feature of an engine to be realistic. That doesn't necessarily mean everything should be checked for collision/sight blocking (as said in the post). Line of sight calculation for rough terrain and buildings would do I guess. About the same for projectile collision. AFAIK collision detection with the terrain is already implemented (arrows that miss stick in the ground). I'd appreciate a small information about what is planned and what is already in concerning this.
    1 point
  5. The elephants really need new sound, they sort of roar weirdly and often. Ideally the Mauryan worker elephant would have different sounds from fighting elephants. At that point I think it's easier and more flexible to just allow the map designer to place a sound emitter.
    1 point
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