true, but Thermopylae is still one of the most famous battles of the Ancient Worldjumping off my earlier suggestions, a thought occurs to me. perhaps, instead of focusing on everyone civilization at a given point, each of the six original civs is represented instead: just one of the Hellenic factions, just one of the Celtic ones, the Iberians, the Romans, the Persians, and the Carthaginians in various settings from their most famous historical events: again, the Greek representative could be Thermopylae (or, to give focus only to the Hellenes, it could be the aforementioned Mantineia), the one for Carthage could be Hannibal crossing the Alps, the Celts have Boudicca's rebellions, and--for a bit of drama--the final one shown could be for the Romans and depict Caesar's assassination, with the camera flying into Caesar's eye as the fade to black (or perhaps moving up and out of the building to show a night sky0 and then the title comes up