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  1. I'm honored Indeed this map contains less code then most others ^^ Thx, I'll do my best! Yes, and there are still some unresolved problems... (see below) That would need non-linear scaling or it will become a water map ^^ I'm working on general functions to deal with such things. May I know why it's so important for you? Rocks/gold: I haven't play-tested yet. I will see to that. Transition terrain: Yep, it's quite a rough change. Easy to do. Different grass patches: There are two "grass types": low (a bit lighter) and high (a bit darker). Both contain at least 4 types of terrain. That seams enough to me. If you mean patches of other type on the same height: Not ATM. I try to keep things simple until the general functions are tested well. Not fair: Yes, that's a problem that may be not so easy to resolve. However, the map description warns you. This aproach is more to look natural then to be balanced. But I like balanced maps and I'm thinking about how to fix that but not at highest priority right now. Could someone please tell me what's so darn important about water depth? Or do you mean the general change of heightmap and SEA_LEVEL in rmgen??? Well... Here's a new version with the players placed valid. That in no way means something like "balanced". Indeed there are many problems left: (1) Very unequal derivation of resources across the map. Possible solutions: Adding a tilting function may change the hight derivation to be more equal across the map. In this map it would be the wood to be balanced. (2) Player start positions are not always close to wood. Possible solution would be to add a check if wood is inside a current distance of each start position. The amount, however, could still differ much. A simpler method would just be to add some "civilizes" wood with the starting entities (like some cypresses). Another solution would be to add more wood to the lakes surroundings. That leads to the next problem... (3) Stone and metal entities are bigger than a tile. If wood and stone is put in the same "random terrain" the wood might wind up unreachable inside the stone/metal entity. Possible solution: Don't place different resource types in the same random terrain... but that is a bad restriction IMO. (4) To ensure valid player starting positions much space is left on the map. Guess I have to do some finer decoration at the end. Here's the map: belgian_uplands2012-9-12.zip And a screen shot of a more balanced seed (9) of a medium map with 4 players: Keep burning!
    1 point
  2. Once again, I thank those who've contributed to this awesome game.
    1 point
  3. Absolutely amazing It has definitely came a long way! I don't know if the amazing run-time is because of my new computer, or because of long hard work done by you guys! But regardless its sooo smooth now that i couldn't complain either way GREAT JOB WILD FIRE GAMES STAFF! AND THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTE!
    1 point
  4. You are comparing apples to oranges. RTS games (and other games with multiplayer capabilities) aren't a 10 hour affair. I have not played a PC game in over 10 years specifically for its single player campaign. I'm a multiplayer gamer. I played Age of Mythology, an RTS game, online for 7 years. It cost me a total of $80. Now, for AOEO, you've shown a pricing plan that could cost me $100 every 6 months for the same level of gameplay and enjoyment I got from AOM for $5.72 (average) every 6 months (or 3p per day). AOEO is not a good value compared to a lot of (better) RTSs. Ain't gonna do it, cap'n! Such a terrible situation! Blizzard must have been horrified that people have been playing Starcraft 1 for 13 years. Let's forget about pirating for a moment (which was common for SC1, especially in South Korea). I still see Starcraft 1 on the shelves at my local Walmart, right alongside Age of Empires Gold. These companies are still making money off of 10 year old games. That's fine and right. Blizzard found many ways to monetize the popularity of Starcraft too.I really have no point, just chatting. Yeah, I love being locked in to pricing schemes and DRM-lite, so I'll go with AOEO I guess. In all seriousness though, at this rate it doesn't look like I'll be buying any new AAA games for a long time. DRM malware junk, Internet registration, pricing schemes, nerfed multiplayer capabilities (check out the difference between Modern Warfare 1 and Modern Warfare 2 in the multiplayer dept.)... I'll be sticking with indie games for a while. Last AAA game I bought was Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare two years ago (at a discount). Gamers have to take a stand against this stuff. Call me a crusader... ------------------------------------------------- The ultimate problem with AOEO is not its pricing scheme or even its "social" aspects. The problem isn't its cartoonish graphics. The problem is that the core gameplay has NO innovation. The game adds nothing new to the franchise whatsoever. I like the customizable tech trees, but in the end, it's basically the card system from AOE3, and they aren't so much as "customizable" per se... they are basically unlockable features that should be available from the beginning. This is not innovation, but hamstringing. These are steps backward. AOEO is just not that good of a game.
    1 point
  5. "This is why I got so interested in 0AD. It has the potential to be all the things I imagined AoE might have become. " word. already when AoE III came out, i couldn't wait to get a finely refurbished AoE IV which would have taken place in the ancient world. as a player who grew up with AoE and AoK (as there should be a lot of around here) you def can imagine what a budding surprise 0 a.d. was for me (as i learned about the game only before 3 weeks). besides, the kind of user generated content which is displayed by the work around 0 a.d. retrieves a certain feeling of the old internet aura in which there was the utopia of creating an antithesis to the industries (think this development gets quite a cynical peak with AoE Online in comparison to 0 a.d.)maybe it's not the best thread to do so, but as this is my first post: you guys made me really happy!looking forward to alpha 7.
    1 point
  6. This is true! I expected some new game play elements and there really aren't any. The leveling up concept doesn't really add anything new and exciting gameplay wise. But still, compare it to Starcraft II, that game still has simple tiered maps (mostly just 2 levels) with ramps leading up and down. There are some cool gameplay elements with the different races though and the game can still be fun to play with friends. It takes the easy way out on a lot of the technical issues that AoEo solved this time around. Hopefully there are some new features coming down the pipe.
    1 point
  7. It seems they took all the things people didn't like about the previous games and make a game with them. Too cartoony, too few units, unrealistic gameplay, and it seems to me they try to emulate the look of the civilization games. Only one good thing, persistent world, if 0AD could have that, it would be the best.
    1 point
  8. The art style looks fine, but reminds me way too much of FLASH-style games you find on time-killer websites. it also looks way too much like Farmville and the info given on the website about the Greek faction makes me want to puke.
    1 point
  9. The graphics look terrible, i'm so glad 0 A.D. is around
    1 point
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