I haven't seen this mentioned but to encourage people to attack to destroy a building instead of weaken/capture/delete make deleting a building take time proportional to build time.
Seems more realistic. Why should you just instantly be able to demolish a building just because you control it?
One could argue that like building, you use workers to destroy a building and the more workers the faster it's destroyed but that sounds tedious. Instead just make it take time to demolish a building.
So if someone is trying to get an enemy building out of the way, attacking it is more beneficial since it's destroyed quicker. But if they want to use it then obviously capturing is beneficial.
@TheCJ is gui sim update very similar to sim update? At 200MS?
For me GUI sim update doesn't approach even 1/10th of sim update.
Can @Seleucids and others also make this comparison?
If the bots add lag, then the performance in a26 4v4 with players would be even better?! Huh.
Thanks for the tip, I'll try testing that aswell when I have the time!
I haven’t played carth in a bit. But didn’t we implement some tech that makes them cheaper and quicker to build? Maybe we revisit that if it isn’t working (not sure anyone has really tested it enough to see if a good build order is possible with it).
Couple ideas: Could also make temples build able in p1. Or give temples pop cap bonus like a23. Or make carth temples cheaper in res/build time
My understanding is that the f11 profiler uses some averaging, like a sliding window average. For me, hash checks in the f11 profile that get as high as 15 or so MS correspond to profiler2 peaks (gaps in a non-visual replay) as big as 130 -150 MS.
Ok this is interesting. You are also on linux right?
The bots add in some lag. What you can do to test is do alt+d, opening the developer overlay, and then check "change perspective" this allows you to do "gift from the gods" for each player and then set up some auto queues into the middle to make a large, enduring battle.