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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-10-04 in Posts

  1. It's finally ready, 2 months and 3 days to finish it all. Enjoy everyone!
    2 points
  2. Hey folks, I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'm glad you liked this design. Though I think I could do better work now (this is about 4-5 years old now). I used to work with Aviv on some Wildfire / 0 A.D. projects (including some cursors and website design) back then and this was my final piece. Best, -- Mario F Machado Lead Product Designer https://www.x-silium.com/
    1 point
  3. "I am always here." Ah, Battle Realms. Probably not, but it's what jumped to mind, really. I vaguely wonder, however, how the missions themselves will play out. I suppose we can worry about that when the time comes to actually make them and the campaign. Which is probably years away.
    1 point
  4. Danmit Nephalim, your Cinematics are getting better and better. At this point they are like small movies. When i clicked on this video it was like going to a cinema with popcorn and everything.
    1 point
  5. Might be related to using IPV6. I wish I knew more about networking. Maybe @Imarok knows.
    1 point
  6. on your kushites video you make your first army units at 7:30 - isnt that too late ?
    1 point
  7. Hi guys, just wanted to announce that my series of videos on the 0 A.D. Champions Cup is finally finished. So we have a nice archive with all the matches of the championship in this playlist below. I remember that before starting my channel I searched for some videos of competitions of 0 A.D. and found none, so now I gladly leave this as a resource for the future players and the community as a whole. The spoken language is Portuguese, but there are English subtitles for all videos. The most important matches (final, semi-final, etc.) have commentary, but most videos don't (except in between matches, when I make a short summary of what happened in the previous match). Hope you all enjoy, thanks for all who watched and @PrincessChristmas for the great initiative!
    1 point
  8. In league of legends if you lose connection you get 5min waiting penalty. If it happens more you get up to even 1h waiting penalty before you can start a game.
    1 point
  9. A disconnect should be a loss in my opinion - there would be the occasional misfire of justice but it would be better than the current situation. I've had the majority of my wins disconnected now and it sucks. I'm not overly hurt about losing a few internet points personally, but this has happened so much I don't feel that my score represents my ability and I've had people accuse me of tanking my points to look newer than I am
    1 point
  10. ye people are so scared of losing 11 points that they will act like that lol it kills the mood and annoys really, especially when they try to run with their last woman or cav for 10min trying to make you chase it lol or just leaving/afking it would be good if leaver lost automatically (same about afkers)
    1 point
  11. I am sorry to hear you had to deal with such a troll especially him being nice at the start. I do not trust a lot of people in life lol Us Norwegians tend keep to ourselves,and are considered shy by tourists and visitours but when you get to know us better,and you earn our trust, we are your best friend. I had an even worse experience playing multi-player with my husband,and two friends from where I live. Everything is going great,and these two guys we end up playing with from the USA are sweet as salty licorice,and they get along real good with my husband. So we are having fun,and into the match when all of a sudden one of them gets real mad after I attack his base,and told me I am a girl that has something to prove lol I just ignore them until he keeps it up telling me I sound sexy,and he wants to date me right in front of my husband. So I tell him no,and don't ask again because my husband doesn't appreciate it. So he told me about his experience in Iceland where Scandinavian girls thought they were goddesses,and if you were not on their level you were nothing,and he resented blonde Scandinavian women. So I told him that was Iceland silly, and I am from Norway,and we are not all stuck up. So he started telling me I only care about money because my nation owns oil lol I am a dairy farmer So far from a capitalist that loves oil. Want some cheese with that wine ? So me and my hubby an friends decided to finish the game. Yes we won lol They were talking,crying and gloating so much they were not paying attention to getting attacked lol} There are a lot of jerks on MMOs lol Especially if you are winning a game It seems a lot can't just have fun.
    0 points
  12. I could finely create my 'tree people' civ. It makes no sense. I wanted a hero ability to turn the enemy units into trees. That way I can harvest them to death. I did get harvest-able villagers working (through upgrades). They turn to trees and then you chop chop chop. A temporary ability would work better though.
    0 points
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