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Whats your workout schedual?

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In season for track or XC, it goes like:

Monday: long distance, 6-7 miles at 7:00-7:30 mile pace

Tuesday: up tempo run, 3-5 miles at 6:20-6:40 pace. a 40 minute or so lifting routine

Wednesday: track workout, typically something like 400m repeats at 82 seconds or so, anywhere from 12 to 25 times.

Thursday: see tuesday, or a meet, which for XC is 3 miles, just over 17:00, or for track could be a 800m (2:05), or a 1600m (4:45)

Friday: see monday

Saturday: another meet in season, some easier practice out of season

Sunday: the day of rest! Huzzah!

Intense workout schedule = less stress, look good, can eat a lot mmmm :);)

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Riding to school up a steep hill... not fun


Outside PE in the (very) cold in shorts and a tshirt

More school......

Riding down the hill home again (very fun :))

Walking to the computer




Walking to the bathroom

Sitting some more

Some other random stuff that usually involves walking around the house


Walking upstairs to bed

I really should do more exercise

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I spend about 50 minutes (in total) a day walking to/from where I have lectures (which is actually the William Gates Building, though there's about as much use of Linux as of Windows in there), and that's more than enough exercise for me ;). Usually I'm out at about nine in the morning and the ground is icy and the grass is covered in frost and my hands freeze inside my gloves, and I do get tempted to take the bus instead; but I've resisted that temptation so far, and I've almost survived :)

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Everyday, I ride my bike about three quarters of a mile to school. That wakes me up ;) and keeps me in pretty good condition. I also try to get to taekwondo at least 2 or 3 times a week. And if I feel particularly out-o-shape, I'll do some situps, pushups, or pullups at home on the weekend. Yeah, I look pretty good because of it :)

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Monday: long distance, 6-7 miles at 7:00-7:30 mile pace

EKen, is this easy run pace? You're obviously way faster than me, but I'm curious just how fast you run your long runs are (eg 10K race pace for me is 6:30ish, are my long runs too fast/slow?). Typical week for me:

Monday: 6-7 miles @ 8:00-8:30 min/mile

Tuesday: 10-12 miles @ 7:30-8:00 min/mile

Wednesday: 4 miles @ 9 min/mile am, 5 miles @ 8 min/mile pm + 1 hr weights

Thursday: 8 miles tempo, inc 3 miles @ 6:30 min/mile

Friday: 4 miles 9 min/mile am, 6-7 miles @ 8:00-8:30 min/mile pm

Saturday: 16-24 miles @ 7:30-8:00 min/miles

Sunday: 1 hr circuits am

Obviously, I'm (ooh, quite a bit) older and at the opposite end of the distance running spectrum (halves and marathons), but am interested in the kind of training you're doing to acheive the kind of times you're running at the minute.

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Hm, well I am 17, so that has quite a bit to do with it I bet. :)

Also, I really couldn't advise you on how to train, especially since my body really leans towards the mid distance races, and yours towards ld. Oh, and I'm not a coach :P.

I can't imagine going faster than 6:20 or 6:25 per mile for 10k, and your thursdays sound like a beast. Does "inc" mean incline? If you're retired and running 8 mile tempos like that, you have no right to say I'm any better than you! ;)

Oh, and to answer your question, 7:30 for 6-7 isn't really any problem while in season, 7:00 is usually less talking (I run with my team), but towards the end of the season, we can talk the whole way through a 7 miler at 7:00. It's funny since below 7:00, the amount of talking drops off sharply, and at 6:30 pace, we're all pretty much silent... at least after the first mile, then we realize we should stop talking bc it's so hard!

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Hm, well I am 17, so that has quite a bit to do with it I bet. ;)

Tsk, you pesky kids :)

Also, I really couldn't advise you on how to train, especially since my body really leans towards the mid distance races, and yours towards ld. Oh, and I'm not a coach :banger:.

Can appreciate that. Just seeking out all advice. Think to some extent age determines distance, too - it is (largely) easier to absorb higher mileage between 20 and 40 years old than in teenagers, I guess. Of course, whether your brain wants to spend endless hours trawling round the suburbs each morning - that's a different question :P

I can't imagine going faster than 6:20 or 6:25 per mile for 10k, and your thursdays sound like a beast. Does "inc" mean incline? If you're retired and running 8 mile tempos like that, you have no right to say I'm any better than you! :banger:

Sorry - "inc" just shorthand for including. Set out at 8 min/mile, accelerate gradually over a couple of miles to 6:30. 3 miles at that speed, 3 mile deceleration back to 8 m.m. And yes, it's toughest session of the week :banger: I hate it .. running long doesn't hurt; running fast does.

LOL .. retired. Nice. Sadly, still only 30 and a long, long way to go to retirement.

Oh, and to answer your question, 7:30 for 6-7 isn't really any problem while in season, 7:00 is usually less talking (I run with my team), but towards the end of the season, we can talk the whole way through a 7 miler at 7:00. It's funny since below 7:00, the amount of talking drops off sharply, and at 6:30 pace, we're all pretty much silent... at least after the first mile, then we realize we should stop talking bc it's so hard!

Thanks, Erik. Doesn't seem too far from the kind of (relative) pace I run at. Can always talk at the start of long runs, but slightly below and it gets tricky.

Thanks for the info; it was your sub 5 min mile that caught my attention - fantastic! I've never run track - and not much opportunity to, now - but good luck with rest of the season. I'm aiming next for London Marathon next April; ran 3:13 last month, aiming for 3:00 then. Quite doable, I'm thinking now .. but no doubt come March will be plagued by doubt ..

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Awesome... I thought you were retired b/c your sig had it... but just retired from WFG I'm guessing? That was silly of me.

Good luck with the marathon! That's awesome, I want to do one sometime. Maybe I'll be training at the end of the year when some cross country friends and I graduate from HS and the Chicago marathon comes around. Certainly would be exciting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I deliver the newspaper each day, except sunday, which takes about 30 minutes. Does that qualify as light workout? :P

Except that, I try to juggle at least 1 hour each day, but Idon't do it often :) Some days I juggle 3 hours, others I don't juggle at all. And believe me: Juggling can be really tiring, and tiresome. It's good workout, actually, especially when you're heading on to 4 or 5 balls ;) (or more, but that's the most i've learned yet)

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On Sundays, I do heavy weight lifting. MWF, I do total-body conditioning, involving acrobatics, karate, cardio workouts, and jogging. Tuesday and Thursday I usually rest, though will occassionally partake of some crunches and other light abdominal workouts.

Of course, the same schedule gets really boring after a while, so I do mix it up a bit when the urge strikes me.

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