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Who Plans To Go To College?

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On a point of information:

Tony Blair didn't introduce tuition fees in England, he just has this great idea about letting universities charge as much as they like. Not that I blame the universities, of course, when Mr. Blair's other great idea was removing most of their government funding... :)

Also, the reputation of the university one goes to does still make a difference in the UK. There are many well-respected ones and a few not-well-respected ones. Not necessarily fair, but it's still the case.

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Tony Blair didn't introduce tuition fees in England,

this is not what I said ... let me recall :

As for Great Britain, Tony Blair has introduced a new system,

I know students already had to pay quite a lot in the UK, but Blair has just set up a new rule, so as to levy more money without rising up taxes for the masses, which would have been even worse for his "electorship" (is that English ? ;) ) ... clever boy, but he is nearly as bad as Dame Thatcher ... :thumbdown:

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ah free college, I should move to Europe ;)

It would cost me ;)

Hey chichi how do you like USC? That was another one that I was thinking about, but I don't know if Los Angeles is the right city for good'ol midwestern guy like me :) I heard SoCal is getting smog from China, as if they didn't already have enough ;)

*curufinwe I think the word your looking for is 'electability'

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  AK_Thug AMish said:

Hey chichi how do you like USC?  That was another one that I was thinking about, but I don't know if Los Angeles is the right city for good'ol midwestern guy like me  ;)  I heard SoCal is getting smog from China, as if they didn't already have enough  :)

Lol, Matt dosen't go to college!

I will probally go to an in-state college. Although MIT sounds really neat, but it is far away form everything in California.

I don't know yet.

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  Curufinwe said:
which would have been even worse for his "electorship"  (is that English ?  :) )

We call that "electability" Feanor. ;) But you're getting there!!!

Or did you mean "electorship" as in how his party choose him to be PM? In that case, "reigme" (sp?) would do just fine. ;)

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im in my freshman your of college right now and let me tell you it is a lot harder than high school.

i have learned a few tips about college.....

if you were smart in high school it doesnt matter at all in college

you will miss home more than you think, so dont go to far away.

if at all possible dont bring a TV with you, i know it sounds crazy but my TV is killing me.

buy a vehicle with good gas mileage to go back home with, my truck gets 13 mpg and i live 230 miles from my college. that trasnlates to around 60-70 dollars round trip.

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yeah I know he's not _in_ college right now, but I'm sure he's been _near_ it, hence the question "what's it like there?" ;) The only college I've been to so far outside Cleveland is Air Force Academy, and they had guards with M-16's at the gates (y)

as for last samauri's list:

if you were smart in high school it doesnt matter at all in college

-I can see that trouble with a lot of kids in my class, I'll take the warning to myself too though .

you will miss home more than you think, so dont go to far away.

-lol can't wait to get out of this suburb so distant from anything that I have cornfields basically across my street :D

if at all possible dont bring a TV with you, i know it sounds crazy but my TV is killing me.

-almost never watch TV anyways

buy a vehicle with good gas mileage to go back home with, my truck gets 13 mpg and i live 230 miles from my college. that trasnlates to around 60-70 dollars round trip.

-love my buick! I think it gets about 20

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