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Why Not?

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:band: I've been meaning to ask- with all the publicity O A.D. is getting, have you ever thought of getting a publisher? This just seems a bit- crazy:). You deserve some cash for all this work, afterall! And its obvious you're way ahead in the Game dev. field, so setting yourselves up will be all-too easy- you could be well on your way to making game after game before you even graduate (from university, or high school:)). :banana:

Ye'gods, this :drunk: Roman smily is amazin.

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* How much will 0 A.D. cost?

Nothing. 0 A.D. will be completely free, and made available through Internet download.

* Are you *crazy*?

Absolutely. But we have our reasons:

1. There is a greater opportunity for exposure if it's free.

2. We want the freedom to upgrade, patch or mod at any time without first clearing it with our publisher.

3. We are not restricted to a publisher's deadlines, or their instructions about what we can or cannot do.

4. No legal problems. We can for example utilise certain third-party libraries without having to pay licensing fees.

5. We have a very honest and up-front approach. Our staff contribute for the sheer pleasure and experience of it, not for the sake of a salary. We put our hearts and souls into the game, and that will ultimately lead to a better quality product.


That's why we aren't using a publisher or making any money.

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Yup it's definately written in stone that 0AD is free. IN STONE. as in NO CHANGING IT. as in SET FOR SURE, that is we wont CHANGE OUR MINDS. It's absolutely POSITIVE that 0AD WILL BE COMPLETELY FREE and there is NO DOUBT about it.

(Sry bout the caps, just wanted to make it pretty clear :banana:)

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