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Motivation I

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Here I will give you some rundown on what I use for my everyday motivation for school and work (WFG :D). There will be quite some sayings, quite general things, but I will also try to include some practcal examples. Okay, let's start with the first issue. :)


Imagine a small boy who is in a swimming bath and climbs up a ladder to jump from a tower into the pool. When he is there at the top he looks down and notices, that there are 5 metres between him and earth. This scares the crap out of him, he really wants to climb down the ladder. It doesn't quite matter to him if he'll make a fool of himself. He just wants to avoid jumping down into the water. He is scared to death.

However, suddenly he notices his friends down there making fun of him. They noticed what situation their friend is in. He jumps down.

Noticing that it didn't hurt at all he felt quite comfortable and really couldn't help being proud. On the way home he had to smile, because he really did what he wanted to do today, jump down a 5metres high tower in the swimming bath.

What does that teach us ? Always keep in mind the good feeling that you get when you achieved what you planned for the day. The way to that feeling might be disgusting, hurting, annoying. Just screw the lazyness in you, head for that feeling. It will pay off.


Now I know I once weas in the boy's situation. :) Read the sequel to this soon.

PS -- Quote of the day: "Who has no dock to sail to will get no wind." -Michel de Montaigne

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Okay, this be the sequel. In the following I will post more situations how one can feel as described above, go through them and see if you have been in one of those already. :)

* The first day in the new office or company.

* Conquering a heart.

* The application dialogue.

* A medical operation.

* Speech in front of an audience.

* First declaration of love.

* Loosing weight.

* The first sentence in a foreign language abroad.

* The driver licence's exam.

* The start in a new town.

* Skiing for the first time.

* The first kiss.

* Showing a big project to your boss after having spent much time on it.

* The first contact with the parents of your future partner.

* The resolving dialogue after you broke up a bit with a good friend.

* The wedding.

* An oral exam.

* Screwing smoking.

* The puberty of the own children.

* Building a house.

Quote of the day: "The unusual does not happen through an easy, usual way." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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