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ETH Poll #3 - Next-Generation Consoles

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I vote for Xbox for, the reasons is the following beautiful bulleted list:

Elf's Bulleted List:

* Power and Graphics are Superior

* A high quality list of good games (even if not an extensive one)

* Xbox Live is the best online service

* It's not a cheap system, it's a quality one

* Style, the green and black is so awesome

* Hardrive, no necessity for memory cards

* Nice controllers (when you get used to them)

* Headphones and Broadband (no 'will-do's)

* High-definition and Surround Sound compatible

* Microsoft, they have money

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1.) I'm not talking about game specific to Xboxs, but games for Xbox in general:



Crimson Skies


Amped 2

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Dead or Alive 3

Coming out -

Halo 2



Deus Ex 2

All next-generation console games (those made for GC, Xbox, PS2) have the better version for Xbox (including better graphics and extra levels)

Xbox is the most likely system to get PC games ported too.

2.) Well, I personally hate the gamecube controllers so that can't be argued.

3.) Well, ok, I'll give you that. But let's compare full list:

Xbox, $179 with hard drive, four controller ports, and two free games.

Xbox Live, $50 and let's go online with headset

PS2, $179 with no hard drive, two controller ports, can play DVDs without extra acessories.

PS2 Network Adapter, $40 and let's go online without a headset

GC, $99 with no hard drive, four controller ports, can't play DVD at all.

GC has no online capabilties.

So basically, GC is cheaper, but then a GBA must be much better than a GC since it's cheaper.

4.) Hey, that's only so that it won't fly out the window in a hurricane... ok, you get this one. But not as big as a PC.

5.) Uh... ok, got me again.

There.. that should heat this topic up 

I think it worked, on my part at least.

ps: ok, Xbox live start kit (the one I talked about) gives a 1 of the service, I don't know the price beyond that. PS2 Adapter, does it need a price for the service? I don't know

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lol Elf :P

Sorry, but I'm in the mood to argue and this is one topic where I won't offend anyone politically or religiously :P

GC, $99 with no hard drive, four controller ports, can't play DVD at all.

I guess I have a different outlook because I'm what you would call an 'old' console player. I remember specifically the day we got our old 8bit nintendo. It was only $100 back then too. The only thing thats changed is the cost of the games. That has more to do with the game developers though than the makers of the consoles.

I think the whole dvd deal is way over rated. Last Christmas my brothers and I bought a dvd player for $100 on a great sale that so many more features than xbox's dvd player its laughable. I view it like the 'onboard' equipment on computer motherboards. I'd rather have things seperate and good than together and bad :P

GC has no online capabilties.

Yeah, again... I'm a old gamer and I'm probably not grasping this for the future of console gamming. Not really a big feature for me because if I wanted to play online I would rather play an online computer game than console. They are designed much better for this IMHO.

So basically, GC is cheaper, but then a GBA must be much better than a GC since it's cheaper.

GBA is more expensive because its portable, and you can stick it in your pocket. And they also have a monopoly on the market.

2.) Well, I personally hate the gamecube controllers so that can't be argued.

I don't know one person who sat down with an xbox controler for the first time and says, "I love this controler." Xbox controlers are something that you get used to.

I really don't care for the GC controlers either. IMHO the N64 controlers were the best. Xbox small controler isn't to bad.

Here is what I'm looking for in a console:

1) Good graphics.

2) Reliable - no crashes.

3) Minimal loading time as possible. *loved cartridge games*

4) Easy to just plug in a game and sit down with my buds and play a game.

5) Cheap

6) Don't want to pay for a feature I won't use - or could do better using other electronics

7) Good selection of game titles

For me... thats Game Cube ;)

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Woah! Did anyone see this?


Oh and by the way. What game can you think of that Xbox will make that will be their mascott? Halo? DOA?

Mario and Luigi ... well lets just say those names don't really need any introduction.

As far as the hardware capabilities. If GameCube had the GPU speed Xbox has... oh wait it almost does! And 1T-SRam is stinkin fast.

What about the loading time? I mean does it really need to take forever to load a game? I'd say no... so that's why I like GameCube's compact disc design.

And my final complaint in this post is that what games does Xbox play that the PC can't? Wait what's this? How about Nintendo's games?

No young sirs, I'm not a Nintendo-fanboy. I'm simply a genuine gamer and proud of it! Better quality, better gameplay, and a better system.

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I think the whole dvd deal is way over rated.

Yea, I don't use it either, but I decided to give Xbox an extra plus :P

I agree, if GC satisfies, it definently has a better price.

What game can you think of that Xbox will make that will be their mascott? Halo? DOA?

I do think the closest is Master Chieft (halo) but in that case let me ask you this: What is PS mascots? And is there a good GC Mario game (I really don't know).

And my final complaint in this post is that what games does Xbox play that the PC can't? Wait what's this? How about Nintendo's games?

Ok, two question to you:

1.) You like the Ninento limits you from playing those games on PC, forcing you to buy GC?

2.) What is this amazing GC game selection? I see nothing special except for maybe Viewtiful Joe (actually makes me want to get a GC) and Metroid Prime...

I actually own a Xbox and PS2, and I really am beginning to want a GC (Joe is about 70% of the reason) but need to get a job first... ;)

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I don't know one person who sat down with an xbox controler for the first time and says, "I love this controler." Xbox controlers are something that you get used to.

I did ;) OTOH I have large hands, so that may be a reason. But really, there's nothing better than a 8bit nintendo. It's the only functional console I've got now actually (my PS died on me a year or two back...).

BTW Simpson's Roadrage is simply the best Xbox game :P

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Well, it's a 'Next-Generation' console poll so...

I actually think the PC is the better platform hands-down but the truth is, by neglecting another platform I would really be missing out on a lot of games (specially since I can't rent PC games). So that's the reason why I'd like a GC, only because I want to be able to play games that come out for it.

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  Wijitmaker said:
Sorry, but I'm in the mood to argue and this is one topic where I won't offend anyone politically or religiously...

;):P I was actually laughing out loud after I read that! (still am)

Now, to make sure this post isn't off-topic :P

I like the PC because besides playing games, you can actually do work on it. Barring mod-chips and "linux on atari!!!!11" projects, you can't do much real "work" on a game console.

Plus, the PC doesn't cost as much :P

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i'm also thinking of buying a GameCube for my kids this XMas ... why ? because (IMO) it has the better gameplay value for them and its easier to take along when they are at their grandparents house.

also GC has got Rebel Strike (and the older Rogue Leader) ;) (atleast one GC-title for me)

granted Nintendo aims more for the young gamers - but who am i to argue with - being a dad and all :P



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Nintendo doesn't aim really for children they just like to make more artsy and less realistic games, now GBA does aim for kids more, but if they wanted to do it for game cube they've done a poor job with never making a pokemon rpg for it (well I hate pokemon I kind a would like them to do it just to increase there consol base and attract more 3rd party developers)

The xbox is the best value for your money PC, As a consol its only mascaraiding. Its essentialy a mini pc internaly, the draw of the other consols (the reason any one bothers to make consols) is that there easier to make games for and cheaper to manufacture then pc's, but that said xbox has a lot of power but like pcs its not taped into very easily thats why well the xbox has a 500mhz cpu and the gamecube has a 200mhz cpu (these are the figures I can recall don't quote me) xbox games really don't look any better then gc games or do more advanced ai or physics for that matter. I whish you could easily get a regular OS working on the xbox then you would have an extremely cheap computer open to people that might not have afforded on before.

Microsoft loses over 100 dollars on every consol and there not making enough money on games to make up for it (last time I heard). So xbox is just this kind of money pit for microsoft, good PR or something.

And don't get me started on ps2 and its crazy co-vector unit architechure. Thats stuff is a montrosity to try and program for.

Xbox- seperate cpu and gpu though unified memory I belive

Ps2- cpu along with a few special math proccessers that make it a pain in the @#$% to do any thing with

Game Cube- Only one proccessor and one memory easy as hell to make games for.

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Hoping to get an Xbox for Christmas, my dad said he'd actually game with us :P

I really love NBA Streetball vol.2 for Xbox. I've played it on PS2 and GC, neither one compare to the Xbox version (and I've only played the Xbox demo to it.

DON'T EVEN MENTION VIEWTIFUL JOE! That game makes me wanna puke; i saw one of my friends playing it.

Can GC's be linked to each other? Thats one of the best features of an Xbox. Nothing beats 16 player Halo tourneys on Bl00dy Gulch.

Xbox controllers, gotta love them. Perfect for my large hands. GC is next best, although the button configuration (esp where "Z" is) is tough in games like MoH. PS/PS2 is el suckeroo, i wouldn't buy a PS2 if I was paid money (ok, well, maybe i would, i could trade it in for somethun ;))

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