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Sorry, I'm a noob and I can't build the code.

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So I'm relatively new to programming and I've come across this game and I wanted to compile and build the game myself using Visual Studios. I have Visual Studios 2019 and I have the 2015 v140_xp so I try building the game and this happens :


C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\v140_xp\Toolset.targets(36,5): warning MSB8003: Could not find WindowsSdkDir_71A variable from the registry.  TargetFrameworkVersion or PlatformToolset may be set to an invalid version number.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(366,5): warning MSB8003: Could not find WindowsSDKDir variable from the registry.  TargetFrameworkVersion or PlatformToolset may be set to an invalid version number.
d:\downloads\0ad-master\source\lib/external_libraries/opengl.h(44): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/gl.h': No such file or directory


There's a lot of errors due to the fact that no such file was in the folder.

I checked the directories for the gl.h file and i couldnt find it in the folder, i reextracted the whole folder as well to make sure and nothing changed.

Hope some help will come my way :D

Edited by LeineX
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when you open the project in visual studio,
does it says (Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP) next to the projects in solution explorer ?
When you right click on project -> properties -> what do you have in platform toolset ?

@feneur hi, could you unlock @LeineX ?

@LeineX would you consider to come to irc ? https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev

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  On 02/07/2020 at 6:58 PM, Stan` said:

How did you install that one? Don't worry I'll help you figure out how to build.


I used the Visual Studios Installer and modified my existing 2019 version to have the MSVC v140 component via selecting it at Individual Components tab. 

  On 02/07/2020 at 7:02 PM, Angen said:


when you open the project in visual studio,
does it says (Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP) next to the projects in solution explorer ?
When you right click on project -> properties -> what do you have in platform toolset ?

@feneur hi, could you unlock @LeineX ?

@LeineX would you consider to come to irc ? https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev


It does say (Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP) and The platform toolset is set to v140_xp for all projects.


Didn't expect such a quick response so sorry xD

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Hi @LeineX! I think you are missing the Windows 7.1 SDK, which was proposed in VS 2017 but apparently not in VS 2019. This SDK includes the gl.h file you're missing, among others.

You can download it and install it from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279

Let us know if it works. If it does we'll add this piece of information to the build instructions :)

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