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Elexis *****This is for you


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Elexis please get a grip on your ban happy admins. I (Bbgotbanned) got a new comp so I had to create a new account as I forgot my old PW. Your admins instantly banned the new account (understandable)


After spending about 10 minutes figuring out my old pw I got back on under bbgotbanned. I precede to type a message to you asking why I got banned as I wasn't trying to  troll but genuinely forgot my pw...…. 


Your mods instantly ban my new account as well without letting me explain. So now I cannot get on.  Would love to know which admin is this ban happy and why you grant them that power..


Great community we have here....  Please just unban my acct. I just want to play. 

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You more than likely got bot banned no human involved it just checks for a duplicate IP address in the data base remember those terms of service you mostly did not read ONE account per IP address you where told so and you clicked yes that you had read them.

Enjoy the Choice :)

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