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Anonymous feedback status: upload failed (301).


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1 hour ago, ImportantBookWorm said:

Ok so I just installed this game and the first thing I notice is a question whether I would like to send anonymous feedback. Which I'm glad to do. However then it says Status: upload failed (301) and that small window doesn't close.

So before I start sending feedback this probably should be working.

What os are you on ? Usually that means you ar e using an outdated version :)

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That policy applies to third party apps only take a look a the version of blender that is available in the repos of all distros you will be lucky to find 2.8 it will only be on a distro that was released after the blender foundation officially kicked 2.8 out the door one of the exceptions are Gentoo based distros the policy was originally Debian not Ubuntu. Distro developers do not have the resources to maintain third party app packages they leave that to the app developers or volunteers getting up to date third party apps has always been chaotic some distros have backport repos but there is a risk that you break your current install using them it's the argument between bleeding edge vs stability one of the reasons that appimage and flatpak exist.

Enjoy the Choice :)  

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