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How do I make use of Marian Reforms?


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Special technologies:

Marian Reforms:

  • All infantry (Hastatus, Principes, Veles, Triarius, Extraordinarius) instantly upgrade to Marian Legionnaires, a champion swordsman whose only citizen-soldier function is in the building of Army Camps, Siege Walls, and Fortresses. Furthermore, no longer can citizen-soldiers be trained, but rather only Marian Legionnaires. This has a large economic impact and is generally a late-game attempt at a game-changer.
  • Swift Numidian Cavalry unlocked.

Sibylline Books:

  • All units and structures +25% vision range. All remaining technologies -50% cost and research time.

These are special technologies unique to the Romans.

But I can't find where I can enable these unique technologies???

Not an upgrade in the blacksmith, not an upgrade in the fortress, not an upgrade in the barracks. But then where/how can I make use of these unique techs?

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An useful link to get an idea the evolution of a software developemnt


The source about technologies is here if you want look


The Main ( summary) of planned feature is here in our trac.


Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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