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Presentation and suggestions for general game (Castellano and English)


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Hi, this is my first post.
I would first like to thank the whole team who have managed to make this game so great and altruistically. Second notice that my English is not entirely good (and even more so when you have to talk with technical terms) so in part by traslator Google help me and also leave the text in my original language (if there be any misunderstanding). If anyone would like to help translating, great.
I start with my suggestions for improving the game, but not before warning that I Studies in design and art, besides being amateur anthropologist, and therefore I have knowledge of what I mean here. start:

-1-I think it should be changed the "evolutionary transformation stylist" that happens when you exceed an age in which all buildings change their style a better instantly. This is part seeing very unrealistic makes losing the historical essence. So I propose that every single age you can build in a style without evolves to advance period, for example, a house built on a stage keep this aspect throughout the entire game.

-2-One of the things I miss most in the game is the sensation of city because missing buildings, so I suggest the emergence of "building workshops / stores" to help balance and regulate the economy transforming surpluses of a other less resource. These buildings also would have a 'on / off' button to stop or turn this exchange. Example: Suppose there is a textile workshop, this workshop would take resources wood and very slowly transform into metal (in equal measure). When we would stop this transformation would suffice to close the premises.

-3-Another fail I find is that sometimes a resource is a bit away from the area of influence and can not built near this resource (or similar situation), so I propose that in every age could build 3 different monuments (9 in total) that would increase the area that in addition give a major historical and city look. Example: playing with the Greek civilization we could build:
* in stage I, an Kuros an Hereo, an Agora.
* Stage II, the theater of Dionysus, Hercules Farnese and a temple of Artemis in Ephesus.
* And in stage III, the Altar of Zeus, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and the Colossus of Rhodes.
(Add that these are just examples, the ideal would be to build a common example (a theater, a temple, a statue ... etc) and not a particular work)

-4-Something I think it should be changed completely serious healing icon (currently a staff with a coiled snake pointing to the right) and the temple icon (represented as two hands together). The first to be confused as just looks and deceives the point; The second being that gesture (the hands clasped in prayer) a gesture at that time was only in Buddhism. Formerly each town had its way of praying, for example in Rome-Greek of that time they prayed to the gods of sky showing palms up and the gods of the earth with palms down (see picture). Thus I propose that the icon of healing is replaced by the image of a pot or albarelo blue (color formerly associated with healing) and the temple by a building consisting of a tympanum, 2 columns and an altar inside.

-5- is currently the religion is in the doldrums and most people prefer the bloodthirsty warriors (if not the Spartans and their god of war) but do not forget that ancient religion and priests were an important part of every community. In this game does not exist magic component and truth is that by that time there was preaching as we would understand the Middle Ages, so the clergy has relegated them to the role of healers is not far from what they should do then. However healers game are of little use and considering its high price and that several buildings are carrying out this mission, create healers is all a whim. So concerning this religious theme I propose many things to highlight it and make sense within the game:
--a-- Priests possess aura bonus and improvement. Is to say everything around this character, moved by faith or ecstasy, acts more efficiently (moves faster, collect food faster, heal faster ... etc.).
--b-- Priests can create altars which have the aura bonus described above.
--c-- Priests can perform animal sacrifices for favors such as: reveal the map or get for an enemy who becomes allied or neutral, for example. This in addition to assist and encourage in the game, would give greater meaning to "pens" which become a bit useless as there orchards and wild animals.
-6- Finallyand referring to religion, also I miss a greater utility and presence of temples, could make these also had aura bonus (perhaps arranged as small altars-temples), in which improvements could be developed and provide temporary support. In polytheistic cases, these temples could be dedicated to a deity chosen as unfavorable statistics (For example
if there were few food resources would be a god of agriculture, we were in battle to a god of war, if we need more people to a fertility god etc). Example: Temple of Ceres, goddess of agriculture> Elected to click on build temple for having a lower index of food resources. Gives +10 in collecting food in nearby farms. Develops "Blessing of the seed" with which orchards take less time to create. In addition also develops "Cerealia" Harvest Festival in honor of Ceres that for 5 minutes makes food collection is intensive, and that even after 30 minutes can not be reinstated.
It is clear that in different cultures these suggestions would have to adapt.
Well these are my suggestions about the game in general. I hope these ideas like and are accepted.
Thanks for reading


Hola, este es mi primer post.

Quisiera primero dar las gracias a todo el equipo que habéis conseguido realizar este juego tan fantástico y de forma altruista. Segundo advertir que mi ingles no es del todo bueno (y más aun cuando se tiene que hablar con tecnicismos) así que en parte me ayudaré por Google traslator y además dejaré el texto en mi lengua original (por si surgiera alguna mala interpretación). Si alguien quisiera ayudarme traduciendo, estupendo.

Empiezo con mis sugerencias para la mejora del juego, no sin antes advertir que tengo estudios en diseño y arte, a parte de ser antropólogo aficionado, y que por lo tanto tengo conocimiento de lo que aqui me refiero. Comienzo:

-1-Creo que se debería cambiarse la «transformación evolutiva estilista» que ocurre al superarse una época, en la cual todos los edificios cambian su estilo por otro mejor instantáneamente. Esto a parte de verse muy irreal hace perder la esencia histórica. Así pues propongo que en cada época solo se pueda construir en un estilo, sin que evolucione al avanzar de periodo, con lo cual por ejemplo, una casa construida en una etapa mantendrá dicho aspecto durante todo el juego.

-2-Una de las cosas que más echo en falta en el juego es la sensación de ciudad puesto que faltan edificios, así pues propongo la aparición de «edificios talleres/tiendas» que ayuden a equilibrar y regular la economía transformando los excedentes de un recurso en otro con menos indice. Estos edificios además contarían con un botón «on/off» para parar o activar dicho intercambio. Ejemplo: Supongamos que hay un taller textil, este taller tomaría recursos de madera y los transformaría de forma muy lenta en metal (en la misma medida). Cuando quisiéramos parar esa transformación bastaría con clausurar el local.

-3-Otro fallo que encuentro es que a veces un recurso esta un poco lejos del área de influencia y no se puede construir cerca de dicho recurso (o alguna situacion similar), así pues propongo que en cada época se pudieran construir 3 monumentos diferentes (9 en total) que harían aumentar el área que además darían un mayor aspecto histórico y de ciudad. Ejemplo: jugando con la civilización helena podríamos construir:

*en la etapa I, un Kuros, un Hereo, un Agora.

*en la etapa II, el teatro de Dionisio, un Hércules de Farnesio y un templo de Artemisa de Éfeso.

*Y en la etapa III, el Altar de Zeus, el Mausoleo de Halicarnaso y el Coloso de Rodas.

(Añadir que esto son solo ejemplos, lo ideal seria construir un ejemplo común (un teatro, un templo, una estatua...etc) y no una obra concreta)

-4-Algo que creo que debería ser cambiado totalmente seria el icono de curación (actualmente es una vara con una serpiente enroscada que apunta a la derecha) y el icono de templo (representado como dos manos juntas). La primera por ser confusa ya que apenas se ve y engaña al apuntar; La segunda por ser ese gesto (el de las manos unidas en oración) un gesto que en aquella época solo se daba en el budismo. Antiguamente cada pueblo tenia su forma de rezar, por ejemplo en la roma-grecia de la epoca se rezaba a los dioses del cielo mostrando las palmas hacia arriba y a los dioses de la tierra con las palmas hacia abajo (ver imagen). Asi pues propongo que el icono de curación sea sustituido por la imagen de un tarro o albarelo de color azul (color antiguamente asociado a la curación) y el de templo por un edificio compuesto por un tímpano, 2 columnas y un ara en su interior.

-5-Ya se que actualmente la religión esta de capa caída y la mayoría de la gente prefiere a los sanguinarios guerreros (cuando no a los espartanos y su dios de la guerra) pero no hay que olvidar que antiguamente la religión y los sacerdotes eran una parte importante de toda comunidad. En este juego no existe el componente mágico y cierto es que por aquella época no existía la predicación como la entenderíamos en la edad media, así que a los clérigos se les ha relegado a la funcion de curanderos que no esta muy lejos de lo que deberian hacer por aquel entonces. No obstante los curanderos del juego no sirven de mucho y teniendo en cuenta su alto precio y que varios edificios cumplen ya esa misión, crear curanderos es todo un capricho. Así pues referente a este tema religioso propongo varias cosas para realzarlo y darle sentido dentro del juego:

--a--Sacerdotes poseen un aura de bonificación y mejora. Es decir todo lo que este alrededor de este personaje`, movido por la fe o el éxtasis, actúa más eficientemente (se mueve mas rápido, recoge alimentos más rápido, se cura más rápido...etc.).

--b--Sacerdotes pueden crear altares los cuales poseen el aura de bonificación anteriormente descrito.

--c--Sacerdotes pueden realizar sacrificios de animales para obtener favores como pueden ser revelaciones puntuales o estratégicas en el mapa, o bien conseguir favor de un enemigo que se vuelve aliado o neutral, por ejemplo. Esto además de ayudar y favorecer en el juego, daría mayor sentido a los «corrales» los cuales se vuelven un poco inútiles al existir los huertos y animales salvajes.

-6-Por ultimo y referente a la religión, también echo en falta una mayor utilidad y presencia de templos, se podría hacer que estos también tuvieran aura de bonificación (quizás dispuestos como altares-templos pequeños), en los cuales se pudieran desarrollar mejoras y proporcionar ayudas temporales. En casos politeístas, estos templos podrían estar dedicados a una deidad escogida según estadísticas desfavorables (por ejemplo si hubiera escasos recursos de comida seria a un dios de agricultura, si estuviéramos en plena batalla a un dios de la guerra, si necesitáramos mas población a un dios de la fertilidad etc). Ejemplo: Templo de Ceres, diosa de la agricultura > Elegido al pinchar en construir templo por haber un bajo indice de recursos de comida. Otorga +10 en recogida de alimento en granjas cercanas. Desarrolla «Bendición de la semilla» con lo cual las huertas tardan menos en crearse. Además tambien desarrolla «Cerealia» Fiesta de la cosecha en honor a Ceres que durante 5 minutos hace que la recogida de alimentos sea intensiva, que hasta pasados 30 minutos no se puede volver a realizar.

Claro está que según cada cultura estas sugerencias se habrían de adaptar.

Bueno estas son mis sugerencias con respecto al juego en general. Espero que dichas ideas gusten y sean aceptadas.




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El problema es que actualmente el juego está basado en fases no épocas aun que puede ser igualmente valido.

Me gusta la idea de los templos y el aura de bonificación, había pensado en desbloquearlo como tecnologías.

Ahora con los monumentos no todas las facciones tienen tantos monumentos.


Some suggestion are related with art departament, is a lot of work, but I see you use good graphic design ( 3d may be) to support your ideas may be you can contribute with us.

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1. There are no ages in 0 A.D., but city phases. Similar to 0 A.D. being a time that never existed, so it lets you fight civilisations from different periods, the time also doesn't proceed when you build up your city. If anything, the CCs could grow when phases are researched, as bigger cities get bigger townhalls, no matter in what time it was.

2. There's already a barter option in the market. There you can exchange one good for the other. Your workshops seem to do the same, making one of them useless.

3. 9 monuments per civ is a lot. That means you request 108 models from the artists. If the resources are away from your CC, it's because the map maker meant it this way. Sending out your worker units makes them more vulnerable, thus can make a game more fun (it all depends on what sort of games you like, and what the map maker likes of course).

4. Icons are just part of the GUI. They should represent their meanings with what we currently picture with it. Like the town bell is a bell icon, even if they might have used trumpets or other instruments in the past. In-game art must represent reality as close as possible, GUI art must represent actions with icons we currently understand. So the two hands together is easy to understand, and works well. The staff with a snake might indeed be harder to understand. If you know improvements, you can always propose them.

5a. Yeah, maybe they could have a better aura, and make them more useful. But we must make sure they don't get overpowered either.

5b. I think altars aren't needed when you can build temples. We really shouldn't add buildings without distinctive meaning.

5c. Alliances are a choice of the player, not something forced on the player. So if two players agree, they can become mutual allies.

6. Temples have a healing aura already, it could be extended to other stats for sure. And I like your choosing-a-god example. You could choose a god in a temple, the it takes a few resources and some time to activate the god, after which a certain civ bonus is granted.

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sanderd17 summed up what I basically wanted to say; I'd like to add my two cents:

- I really like the idea of having workshops, but indeed they would be useless the way you see them. What I imagine would be a bit different. You could have a building called Workshop, and once it's finished you can choose one bonus, that costs a little amount of one resource regularly, and grants a bonus. You can toggle off the bonus to save your resources, or to choose another one.

For instance, you could have the "Improved axe" bonus that costs metal and boosts gathering wood from trees; or "Improved military food" that costs food and gives your soldiers a stronger attack (or stronger morale once conversion works).

What do you think?

- Civ bonus based on god choices would be interesting but they should remain realistic and not involve surnatural powers; so I don't see many possibilites (more morale, friendship easier with AI players, maybe?)

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sanderd17 summed up what I basically wanted to say; I'd like to add my two cents:

- I really like the idea of having workshops, but indeed they would be useless the way you see them. What I imagine would be a bit different. You could have a building called Workshop, and once it's finished you can choose one bonus, that costs a little amount of one resource regularly, and grants a bonus. You can toggle off the bonus to save your resources, or to choose another one.

- Civ bonus based on god choices would be interesting but they should remain realistic and not involve surnatural powers; so I don't see many possibilites (more morale, friendship easier with AI players, maybe?)

We can implement strategic technologies with some buildings have economic and military. These technologies have the difference to toggle on and off between you play implement in AOE 3 as tactics and in AOEO for Persian Pro Civilization.

About the gods, can be nice select some goods and give bonus for units , but little, another brick that build great strategy wall.

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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sanderd17 summed up what I basically wanted to say; I'd like to add my two cents:

- Civ bonus based on god choices would be interesting but they should remain realistic and not involve surnatural powers; so I don't see many possibilites (more morale, friendship easier with AI players, maybe?)

I think there are many possibilities. If I focus on Greek gods (which we know best, in particular the olimpians), we could see the following possibilities:

  • Zeus: A bit too general to put in stats
  • Poseidon: god of the seas: faster and stronger ships
  • Hera: Empower women: give them better attack/defense stats
  • Demeter: Gather grain a lot faster
  • Apollo: perhaps the most supernatural of the gods. Could improve some stats for healers, temples or auto-healing.
  • Artemis: Better hunting stats, and lower unit training time (goddess of hunt and fertility)
  • Hephaestus: A blacksmith: units get stronger weapons and armour
  • Athena: Goddess of strategy and wisdom, maybe stronger or faster-to-construct buildings, not sure if that relates. Maybe better tools (like siege engines) would be appropriate too.
  • Ares: God of war, so I guess just upping a few battle stats
  • Aphrodite: Shorter training time for all units
  • Hermes: also a rather supernatural god. I can see some interesting things like bringing soldiers back from the death, but it's rather different from the current techs and auras we have now. Maybe we could also focus on his protection of travellers and trade.
  • Dionysus: basically the god of the festivals and alcohol. Not sure how to put this into positive stats.

So if we pick a few gods per civ, there are certainly enough possibilities for Greek and Roman civs. For other civs, it might be more difficult to find.

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sanderd17 the other goods is hard to find but , the basic are very easy to create, the generic I mean.

The basic goods shared by all civilization in the earth are: God of war, God of death, God of earth ( agriculture related) God of love( agriculture and sex. fertility in some cases) and unique God( monotheism) in others, even a triad of gods, in this age the gods are very similar only are clon from other or a evolving from other more ancients


Here we can found more gods


Even basque gods ( Iberian)


Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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Thank you for your feedback.

I forgot to add that: in my opinion there are too military buildings and few civilian. Supposedly in the game we create a city ,and a city can not be by building "4 simple buildings". There my importance in the add new buildings: temples, monuments, workshops ... etc. In all games I've played I've finished with loads of food resources and very little metal

Also say that these proposed comments are based on my real experience as a player.
-RPI2 «Workshop» (Lion.Kanzen, Itms): I am not referring to exchange resources with other cities, if not slow equalization of resources. In all ¿games? I've played and I've finished with loads of food resources and very little metal, and working to "buy / sell" in the market to buy metal at 1 metal x 100 food becomes tedious. Hence the idea of workshops. It is internal movement of resources, no external movement of resources and a passive performance, no active. Create various workshops would be based on the workshops do not alternate the activity, a bread oven is always a bread oven, could not be closed and the next day make pottery. Maybe it could be something like "Guild workers " one building that looks like a various that works as one.

-RPI3 «Monuments» (sanderd17, Lion.Kanzen): Rather would say it is difficult to find 9 monuments of every culture, but if any must be haha. So I exposed what that style monuments, not monuments in particular. That is a statue of classic style, not The Doryphoros of Polykleitos. Anyway I can the investigative work, I think it could raise at least 3 works of each stage and culture.

-RPI4 «Icons» (sanderd17): I continue to believe that is a great historical mistake, this gesture of prayer just what do Christians and Buddhists (no gaming culture has these religions) and do not believe that all users of the game at whether Christian or Buddhist. According: Why not put a gun or a tank instead of swords to represent the barracks? But of course this is my opinion.

-RPI5 «Priests / Healers» (sanderd17): The altars or shrines (not temples) function as a priest who can not move and only the priest could build. Would type something like this (EXAMPLE) The Alliance I meant when playing against AI and was to add one more example of favor.
-RPI6 «Temples» (sanderd17, ITMS): A small temples I mean things type the Temple of Athena Nike (51 x 112 x 8mm) not in a great temple as might be the Parthenon (69.5 x 30.9 x 20m). though we could choose to have the first temple to be built is the Great Temple and the following are common temples (ie small, as if they were chapels). On divine helps, of course I mean things "fervor of faith" and not magic, taking the gods or God as "patrón de".

Gracias por vuestros comentarios.

Se me ha olvidado añadir que para mi gusto hay demasiados edificios militares y pocos civiles. Supuestamente en el juego se crea una ciudad, y una ciudad no creo que pueda hacerse construyendo «4 edificios» de ahi mi importancia en la aparición de nuevas edificaciones: templos, monumentos, talleres...etc.

Decir también que estos comentarios propuestos se basan en mi experiencia como usuario


-RTP2 «Talleres» (Lion.Kanzen, Itms): No me estoy refiriendo a intercambiar recursos con otras ciudades, si no a una lenta nivelación de los recursos. En todas las partidas que he jugado he acabado con mogollón de recursos de comida y muy poco de metal, y la labor de compra/venta en el mercado para adquirir metal a 1 de metal x 100 de comida se hace tedioso. De ahí la idea de talleres. Se trata de movimiento interno de recursos no movimiento externo de recursos y de una actuación pasiva, no activa . Lo de crear varios talleres estaría basado en que los talleres no alternan su actividad, es decir un horno de pan es siempre un horno de pan, no podría cerrarse y al día siguiente hacer una alfarería. Quizas podria ser algo en plan «Gremio de trabajadores» un solo edificio con apariencia de varios que funciona como uno solo.

-RTP3 «Monumentos» (sanderd17, Lion.Kanzen ): Más bien diria que es dificil encontrar los 9 monumentos de cada cultura, pero haberlos tiene que haber jaja, no estamos hablando de tribus si no de civilizaciones. Por eso expuse lo de monumentos con ese estilo, no monumentos en concreto. Es decir una estatua de estilo clasico no el Doriforo de Policleto. De todas formas no me importaría hacer la labor de investigación, creo que podria reunir al menos 3 obras de cada etapa y cultura.

-RTP4 «Iconos» (sanderd17): Sigo opinando que es un gran error historico, ese gesto de oracion solo lo tienen los cristianos y los budistas (ninguna cultura del juego posee esas religiones) y tampoco creo que todos los usuarios del juego a nivel mundial sean cristianos o budistas. Según eso ¿Por que no poner una escopeta o un tanque en lugar de espadas para representar el cuartel? Pero claro esta es mi opinión.

-RTP5 «Sacerdotes/Curanderos» (sanderd17): Lo de los altares o templetes (que no templos) funcionarían como un sacerdote que no se puede mover y solo los podria construir el sacerdote. Serian algo tipo asi (http://www.romanorumvita.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/mulva_400.jpg)

Lo de la alianza me referia a cuando se juega contra IA y fue por añadir un ejemplo más de favor.

-RTP6 «Templos» (sanderd17, Itms ): A templos pequeños me refiero a cosas tipo el Templo de Atenea Nike (51 x 112 x 8m) no a un gran templo como podría ser el Partenón (69,5 x 30,9 x 20m) , aunque se podria optar por que el primer templo que se construye sea el Gran Templo y lo siguientes sean templos comunes (es decir pequeños, como si fueran capillas). Sobre las ayudas divinas, claro esta que me refiero a cosas de «fervor de fe» y no a magia, tomando a los dioses o dios como «Patrón de».

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Edit : 1 olvidalo ya lo ví, no lo recordaba tus sugerencias.

My suggestion to change that icon is maybe use a candle ( oil lamp may be? Or goddess with wings?) or other religious symbol. But can be nice a suggestion , now with some GUI icons like heal don't be necessary are from antiquity because ther prime/main role is be universal to players. Is player don't acknowledge/ recognize the icon because is too complex , or player is not habitual with their meaning... You know don't work.

RTP6- can work and now in the next alphas we can test "capturing" building monuments and shrines can have a bonus against capturing ( is a suggestion )

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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I think there are many possibilities. If I focus on Greek gods (which we know best, in particular the olimpians), we could see the following possibilities:

  • Zeus: A bit too general to put in stats
  • Poseidon: god of the seas: faster and stronger ships
  • Hera: Empower women: give them better attack/defense stats
  • Demeter: Gather grain a lot faster
  • Apollo: perhaps the most supernatural of the gods. Could improve some stats for healers, temples or auto-healing.
  • Artemis: Better hunting stats, and lower unit training time (goddess of hunt and fertility)
  • Hephaestus: A blacksmith: units get stronger weapons and armour
  • Athena: Goddess of strategy and wisdom, maybe stronger or faster-to-construct buildings, not sure if that relates. Maybe better tools (like siege engines) would be appropriate too.
  • Ares: God of war, so I guess just upping a few battle stats
  • Aphrodite: Shorter training time for all units
  • Hermes: also a rather supernatural god. I can see some interesting things like bringing soldiers back from the death, but it's rather different from the current techs and auras we have now. Maybe we could also focus on his protection of travellers and trade.
  • Dionysus: basically the god of the festivals and alcohol. Not sure how to put this into positive stats.

So if we pick a few gods per civ, there are certainly enough possibilities for Greek and Roman civs. For other civs, it might be more difficult to find.

sanderd17 the other goods is hard to find but , the basic are very easy to create, the generic I mean.

The basic goods shared by all civilization in the earth are: God of war, God of death, God of earth ( agriculture related) God of love( agriculture and sex. fertility in some cases) and unique God( monotheism) in others, even a triad of gods, in this age the gods are very similar only are clon from other or a evolving from other more ancients


Here we can found more gods


Even basque gods ( Iberian)


I instead would propose, taking the Greek case as example, and according to I said about the automatic dedication of the temples:

  • Zeus / Athena / Hera: would the gods base, that is when there is no a god in particular. Zeus for being the king of gods, Athena to be precisely "the goddess of towns or cities that protects' (many cities like Athens and Mycenae, come from the name of the goddess) and Hera for being the queen of the gods.
  • Poseidon: When there is a large fishing fleet or where the temple stands near water.
  • Demeter: When farm work is important, or stands near the fields
  • Artemis: when done near a forest or played with setting night.
  • Apolo: When player statistics are above those of the other players (ie this at the time of splendor) or is played with setting day.
  • Ares: when the temple was built in the middle of a battle.
  • Hades: when it gets near a vein of stone or there have been many deaths continued.
  • Herfesto: When is done by forging or a vein of metal.
  • Hestia: when building near the houses.
  • Aphrodite / Dionisio: when excessive birth or peacetime.
Obviously one should look rituals, ceremonies and mysteries that had each deity worship and for what purpose were made to make these "favors" and corresponding rewards. Besides adding a shortcut to rotate the type of temple (eg ctrl + click) to suit the user.
For monotheistic religions, it is clear that only have one option and in the case of religions without much information as you opt for the chief god (treating it as monotheism).
Leveraging what you just said about Basque and Iberians gods, I want to make clear that the Iberians have absolutely nothing to do with the Basques.
I do not know where you brought that information but all they had in Basque and Iberian common was a trade route, which barely had cultural exchange. THE IBERIANS NOT SPOKE THE BASQUE. But that is another topic that clearly fails in another post that is atrocious as you have placed the Iberian culture in the game with that mud architecture straight out of central Africa.

Yo más bien propondría tomando el caso griego como ejemplo y según lo que he dicho sobre la dedicación automática del templo:

-Zeus/Atenea/Hera: serian los dioses base, es decir cuando no hay un dios en especial. Uno por ser el rey de dioses y otra por ser precisamente «la diosa de las ciudades o la que proteje las ciudades» (muchas ciudades como Atenas o Micenas, vienen del nombre de esta diosa) y Hera por ser la reina de dioses.

-Poseidon: cuando hay una importante flota pesquera o cuando se erige el templo cerca del agua.

-Demeter: cuando la labor agricola es importante, o se erige cerca de los campos de cultivo.

-Artemisa: cuando se hace cerca de algún bosque o se juega con ambientación noche.

-Apolo: cuando las estadisticas del jugador estan por encima de las de los otros jugadores (es decir esta en su momento de explendor) o se juega con ambientación de día.

-Ares: cuando se esta en medio de una batalla.

-Hades: cuando se hace cerca de una veta de piedra o ha habido muchas muertes continuadas.

-Herfesto: cuando se hace cerca de la forja o de una veta de metal.

-Hestia: cuando se construye cerca de las casas.

-Afrodita/Dionisio: cuando hay una excesiva natalidad.

Obviamente habría que mirar los rituales, ceremonias y misterios que tenia cada deidad en su culto y con que fin se realizaban para hacer estos "favores" y sus correspondientes recompensas. Además de añadir un atajo para rotar el tipo de templo (por ejemplo ctrl+click) para gusto del usuario.

En el caso de religiones monoteístas, esta claro que solo habría una opción y en el caso de religiones sin mucha información pues se optaría por el dios principal (tratándolo como monoteismo).

Aprovechando lo que acabas de decir sobre dioses vascos e Iberios, quiero dejar claro que los iberos no tienen absolutamente nada que ver con los vascos. No se de donde habéis sacado esa información pero lo único que tenían en común vascos e iberos era una ruta comercial, de la que escasamente había intercambio cultural. LOS IBEROS NO HABLARON EUSKERA. Pero eso ya es otro tema que dejare claro en otro post por que es atroz como habéis puesto la cultura Ibera en el juego con esa arquitectura de barro que parece sacada de centro África.

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We know the Iberians speak Euskera/Basque but we dont have many words from them, many alphas ago they speak modern spanish, that was worst

A adventage about development of 0 AD is you can find sources to get more historical accuracy, I don't like Iberian textures, because are one most old in the game and is very gray. But you can help with references, this the most positive part of this project, the user can help developers. But the Art departaments have many task so can take time

About Iberians, they are mixed into several cultures included Celtiberans and Lusitans

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Edit : 1 olvidalo ya lo ví, no lo recordaba tus sugerencias.

My suggestion to change that icon is maybe use a candle ( oil lamp may be? Or goddess with wings?) or other religious symbol. But can be nice a suggestion , now with some GUI icons like heal don't be necessary are from antiquity because ther prime/main role is be universal to players. Is player don't acknowledge/ recognize the icon because is too complex , or player is not habitual with their meaning... You know don't work.


Edit : 1 olvidalo ya lo ví, no lo recordaba tus sugerencias.

My suggestion to change that icon is maybe use a candle ( oil lamp may be? Or goddess with wings?) or other religious symbol. But can be nice a suggestion , now with some GUI icons like heal don't be necessary are from antiquity because ther prime/main role is be universal to players. Is player don't acknowledge/ recognize the icon because is too complex , or player is not habitual with their meaning... You know don't work.

RTP6- can work and now in the next alphas we can test "capturing" building monuments and shrines can have a bonus against capturing ( is a suggestion )

We know the Iberians speak Euskera/Basque but we dont have many words from them, many alphas ago they speak modern spanish, that was worst

A adventage about development of 0 AD is you can find sources to get more historical accuracy, I don't like Iberian textures, because are one most old in the game and is very gray. But you can help with references, this the most positive part of this project, the user can help developers. But the Art departaments have many task so can take time

About Iberians, they are mixed into several cultures included Celtiberans and Lusitans

RTP6- can work and now in the next alphas we can test "capturing" building monuments and shrines can have a bonus against capturing ( is a suggestion )

RTP4 «Iconos»: Yo lo que propuse al principio es un icono universal de templo (Edificio Místico, simbolizado por el triangulo, elemento muy común en lo que es la religión para representar lo sagrado, cuyo interior alberga un ara con un fuego/luz sagrado). En cuanto al de sanar, recalco que es muy difícil de ver y confuso, cierto es que la serpiente es un símbolo de medicina (por la utilización de su veneno) pero el cayado de Asclepio no lo es tanto, incluso resulta confuso por parecerse al caduceo de Hermes (dios del comercio). El albarelo, recipiente destinado a recoger las plantas medicinales, es un símbolo universal, yo he dado una vaga idea de como podría ser añadiéndole hojas de planta y la cruz roja para un entendimiento contemporáneo. También podría ser una copa con dos serpientes enroscadas, pero estaríamos hablando de lo mismo, un contenedor. Ya digo que son sugerencias, vosotros que hacéis el juego al final sois los que mandáis.

Sobre los Iberos: Vuelvo a insistir en que los Iberos nunca hablaron Euskera por varios motivos:

1/ Las pruebas encontradas en yacimientos arqueológicos demuestran que apenas hubo intercambio cultural más allá de lo que se daría en un simple comercio.

2/ Los vascos, que poseen una cultura montañesa-norteña, históricamente siempre han sido un pueblo cerrado en el sentido de no moverse de su sitio y de tener una marcada cultura propia independiente (es decir no tienen ámbito expansionista ni colonizador, con lo cual no quieren ni pretenden influir en otros pueblos). En cambio los Iberos, que poseen una cultura mediterránea, han tenido siempre contacto con diversas culturas: fenicios, tartesos, griegos, egipcios, romanos, etruscos...etc. Además ninguna de las dos culturas se parecen en algo.

3/ Los vascos son vascos, y los Iberos son Iberos. Es decir, si los vascos fueran iberos, no se daria una cultura íbera, puesto que seguiria siendo la cultura vasca.

4/ Si los iberos hablasen euskera, se podria haber descifrado los textos iberos desde un principio, y los vascos tendrian el alfabeto ibero en su lengua.

5/ Referente a esto y con esto quiero zanjar la discusión, un estudio intensivo finalizado en el año 2012, consiguió por primera vez descifrar el alfabeto ibero, cuyo descubridor Enrique Cabrejas Iñesta (antropólogo y filólogo), rebeló que el lenguaje y por lo tanto la cultura íbera proviene del griego (El estudio vendría a decir que los iberos surgieron de una antigua colonia griega que tomó independencia en la península Íbera)

Aquí te dejo un debate sobre el tema:


Y aquí un enlace sobre el descubridor:


Me gustaría mucho poder participar en el apartado artístico y rehacer los edificios íberos basándome en los estudios y en la arqueología. Pero solo se manejar el Sketchup, no obstante podría hacer equipo con alguien que supiera hacer 3d en bender proporcionándole ilustraciones y planos.

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Sorry I forget publish with the translation in English:

-RPI4 «Icons» My proposal of the principle is a universal icon temple (Building Mythical, symbolized by the triangle, very common element in religions to represent the sacred, whose interior houses an altar with a fire/light sacred). As to heal, I stress that it is very difficult to see and confusing, it is true that the serpent is a symbol of medicine (from using your poison) but the staff of Asclepius is not so, even confusing up looking like the caduceus of Hermes (god of commerce). The albarelo, container for collecting medicinal plants, is a universal symbol, I have a loose idea of how it could be adding plant leaves and the red cross to a contemporary understanding. It could also be a glass with two entwined snakes, but we are talking about the same, a container. As I said, are suggestions, you who make the game at the end are those who enjoin.

About the Iberians: I'll insist that the Iberians never spoke Euskera for several reasons:
1 / The evidence found in archaeological sites show that cultural exchange was just beyond what would occur in a single trade.
2 / The Basques, who have a mountain-northern culture, historically have always been a closed people in the sense of not leaving your site and have a strong independent culture own.(ie no expansionist or colonizer field, which does not want or intend to influence other peoples). Instead the Iberians, which have a Mediterranean culture, have always had contact with different cultures: Phoenicians, Tartars, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Etruscans ... etc. Furthermore of the two cultures arent similar in something.
3 / The Basques are Basque, and the Iberians are Iberians. That is, if the Basques were Iberians, not exist Iberian culture, since it would Basque culture.
4 / If the Iberians speak Basque, one could have deciphered the Iberians texts from the beginning, and Basques would have the Iberian alphabet in their language.
5 / Concerning this and by that I end the argument, an intensive study completed in 2012, got first decrypt the Iberian alphabet, whose discoverer Enrique Cabrejas Iñesta (anthropologist and philologist), rebelled that language and therefore Iberian culture comes from the Greek (the study would say that the Iberians came from an ancient Greek colony that took independence in Iberia)
Here I leave a debate on the topic:
And a link to the discoverer:
I would love to participate in the art section and remake the Iberians buildings based on studies and archeology. But only manage Sketchup, however it could team up with someone who could make 3d bender providing illustrations and drawings.

Thank for read

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We only try to do our best.

If you have a better proposal for the GUI that's both clear and historical correct, that would be nice, but we won't sacrifice clearness for a historical correct image in the GUI.

And about the Iberian language, if you have better strings, that would be welcome too. But as you note, the Iberian language hasn't been deciphered for a long time, so there are only few resources.

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We know the Iberians speak Euskera/Basque but we dont have many words from them, many alphas ago they speak modern spanish, that was worst

I think that Lion was trying to say that "We know that Iberians didn't speak Euskera/Basque....

5 / Concerning this and by that I end the argument, an intensive study completed in 2012, got first decrypt the Iberian alphabet, whose discoverer Enrique Cabrejas Iñesta (anthropologist and philologist), rebelled that language and therefore Iberian culture comes from the Greek (the study would say that the Iberians came from an ancient Greek colony that took independence in Iberia)

I met this guy and my friends that are studying archeology said that the study wasn't very solid. Didn't remeber the arguments.

2 / The Basques, who have a mountain-northern culture, historically have always been a closed people in the sense of not leaving your site and have a strong independent culture own.(ie no expansionist or colonizer field, which does not want or intend to influence other peoples). Instead the Iberians, which have a Mediterranean culture, have always had contact with different cultures: Phoenicians, Tartars, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Etruscans ... etc. Furthermore of the two cultures arent similar in something.

I would say that classifying cultures into big pattern cultural areas very risky. You're right that some Iberians met other cultures.. but... they feel themselves Iberians? In cultures without a State in a wide territory, it's hard to generalize, cause we're trying to see different towns or little city like a general culture, and that can be discussed.

Pero eso ya es otro tema que dejare claro en otro post por que es atroz como habéis puesto la cultura Ibera en el juego con esa arquitectura de barro que parece sacada de centro África.

What's wrong with clay houses? I don't know how looked Iberians buildings, but if you think that're wrong don't say that it's cruel that iberians houses look like africans.

- Just to bother a little bit :hypocrite: -

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  • 2 years later...

En este siglo, el emperador indio Aśoka lo hace religión oficial de su enorme imperio, mandando embajadas de monjes budistas a todo el mundo conocido entonces. No será hasta el siglo VII cuando iniciará su declive en su tierra de origen, aunque para entonces ya se habría expandido a muchos territorios. En el siglo XIII había llegado a su casi completa desaparición de la India, pero se había propagado con éxito por la mayor parte del continente asiático

El budismo es parte del 0 A.D

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I like the idea of having a temporary aura draining resources in order to stay active, but i can't imagine which benefit it could do ( there are several economical and military technologies with a discrete cost that make the job ). Perhaps gathering faster by moving faster only in own territory? ( it would affect also soldiers which is bad )  converting a percentage of gathered good into another good? there is the market already for this kind of task, and if you find yourself exchanging 100 good for 1 good only, there is something wrong with your strategy.

Afaik many people talked about a structure able to heal soldiers outside own territory, you call them "altars", but perhaps the building couldn't be built by healers but need them to garrison or pray near it (like happens in DE with the glory resource ) to expand structure healing aura range. I am not a huge fan of garrisoning units into temples because its limit of 20 units only isn't enough and giving priority to most wounded units by micro-selecting and send them to garrison a temple is quite too meticulous task.

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