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===[COMMITTED]=== Fox


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I don't know. I need to check, I'm not able to do texture paint anymore (Blender 2.72)... They changed something in the interface and I can't figure out what.

I'll tell you :)

You have material layers in Blender 2.72.

Assign a material to the fox, switch to texture paint mode, go in the Toolbar to the tab called "Slots".Here you can choose, on which layer you want to paint and you can create new layers.

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In ambient light AO would probably look good, but it would look worse under sharper lighting instead.

You should however add some margins to the baking there, there are hints of black lines (partly due to the unecessary number of UV-splits). Was it unwrapped like this before? It would probably look nicer if one tried to minimize seams.

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It's because I removed margins... I'll fix that in the next bake. I was actually touching every options to get the result I wanted :)

256x256 look a bit too much blurry for me. But I guess that's okay as long as it's not a common animal.

EDIT : Here are the new ones



Edited by stanislas69
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Made it with lightmap pack, so it use the most texture space. 1024x1024 cause it was just baked.

Don't use lightmap pack. It is assured texture bleed will make seams noticeable, and since is unwrapped there will be seams everywhere.

It's called lightmap packing because it is used to bake the light shadows of big scenes into one texture since the shadows don't need to be as crisp as texture details.

Manual unwrapping is the way to go on every single organic model. Creatures, characters and any other organic form.

Just discovered the control clone key. ... Awesome.

Use the "bleed" option in the texture paint shelf to be able to paint past the UV islands, so no black texture is seen on the seams.

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As pointed a few times before in other threads, It's better if you just texture half of the animal, and let the mirror modifier map the other half, since it's a symmetrical creature. This way you can make the UV islands much bigger (more texture detail) because you only have to unwrap half of it.

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