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Android port

Guest afeder

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The work to do the Android port could be also useful to port the game to JavaScript.

Emscripten (https://github.com/kripken/emscripten) can translate C++ code to JavaScript using the LLVM compiler, and it can translate OpenGL ES (at least a subset) to WebGL.

For example, there's a project about porting Sauerbraten (http://sauerbraten.org/): https://github.com/kripken/BananaBread/

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ok I am trying to compile the game on my samsung galaxy S plus: model number GTI9001 on Ubuntu 12.04 running inside virtual box.

I am following the instructions here : http://trac.wildfire...ndenciesandgame

I get an error at this instruction:


Then build SDL and the .apk (the installable application that invokes the external game engine code):

cd build/android/sdl-project/


abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project/jni/SDL$ cd ../..
abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project$ make
make: /home/abhi/android/android-ndk-r7-crystax-5.beta2/ndk-build: Command not found
make: *** [libs/armeabi/libmain.so] Error 127

So I havent reached the Crystax NDK install stage yet, why is make asking for it now ? Am I not building SDL correctly ? I do have SDL cloned properly but I am not sure how to

go ahead with building it and in which folder.


Well I went ahead and tried to install the dependencies from this instruction:

(Dependency checking is probably broken, so run "make clean" if you need to rebuild after changing stuff.)

Then install all the dependencies:

cd build/android/


It got and I guess installed few of the dependencies but then I suddenly got an error :

2012-05-12 22:32:36 (1.07 MB/s) - `libpng-1.5.8.tar.xz' saved [701716/701716]
--2012-05-12 22:32:36-- ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.7.8.tar.gz
=> `libxml2-2.7.8.tar.gz'
Resolving xmlsoft.org (xmlsoft.org)...
Connecting to xmlsoft.org (xmlsoft.org)||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD (1) /libxml2 ... done.
==> SIZE libxml2-2.7.8.tar.gz ... 4881808
==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR libxml2-2.7.8.tar.gz ... done.
Length: 4881808 (4.7M) (unauthoritative)
100%[===========================================================>] 4,881,808 937K/s in 6.4s
2012-05-12 22:32:45 (742 KB/s) - `libxml2-2.7.8.tar.gz' saved [4881808]
rm: cannot remove `/home/abhi/android/toolchain-0ad': No such file or directory
./setup-libs.sh: line 68: /home/abhi/android/android-ndk-r7-crystax-5.beta2/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh: No such file or directory

I am familiar with building in Linux, so I think I should be able to complete the steps with a little bit of help regarding the order of things here. Have I messed up my

build folder already :P ?

Edited by madmax
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ok we are making progress now.

Here is the latest :

abhi@abhivb:~/android$ cd 0ad-game/
abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game$ cd build/android/sdl-project/
abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/abhi/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project'
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6.3] libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_assert.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_error.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_fatal.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_hints.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_log.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_audio.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_audiocvt.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_audiodev.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_audiotypecvt.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_mixer.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_wave.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidaudio.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_dummyaudio.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_atomic.c
Compile arm : SDL2 <= SDL_spinlock.c
Compile++ thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_android.cpp
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_cpuinfo.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_clipboardevents.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_dropevents.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_events.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_gesture.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_keyboard.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_mouse.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_quit.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_touch.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_windowevents.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_rwops.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_haptic.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_syshaptic.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_joystick.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_sysjoystick.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_sysloadso.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_power.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_yuv_mmx.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_yuv_sw.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render_d3d.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_libgl2D.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_ndsrender.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render_gles2.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_shaders_gles2.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render_gles.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render_gl.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_shaders_gl.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blendfillrect.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blendline.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blendpoint.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_drawline.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_drawpoint.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_render_sw.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_getenv.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_iconv.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_malloc.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_qsort.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_stdlib.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_string.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_thread.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_syscond.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_sysmutex.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_syssem.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_systhread.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_timer.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_systimer.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_0.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_1.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_A.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_auto.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_copy.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_N.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_blit_slow.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_bmp.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_clipboard.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_fillrect.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_pixels.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_rect.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_RLEaccel.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_shape.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_stretch.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_surface.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_video.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidevents.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidgl.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidkeyboard.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidtouch.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidvideo.c
Compile thumb : SDL2 <= SDL_androidwindow.c
StaticLibrary : libcrystax.a
Prebuilt : libcrystax_static.a <= <NDK>/sources/crystax/libs/armeabi/4.6.3/
Prebuilt : libgnustl_static.a <= <NDK>/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi/4.6.3/
SharedLibrary : libSDL2.so
Install : libSDL2.so => libs/armeabi/libSDL2.so
Compile++ thumb : main <= SDL_android_main.cpp
Compile++ thumb : main <= pyrogenesis_wrapper.cpp
SharedLibrary : libmain.so
Install : libmain.so => libs/armeabi/libmain.so
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/abhi/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project'
mkdir -p lib/armeabi
cp libs/armeabi/libmain.so libs/armeabi/libSDL2.so lib/armeabi/
/home/abhi/android/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt package -f -F bin/0ad.unaligned.apk -M AndroidManifest.xml -S bin/res -S res -I /home/abhi/android/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-10/android.jar
zip bin/0ad.unaligned.apk -j bin/classes.dex
adding: classes.dex (deflated 50%)
zip bin/0ad.unaligned.apk -r lib
adding: lib/ (stored 0%)
adding: lib/armeabi/ (stored 0%)
adding: lib/armeabi/libSDL2.so (deflated 69%)
adding: lib/armeabi/libmain.so (deflated 44%)
jarsigner -keystore /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android bin/0ad.unaligned.apk androiddebugkey
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore (No such file or directory)
make: *** [bin/0ad.unaligned.apk] Error 1


Hmm well anyway, now if I go into ~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project and tyoe make I get :

abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project$ make
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

So the build did succeed !!

I did a make clean and tried make again, again I got the same jarsign error thing.

This time I run make after I get the error and I get :

zip bin/0ad.unaligned.apk -r lib
adding: lib/ (stored 0%)
adding: lib/armeabi/ (stored 0%)
adding: lib/armeabi/libSDL2.so (deflated 69%)
adding: lib/armeabi/libmain.so (deflated 44%)
jarsigner -keystore /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android bin/0ad.unaligned.apk androiddebugkey
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore (No such file or directory)
make: *** [bin/0ad.unaligned.apk] Error 1
abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game/build/android/sdl-project$ make
/home/abhi/android/android-sdk-linux/tools/zipalign 4 bin/0ad.unaligned.apk bin/0ad.apk

Well watever, moving on.... I am now running the



Perhaps you can add to the wiki that patch, g++ and libxml2-dev also needs to be installed. Default ubuntu 12.04 doesnt have them.

sudo apt-get install patch g++
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev

Without libxml2-dev, FCollada build fails.


Ok, so the build is done and I have pushed to my phone and I try to run 0ad.apk but it says Application Not Installed, without giving any reason.

I am looking at adb logcat now but I dont see any clear reason specified.

W/ActivityManager( 178): Trying to launch com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity
I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3003): cscCountry is not German : INU
I/ActivityManager( 178): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity: +107ms
V/[MyFiles]( 2988): AllFile:onStop
D/BatteryService( 178): update start
D/BatteryService( 178): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 178): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:100 scale:100 status:5 health:2 present:true voltage: 4131 temperature: 330 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302191
I/StatusBarPolicy( 258): BAT. S:5 H:2
I/WifiService( 178): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 178): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 258): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 258): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/dhcpcd ( 427): renewing lease of
D/dhcpcd ( 427): sending DHCP_REQUEST with xid 0x62e688bb, next in 4.29 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 427): handle_dhcp : started
I/dhcpcd ( 427): acknowledged from `soln-sr3696.solutionip.com'
I/dhcpcd ( 427): save_listdata 0 : e40310ac
D/dhcpcd ( 427): Save list ip address. : e40310ac
I/dhcpcd ( 427): leased for 60 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 427): adding IP address
D/dhcpcd ( 427): adding route to via
D/dhcpcd ( 427): executing `/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks', reason RENEW
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : old_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : old_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : old_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : old_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : old_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : old_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : new_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : new_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : new_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : new_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [yiaddr] : new_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 427): [options] : new_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 427): renew in 30 seconds
I/InputReader( 178): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 178): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/ActivityManager( 178): Starting: Intent { dat=file:///mnt/sdcard/0ad.apk cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress (has extras) } from pid 3003
W/ActivityManager( 178): Trying to launch com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress
I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3003): cscCountry is not German : INU
I/ActivityManager( 178): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress: +80ms
D/VoldCmdListener( 114): volume aseced /mnt/sdcard/external_sd
D/MountService( 178): getAsecVolumeState :: result = mounted
I/DmAppInfo( 178): getApplicationsList found row counts : 0 For Pkg : org.libsdl.app
D/VoldCmdListener( 114): volume aseced /mnt/sdcard/external_sd
D/MountService( 178): getAsecVolumeState :: result = mounted
W/ActivityManager( 178): No content provider found for:
D/PackageParser( 178): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-1043091474.tmp
E/PackageParser( 178): Package org.libsdl.app has no certificates at entry res/layout/main.xml; ignoring!
W/ActivityManager( 178): No content provider found for:
I/StatusBarPolicy( 258): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 258): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/InputReader( 178): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 178): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InstallAppProgress( 3003): Finished installing org.libsdl.app
D/[MyFiles]( 2988): getCurrentDirectory : /mnt/sdcard
D/[MyFiles]( 2988): TextListAdapter.start
V/[MyFiles]( 2988): ImageLoader.start() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/BatteryService( 178): update start
D/BatteryService( 178): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower

How about this line towards the end :

E/PackageParser( 178): Package org.libsdl.app has no certificates at entry res/layout/main.xml; ignoring!

Edited by madmax
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jarsigner -keystore /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android bin/0ad.unaligned.apk androiddebugkey
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: /home/abhi/.android/debug.keystore (No such file or directory)

Hmm, I don't know where that file comes from - some part of the Android SDK generates it (maybe ant), but I have no idea how to trigger it. The .apk won't be created correctly without that - you'll need to run "make clean" then "make" inside sdl-project/ to rebuild properly once the keystore file is in place. (None of the rest of the build process will be affected by that, though.)

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the debug.keystore seems to be generated on first build. I am downloading eclipse and installing the ADT and then I ll build one of the sdk samples. That should do it.


So I created a hello world ap and now I have successfully signed and got 0ad.apk installed on my phone. It doesnt start however because I havent pushed the config stuff and public.zip

Onto all that next >>>> :)

Edited by madmax
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I am getting a seg fault with the penultimate step :(

abhi@abhivb:~/android/0ad-game$ binaries/system/pyrogenesis -archivebuild=binaries/data/mods/public -archivebuild-output=temp/public.zip -archivebuild-compress
Adding binaries/data/mods/public/art/LICENSE.txt
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Is it possible to generate public.zip on windows, or for someone to post it on the svn ? I suspect it maybe due to me running ubuntu in virtual box, but the game does start up inside ubuntu though its very slow.

Edited by madmax
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It'd be useful to know where it's crashing (since it shouldn't) - can you start it like "gdb --args binaries/system/pyrogenesis -archivebuild..." then do "r" to run, then it should crash, then do "bt full"?

One possibility: Does the "temp" directory exist? (If not, does it work better if it does?)

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yes by evening for sure :)


So I am trying to launch the app :

good news, the engine code does get loaded

bad news, the app doesnt show the opengl window due to a wierd error :

I/ActivityManager( 2370): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity bnds=[245,234][355,372] } from pid 2472
I/Launcher( 2472): onPause()
I/ActivityManager( 2370): Start proc org.libsdl.app for activity org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity: pid=3152 uid=10085 gids={1015, 3003}
I/WindowManager( 2370): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=1
I/TvOut-Observer( 2370): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 1
E/TvOut-Observer( 2370): SetOrientation
I/TvOut-Client( 2370): SetOrientation +
I/TvOut-Client( 2370): SetOrientation -
I/ActivityManager( 2370): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=405/52 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=2/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=11 FlipFont=0}
V/Mms/HVGALayoutParameters( 2612): HVGALayoutParameters.<init>(11).
I/Launcher( 2472): onWindowFocusChanged(false)
I/ApplicationPackageManager( 3152): cscCountry is not German : INU
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 5
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 6
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 7
D/SensorManager( 3152): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
V/SDL ( 3152): onResume()
D/Launcher( 2472): It's image wallpaper. suggestDesiredDimensions(-1,-1)
I/ActivityManager( 2370): Displayed org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity: +141ms
E/AutoRotationSettingButton( 2446): en
V/SDL ( 3152): surfaceCreated()
E/SensorManager( 3152): registerListener :: handle = 1 name= BMA222 Acceleration Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= org.libsdl.app.SDLSurface@40522868
E/SensorManager( 3152): =======>>>Sensor Thread RUNNING <<<========
E/SensorManager( 3152): reg :: handle = 1
V/SDL ( 3152): surfaceChanged()
V/SDL ( 3152): pixel format RGB_565
V/SDL ( 3152): Window size:800x480
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 2472): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/SDL ( 3152): SDL_Android_Init()
I/SDL ( 3152): SDL_Android_Init() finished!
I/pyrogenesis( 3152): Started wrapper
I/pyrogenesis( 3152): Opening library /data/local/libpyrogenesis_dbg.so
I/pyrogenesis( 3152): Library opened successfully
I/pyrogenesis( 3152): Launching engine code
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): Cache: 64 (total: 352) MiB
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): TIMER| InitVfs: 1.58691 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): TIMER| InitScripting: 8.54492 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 1.40961 s
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): lightSensorChangedLocked 1st
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): lightSensorChangedLocked 1000
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): lightSensorChangedLocked mHighestLightSensorValue = 1000
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): lightSensorChangedLocked mLightSensorValue = 6.0
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): lcdValue 50
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): buttonValue 0
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): keyboardValue 0
D/LightsService( 2370): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 2370): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 2370): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 2370): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/BatteryService( 2370): update start
D/BatteryService( 2370): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 2370): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:75 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 3988 temperature: 420 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 2370): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 2370): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): BAT. S:2 H:2
W/PowerManagerService( 2370): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 2370): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 2370): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
D/LightsService( 2370): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 2370): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
W/libEGL ( 3152): 0: eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_SUCCESS)
E/SDL ( 3152): No EGL config available
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): ERROR: SetVideoMode failed in SDL_GL_CreateContext: 800x480:32 1 ("Couldn't create OpenGL context - see Android log for details")
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): ERROR: SetVideoMode failed in SDL_CreateWindow: 800x480:32 1 ("Android only supports one window")
I/DEBUG ( 116): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 116): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9001/GT-I9001:2.3.4/GINGERBREAD/XXKPE:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 116): pid: 3152, tid: 3161 >>> org.libsdl.app <<<
I/DEBUG ( 116): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
I/DEBUG ( 116): r0 00000027 r1 deadbaad r2 80000000 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): r4 00000001 r5 00000000 r6 00000001 r7 afd426d8
I/DEBUG ( 116): r8 47afcb40 r9 479fcfb8 10 479fcfa4 fp aca96310
I/DEBUG ( 116): ip afd46688 sp 47afb908 lr afd19249 pc afd15d14 cpsr 60000030
I/DEBUG ( 116): d0 565f6d6574737953 d1 6c69614665646f6d
I/DEBUG ( 116): d2 0000007000000000 d3 0000007200000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d4 0000007300000074 d5 0000006f00000020
I/DEBUG ( 116): d6 000000650000006e d7 0000007700000020
I/DEBUG ( 116): d8 0000000001312d00 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d16 4011e5080021047f d17 4011e5080021047f
I/DEBUG ( 116): d18 41bc3b8764000000 d19 3fe00000001df743
I/DEBUG ( 116): d20 bf641aadca2c925d d21 be5acaf22c836220
I/DEBUG ( 116): d22 3c861b1acd800000 d23 3de5d93a5acfd57c
I/DEBUG ( 116): d24 3fc74721cad6b0ed d25 3fc39a09d078c69f
I/DEBUG ( 116): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d28 0000000000000000 d29 3ff0000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d30 0000000000000000 d31 3ff0000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): scr 20000012
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 pc 00015d14 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): #01 lr afd19249 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd15cf4 2c006824 e028d1fb b13368db c064f8df
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd15d04 44fc2401 4000f8cc 49124798 25002027
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd15d14 f7f57008 2106ec64 edd8f7f6 460aa901
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd15d24 f04f2006 95015380 95029303 e93ef7f6
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd15d34 462aa905 f7f62002 f7f5e94a 2106ec50
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd19228 4a0e4b0d e92d447b 589c41f0 26004680
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd19238 686768a5 f9b5e006 b113300c 47c04628
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd19248 35544306 37fff117 6824d5f5 d1ef2c00
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd19258 e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000282f4 ffffff88
I/DEBUG ( 116): afd19268 b086b570 f602fb01 9004460c a804a901
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8c8 afd42684
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8cc 000a04d8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8d0 0000002b
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8d4 afd18311 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8d8 afd42624
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8dc afd467f8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8e0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8e4 afd19249 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8e8 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8ec 47afb91c
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8f0 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8f4 afd426d8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8f8 47afcb40
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb8fc afd1856b /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb900 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb904 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 47afb908 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb90c afd1835d /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb910 0000000a
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb914 afd1c87f /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb918 afd42630
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb91c fffffbdf
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb920 479fcfb8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb924 afd42630
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb928 82ab9a24 /data/local/libpyrogenesis_dbg.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb92c 811a58d0 /data/data/org.libsdl.app/lib/libSDL2.so
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb930 00629d80
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb934 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb938 00629dd8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb93c 00629d80
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb940 82c5b09c
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb944 00629dd8
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb948 47afb978
I/DEBUG ( 116): 47afb94c 811a4dd0 /data/data/org.libsdl.app/lib/libSDL2.so
I/BootReceiver( 2370): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_08 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
I/DEBUG ( 116): dumpstate /data/log/dumpstate_app_native.txt
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
D/BatteryService( 2370): update start
D/BatteryService( 2370): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
D/VoldCmdListener( 114): asec list
I/ActivityManager( 2370): Process org.libsdl.app (pid 3152) has died.
I/WindowManager( 2370): WIN DEATH: Window{408bfdc0 org.libsdl.app/org.libsdl.app.SDLActivity paused=false}
I/WindowManager( 2370): WIN DEATH: Window{408b5018 SurfaceView paused=false}
I/WindowManager( 2370): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1
I/TvOut-Observer( 2370): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 0
E/TvOut-Observer( 2370): SetOrientation
I/TvOut-Client( 2370): SetOrientation +
I/TvOut-Client( 2370): SetOrientation -
I/ActivityManager( 2370): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=405/52 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=2/1 orien=1 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=12 FlipFont=0}
V/Mms/HVGALayoutParameters( 2612): HVGALayoutParameters.<init>(11).
I/Launcher( 2472): onResume(). mIsNewIntent : false
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 0
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 1
E/AutoRotationSettingButton( 2446): en
E/Launcher( 2472): setWindowOpaque()
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 2, mRestoring : false
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 3
E/ ( 2472): AJESH broadcastStkIntent
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 4
E/ ( 2472): onResume() check 5
I/Launcher( 2472): onResume() ended
V/Launcher.Workspace( 2472): onSizeChanged( 480,800,480,762)getWidth() = 480getHeight() = 800
I/Launcher( 2472): onWindowFocusChanged(true)
D/Launcher( 2472): It's image wallpaper. suggestDesiredDimensions(-1,-1)
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
E/Launcher( 2472): setWindowOpaque()
I/TelephonyRegistry( 2370): notifyServiceState: 1 1 home null null 310410 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: true
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onServiceStateChanged-S:1 1 home null null 310410 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: true
D/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/SML ( 2884): [smlBroadcastReceiver.java Line:165] onReceive [RECEIVER] SML_BROADCAST_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 2612): Service state changed: Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=648]
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): onDataConnectionStateChanged-S:0 T:3
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 2612): roaming ------> false
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): updateDataNetType-T:3
W/InputManagerService( 2370): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 3152 uid 10085
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 2648): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 2612): auto download without roaming -> true
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 2612): auto download during roaming -> false
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 2612): mAutoDownload ------> true
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 2648): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
V/Launcher.Workspace( 2472): onSizeChanged( 480,762,480,800)getWidth() = 480getHeight() = 762
D/BatteryService( 2370): update start
D/BatteryService( 2370): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 2370): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:75 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4000 temperature: 420 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 2370): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 2370): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2446): BAT. S:2 H:2

Edited by madmax
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The important parts are:

E/SDL ( 3152): No EGL config available
W/pyrogenesis( 3152): ERROR: SetVideoMode failed in SDL_GL_CreateContext: 800x480:32 1 ("Couldn't create OpenGL context - see Android log for details")

which means it's trying to load an unsupported graphics configuration. See the "int[] configSpec" in build/android/sdl-project/src/org/libsdl/app/SDLActivity.java . Probably the most likely problem is the "EGL10.EGL_SAMPLES, 4," line (which enables 4x MSAA) - comment that out and try again. (Need to do a "make clean" and "make" in sdl-project and then rebuild and reinstall the .apk, I think). If that doesn't help, maybe try changing the RED/GREEN/BLUE_SIZE - currently they're 8,8,8, and it might be happier with 5,6,5.

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good news , Some progress, game has started but screen is blank, opngl shader errors:

I/TelephonyRegistry( 182): notifyServiceState: 1 1 home null null 000000 GPRS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: true
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onServiceStateChanged-S:1 1 home null null 000000 GPRS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: true
I/ActivityManager( 182): Start proc com.smlds for broadcast com.smlds/.smlBroadcastReceiver: pid=849 uid=10003 gids={3003}
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 405): Service state changed: Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=648]
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 405): roaming ------> false
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 405): auto download without roaming -> true
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 405): auto download during roaming -> false
V/Mms/DownloadManager( 405): mAutoDownload ------> true
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 459): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 459): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
I/SML ( 849): [smlBroadcastReceiver.java Line:165] onReceive [RECEIVER] SML_BROADCAST_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
I/ActivityManager( 182): No longer want com.android.mms (pid 405): hidden #16
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4192 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 3->7|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 119
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 119
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4195 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): onSensorChanged: light value: 1000
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
D/PowerManagerService( 182): onSensorChanged: light value: 6
I/dhcpcd ( 794): renewing lease of
D/dhcpcd ( 794): sending DHCP_REQUEST with xid 0xbbf93c14, next in 4.35 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 794): handle_dhcp : started
I/dhcpcd ( 794): acknowledged from `soln-sr3696.solutionip.com'
I/dhcpcd ( 794): save_listdata 0 : 630710ac
D/dhcpcd ( 794): Save list ip address. : 630710ac
I/dhcpcd ( 794): leased for 60 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 794): adding IP address
D/dhcpcd ( 794): adding route to via
D/dhcpcd ( 794): executing `/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks', reason RENEW
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 794): renew in 30 seconds
W/PowerManagerService( 182): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 3->7|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 119
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 119
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4182 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
W/PowerManagerService( 182): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4202 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4201 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
D/PowerManagerService( 182): onSensorChanged: light value: 1000
D/PowerManagerService( 182): onSensorChanged: light value: 6
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4205 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 3->7|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 119
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 119
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/InputReader( 182): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/ActivityManager( 182): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity } from pid 288
I/Launcher( 288): onPause()
I/ActivityManager( 182): Start proc org.libsdl.app for activity org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity: pid=879 uid=10085 gids={1015, 3003}
I/WindowManager( 182): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=1
I/TvOut-Observer( 182): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 1
E/TvOut-Observer( 182): SetOrientation
I/TvOut-Client( 182): SetOrientation +
I/TvOut-Client( 182): SetOrientation -
I/ActivityManager( 182): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=405/52 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=2/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=5 FlipFont=0}
E/AutoRotationSettingButton( 262): en
I/Launcher( 288): onWindowFocusChanged(false)
D/Launcher( 288): It's image wallpaper. suggestDesiredDimensions(-1,-1)
I/ApplicationPackageManager( 879): cscCountry is not German : INU
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 5
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 6
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 7
D/SensorManager( 879): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
V/SDL ( 879): onResume()
I/ActivityManager( 182): Displayed org.libsdl.app/.SDLActivity: +178ms
V/SDL ( 879): surfaceCreated()
E/SensorManager( 879): registerListener :: handle = 1 name= BMA222 Acceleration Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= org.libsdl.app.SDLSurface@40522598
E/SensorManager( 879): =======>>>Sensor Thread RUNNING <<<========
E/SensorManager( 879): reg :: handle = 1
V/SDL ( 879): surfaceChanged()
V/SDL ( 879): pixel format RGB_565
V/SDL ( 879): Window size:800x480
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 288): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/SDL ( 879): SDL_Android_Init()
I/SDL ( 879): SDL_Android_Init() finished!
I/pyrogenesis( 879): Started wrapper
I/pyrogenesis( 879): Opening library /data/local/libpyrogenesis_dbg.so
I/pyrogenesis( 879): Library opened successfully
I/pyrogenesis( 879): Launching engine code
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Cache: 64 (total: 352) MiB
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| InitVfs: 280.67 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| InitScripting: 17.6697 ms
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4180 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 1.64801 s
V/SDL ( 879): Creating new EGL Surface
E/libEGL ( 879): eglCreateWindowSurface format=1
I/SDL ( 879): [STUB] GL_SetSwapInterval
W/pyrogenesis( 879): WARNING: SDL_SetGamma failed
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 15.4419 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| write_sys_info: 1.7395 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): No SSE available. Slow fallback routines will be used.
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| InitRenderer: 16.6016 ms
W/PowerManagerService( 182): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
D/LightsService( 182): setBrightness 1st : brightness = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4186 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/dhcpcd ( 794): renewing lease of
D/dhcpcd ( 794): sending DHCP_REQUEST with xid 0xb482c418, next in 3.43 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 794): handle_dhcp : started
I/dhcpcd ( 794): acknowledged from `soln-sr3696.solutionip.com'
I/dhcpcd ( 794): save_listdata 0 : 630710ac
D/dhcpcd ( 794): Save list ip address. : 630710ac
I/dhcpcd ( 794): leased for 60 seconds
D/dhcpcd ( 794): adding IP address
D/dhcpcd ( 794): adding route to via
D/dhcpcd ( 794): executing `/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks', reason RENEW
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : old_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : old_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_ip_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_subnet_cidr=21
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_network_number=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_filename=default.cfg
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [yiaddr] : new_server_name=soln-sr3696.solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_subnet_mask=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_routers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_domain_name_servers=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_domain_name=solutionip.com
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_broadcast_address=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_lease_time=60
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_message_type=5
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_server_identifier=
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_renewal_time=30
D/dhcpcd ( 794): [options] : new_dhcp_rebinding_time=52
D/dhcpcd ( 794): renew in 30 seconds
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4192 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| ps_console: 14.7095 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 17.1509 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/setup.xml: 15.8997 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/styles.xml: 946.045 us
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 39.917 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/icon_sprites.xml: 2.31933 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 50.2014 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 5.00488 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| session/sprites.xml: 64.6362 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| session/styles.xml: 3.54004 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| session/session.xml: 934.998 ms
W/pyrogenesis( 879): TIMER| common/global.xml: 15.686 ms
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4196 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
W/pyrogenesis( 879): ERROR: Failed to link program 'shaders/glsl/model_common.vs'+'shaders/glsl/model_common.fs':
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Fragment Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Vertex Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.
W/pyrogenesis( 879):
W/pyrogenesis( 879): ERROR: Failed to link program 'shaders/glsl/model_common.vs'+'shaders/glsl/model_common.fs':
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Fragment Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Vertex Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.
W/pyrogenesis( 879):
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4188 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
W/pyrogenesis( 879): GL_INVALID_OPERATION
W/pyrogenesis( 879): OpenGL error(s) occurred: 0502
W/PowerManagerService( 182): Timer 0x3->0x1|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 3->1|0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=20
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4197 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
W/PowerManagerService( 182): Timer 0x1->0x0|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Ulight 1->0|0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
I/PowerManagerService( 182): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=0
E/power ( 182): *** set_screen_state 0
E/SensorManager( 182): unregisterListener:: all sensors, listener = com.android.server.PowerManagerService$13@4051eae0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): enableLightSensor false
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
W/PowerManagerService( 182): CurLockF mPS:0 mUS=0
W/PowerManagerService( 182): mPokeLocks.size=0:
D/PowerManagerService( 182): sendNotificationLocked on=false
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 182): UICORE onScreenTurnedOff(3,false)
V/WindowManager( 182): Setting event dispatching to false
D/PhoneWindow( 879): couldn't save which view has focus because the focused view org.libsdl.app.SDLSurface@40522598 has no id.
V/SDL ( 879): onPause()
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC
I/TvOut-Observer( 182): ACTION android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
I/TvOut-Observer( 182): tvOutSetImageString BroadcastReceiver broadcast received
I/TvOut-Observer( 182): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
I/TvOut-Client( 182): isTvoutCableConnected
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
D/LightsService( 182): [NF]setLightLocked : brightnessMode = 0
E/TvOut-Observer( 182): isTvoutCableConnected : false
I/TvOut-Observer( 182): updateTVoutOnScreenOnOff tvstatus off isTvoutCableConnected : false
D/FastDormancy( 279): [FD] INTENT ACTION android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/FastDormancy( 279): [FD] mIsScreenOn: false
I/Launcher( 288): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
V/SettingsProvider( 182): system <- value=1 name=phone_lock_status
V/SettingsProvider( 182): property: sys.settings_system_version=7
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setScreenBrightnessMode : mode : 0
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setScreenBrightnessMode : mAutoBrightessEnabled : false enabled = false
V/SettingsProvider( 182): notifying: content://settings/system/phone_lock_status
D/PowerManagerService( 182): setScreenOffTimeouts mKeylightDelay=3000 mDimDelay=20000 mScreenOffDelay=7000 mDimScreen=true
D/InfoAlarmWidgetWeather( 728): onReceive sub Action => android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/InfoAlarmWidgetFinance( 728): onReceive sub Action => android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/InfoAlarmWidgetNews( 728): onReceive sub Action => android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/SntpClient( 182): request time failed: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Try again
D/BatteryService( 182): update start
D/BatteryService( 182): [NF]shutdownIfNoPower
D/BatteryService( 182): [SendIntent]updateBattery level:99 scale:100 status:2 health:2 present:true voltage: 4200 temperature: 370 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302213
I/WifiService( 182): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 182): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/StatusBarPolicy( 262): onSignalStrengthsChanged
D/StatusBarPolicy( 262): updateSignalStrength: No SVC

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W/pyrogenesis( 879): ERROR: Failed to link program 'shaders/glsl/model_common.vs'+'shaders/glsl/model_common.fs':
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Fragment Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.
W/pyrogenesis( 879): --From Vertex Shader:
W/pyrogenesis( 879): Symbol sunColor defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.

You need to edit binaries/data/mods/public/shaders/glsl/model_common.vs and change the line "uniform vec3 sunColor;" to "uniform mediump vec3 sunColor;". (I suppose that to be able to share shaders between desktop GLSL 1.20 and GLSL ES 1.00 properly, we should globally define lowp/mediump/highp to the empty string in desktop GLSL and then the shaders can use them whenever required by ES.)

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No - for any changes inside binaries/data/ (like this), you need to either rebuild and re-upload public.zip, or else just copy the single modified file into /sdcard/0ad/data/mods/public/shaders/glsl/ (so it'll override the file from the old public.zip).

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  • 1 month later...
  On 29/06/2012 at 1:49 PM, gameboy said:

We need a Tablet PC to test it, Android version seems to be forgotten, did not continue to develop it, we hope that the Android version to continue to develop it, thank you! :rtfm::lol2: :lol2: :stinker:

+1 I think an Android tablet port would be great, but I would rather the interface wasn't changed; Android supports mouse and keyboard and HDMI if anyone forgot.

Edited by Josh
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