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I have noticed something with the game. Not so much of an imbalance but favoritism of center units. In online play there is basically no cavalry use. When playing agents computers, cavalry units need to be baby sat. I think they would be more useful in game play if they had a setting that when they took 60% damage they would automatically withdraw out of range as the others continue to fight. Not sure if this would be overly complicated from a programming perspective. I think this would make them more useful.

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1 hour ago, Toxked said:

they would be more useful in game play if they had a setting that when they took 60% damage they would automatically withdraw

I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be wanted by the devs and the majority of players. I have the threshold for wounded units at 50% and when I do an area selection while holding the hotkey for wounded units (default: o) I retreat them manually. With their turn and acceleration times and "swimming against the stream" they usually take a lot more damage but at least they have a chance.

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