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I created an installer


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I created an installer to help people, who don't want to compile 0 A.D. on their own. Besides this it's also good for saving space and you can be sure you get a working version, when you just want to try 0 A.D.

The game is not finished, but maybe it's easier to help for people, if they can actually try it. For example someone can work on documentation, even if things change later. It's also easier to describe suggestions or you can make screen shots to show something.

By using the installer you will get a pretty recent version of the game. I built it with MSVC 2008 Express edition using unmodified code. Everything should be the same, as if you would compile it yourself, but without the source. Maybe there will be some changed settings, cause I started it once to try it (I deleted the logs, but maybe I missed something).

Anyway, there is no warranty for anything. So if it destroys your computer or kills your mom, don't blame me! If you are afraid of any damage, don't install it!

But in general it shouldn't do any harm. Since it's still in development, it will most likely have bugs and crash sometimes.

I compiled the game and created the installer on my own - without Wildfire Games. So don't blame them for the installer or anything. In short: If something goes wrong, it's your fault.

Besides this, I hope this installer helps you and you hope you'll have a lot of fun with it.


Edited by reezer
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Well, I didn't downloaded it (I haven't any Windows computer under the hand to test it), but it looks great for the place gained (one hundred MB is fine). I'll test it when I'll get back the windows computer from my sons (they're on holidays right now) or if I can find one elsewhere.

Nice initiative anyway :) !

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Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.

Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.

Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000018)

Location: unknown:0 (?)

Call stack:

(error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)

errno = 0 (?)

OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

I have Vista 32bit

and then, pyrogenesis.exe has stopped working

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maybe try compatibility mode?

  plumo said:

Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.

Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.

Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000018)

Location: unknown:0 (?)

Call stack:

(error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)

errno = 0 (?)

OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

I have Vista 32bit

and then, pyrogenesis.exe has stopped working

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Lol now this :)

Function call failed: return value was -100102 (Case 2)

Location: wdll_ver.cpp:57 (ReadVersionString)

Call stack:

ReadVersionString (wdll_ver.cpp:57)

modulePathname_ = (unavailable)

out_ver = (unavailable)

out_ver_len = 500 (0x000001F4)

mem =

px = 0x72EACBDE -> [8] { 139 (0x8B), 255 (0xFF), 85 (0x55), 139 (0x8B), 236 (0xEC), 255 (0xFF), 117 (0x75), 20 (0x14) }

pn =

pi_ = 0x2FC3F739 ->

use_count_ = (unavailable - internal error)

weak_count_ = (unavailable - internal error)

subblock = [64]
















0 ...

unused = 0 (0x00000000)

noRedirect =

m_wasRedirectionEnabled = 0x0013EDB4

modulePathname = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

s =

m_lastError = 1305920 (0x0013ED40)

lang_len = 1927952602 (0x72EA38DA)

lang = 0x0013ED50 -> 63428 (0xF7C4)

in_ver_len = 0 (0x00000000)

in_ver = 0xFFFFFFFE -> (unavailable - internal error)

wdll_ver_Append (wdll_ver.cpp:96)

pathname = 0x0013F080 ->

m_path = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

list = 0x0013F09C -> (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

moduleName = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

modulePathname =

m_path = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

versionString = "own"

win_get_snd_info (wsnd.cpp:133)

wmiMap = (error -100500 while analyzing map<basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >,tagVARIANT >)

versionList = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

dlls = (error -100500 while analyzing set<string > >)

WriteSystemInfo (util.cpp:72)

hostname = [128]



41 (')')


34 ('"')











0 ...

un =

sysname = [9] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41 (')'), 2, 24 }

nodename = [16] { 129, 41 (')'), 2, 96 ('`'), 165, 22, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 33 ('!'), 0, 172, 0, 140 }

release = [9] { 0, 0, 0, 131, 88 ('X'), 125 ('}'), 119 ('w'), 32 (' '), 173 }

version = [16] { 22, 2, 32 (' '), 173, 22, 2, 0, 124 ('|'), 41 (')'), 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

machine = [9] { 41 (')'), 2, 200, 128, 41 (')'), 2, 131, 88 ('X'), 125 ('}') }

pathname =

m_path = (error -100500 while analyzing string >)

LINE_66_ =

m_t0 = 5.99751e-304 (0x00FA528C3FF5AFFE)

m_description = 0x021505D0 -> [8] { 200, 107 ('k'), 41 (')'), 2, 232, 108 ('l'), 41 (')'), 2 }

seconds = 2381530013826806060 (0x210CE4EE0013F12C)

timestamp_buf = [100]






123 ('{')



100 ('d')







114 ('r') ...

Init (gamesetup.cpp:968)

args = 0x0013F73C ->

m_Args = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<pair<CStr8,CStr8> >)

m_Arg0 = { (error -100500 while analyzing string >) }

flags = 0 (0x00000000)

hooks =

override_gl_upload_caps = 0x00F010F0 -> (psGetLogDir)

get_log_dir = 0x00F01160 -> (psBundleLogs)

bundle_logs = 0x00F012A0 -> (psTranslate)

translate = 0x00F01000 -> (psTranslateFree)

translate_free = 0x00000000

log = 0x00000000

display_error = 0x00000001

setup_gui = (bool)0x48

windowed = (bool)0x02

buf = [500]












278 ...

LINE_1023_ =

m_t0 = 4.24746e+175 (0x6465776F646E6900)

m_description = 0x02291600 -> [8] { 16, 0, 0, 0, 144, 16, 22, 2 }

LINE_1040_ =

m_t0 = 4.24746e+175 (0x6465776F646E6900)

m_description = 0x02291600 (see above)

RunGameOrAtlas (main.cpp:399)

argc = 1 (0x00000001)

argv = 0x022915D0 -> 0x022915D8 -> "D:\0 A.D\system\pyrogenesis.exe"

args =

m_Args = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<pair<CStr8,CStr8> >)

m_Arg0 = { (error -100500 while analyzing string >) }

main (main.cpp:414)

argc = 1 (0x00000001)

argv = 0x022915D0 (see above)

__tmainCRTStartup (crtexe.c:586)

nested = 0 (0x00000000)

CallStartupWithinTryBlock (wseh.cpp:355)

ret = 1166055392 (0x458097E0)

BaseThreadInitThunk (:0)

RtlInitializeExceptionChain (:0)

RtlInitializeExceptionChain (:0)

errno = 0 (?)

OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

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  MattSherman said:

Wonderful! I hope other users do the same for different operating systems. I personally could benefit from an OSX build. Nice work.

I can't agree. 0AD is not yet finished (t even isn't in alpha stage). It makes no benefit to have an installer.

Therefore, making installer is no benefit. Actually, it users compiled own version, they could reveal bugs and thus help 0AD with reports.

Also, 0AD has ~ daily commits. That makes version in installer outdated in single day and thus with bugs which could already be fixed.

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I don't agree with you Belisarivs : having an installer is indeed a non-sense from a developper point of view, I have to admit it, but from a simple user point of view, this is good feature.

You are obviously an expert at compiling program, but actually most of the users are not and so won't make the effort to have a look at the game, because they are afraid of the amount of energy they would have to spend trying just to get the game running on their machine.

On the other hand, with an installer you can have much more people looking at the game, just because it is so easy to see it running and you just have to enjoy (even if there is always cases where it just won't work, see current example). Then, if they want to see more, they can afford to spend time getting sources, required library, developpement environnement and compile the program.

So I believe that, from a "basic" end-user point of view this is a nice initiative, especially for "exotic" OS :) such as Mac OS X where the game is quite hard to get compiled (I made the experience of it).

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As one of the developers I have no problem with end-users doing things like this. In fact I think it's kind of cool. But as Belisarius said, unless you download the game normally with SVN and continually update the build, the installer will soon become obsolete. However, a fan-made installer does allow people to muck around, which isn't a bad thing. :)

Edited by Mythos_Ruler
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Yes, we appreciate the good intentions of creating an installer, but I'm not sure it's a good idea, either. At this point the game is unlikely to work out of the box on platforms where we haven't tested as extensively as on Win32 (witness the above problem on Vista). What would help is for interested developers to take it for a spin and hopefully we can work out any remaining issues together. However, if non-developers give it a try, it's likely that the only outcome will be frustration for them (it doesn't work immediately) and also ourselves (because they almost certainly don't have a debugger and probably don't send in the crashdumps, without which it's basically impossible to debug exceptions).

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Thanks Jeru, but I rather won't because this error occurs when I use the installer, which is irrelevant to the developers.

Don't get me wrong, we are happy to look at the issue, it's almost certainly not caused by the installer itself. (The wdll_ver issue is likely caused by Windows' automatic path redirection. Are you running a 64-bit version of Vista?)

As Jeru says, though, we need the crashlogs to get anywhere. Please feel free to CC "jan" if you create a ticket so that I'll see it sooner.

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Some prerequisites to run the game (like directx version or so)? It crashes also to me when i launch it after installing.


Function call failed: return value was -100102 (Case 2)

Location: wdll_ver.cpp:57 (ReadVersionString)

Call stack:




errno = 0 (?)

OS error = Tentativo di accedere ad un indirizzo non valido.



Performance warning: your graphics card does not support compressed textures. The game will try to continue anyway, but may be slower than expected. Please try updating your graphics drivers; if that doesn't help, please try upgrading your hardware.

Location: ogl_tex.cpp:697 (detect_gl_upload_caps)

Call stack:




errno = 0 (?)

OS error = Tentativo di accedere ad un indirizzo non valido.


Edited by IS_NormanDuck
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Location: wdll_ver.cpp:57 (ReadVersionString)

Looks like the same error as above. Are you running Vista? 64-bit or 32?

This message is just a warning, and until it's fixed (which requires more information for purposes of debugging) you can either just ignore it (choose continue or suppress) or start the game with -quickstart (which disables the system-detection code that calls ReadVersionString as well as sound).

Performance warning: your graphics card does not support compressed textures.

This one's probably a show-stopper. The game isn't going to run well without a GeForce III-level GPU, and current onboard offerings aren't there yet. Is upgrading your GPU an option? :)

Some prerequisites to run the game (like directx version or so)? It crashes also to me when i launch it after installing.

Are those the only errors that show up? We can't debug crashes without more information, most importantly the files crashdump.txt and crashdump.dmp.

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Strange, I tried it with an other similar and more modern computer and it also crashes.

The only differences I know:

Box A:

Celeron D

English Windows XP 3 SP3

GeForce FX5200


Box B:

Conroe L

German Windows XP 3 SP3

HD 3650


Motherboards, Hard Disks and other minor differences also exist. But I guess this shouldn't have an effect.

I compiled the game and created the installer on Box A.

I will set up an environment to compile the game on Box B and see, how it works on Box A.

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What's the error message? Can you post binaries/logs/crashdump.*?

I don't think it makes a difference on which machine you compile, except for maybe the compilers' runtime libraries already being installed. However, we account for that issue (they should all be distributed in SVN).

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(I'm beginning to feel like a broken record..)

What is the exact error message? Is it shown by Windows in your native language or by an english-language dialog entitled "Program Error"?

To give us a realistic chance of diagnosing the error, can you post binaries/logs/crashdump.*?

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