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Found 11 results

  1. We are going to make a list of things that we have and another of those that are missing.
  2. I don't like to see repeated icons, on different things. I am developing some based on their names. I'm developing the archers practice.
  3. This is a topic about Eyecandy stuff. the link is here. https://github.com/0ADMods/eyecandy.git I would include that... things like for now it aren't in the plans of the current project. (0 A.D EA)
  4. I am preparing, at the requests of the Wildfiregames team and volunteers an extra set of new symbols for: ornaments, banners, so you can use them as you want. CC 3.0 by SA. in my personal case. WIP...
  5. I know this wasn't an actual reqeusted task, but there is a "tuna" model in the map editor, and it's pretty far off (just a copy of the general "fish" model). So, I made model for a big, bluefin tuna. My current problem is, I'm not sure exactly which species of tuna I should go for. Something from the mediterranean sea should fit I think, but even there, googling for references I can't even 2 references with the same number of fins...
  6. Needs to be for 2 passengers, anchor for 4 horses. Just the chariot no horses. Bonus: textures for the two units in the first image: Hey! here is some help in how to create textures in Blender!
  7. Some props like romans heroes are missing. we have Claudius Marcellus.
  8. A good starting point would be adding the armour of the legs and trump in the elephant skin texture, and then do the armour of the right side of the texture with gold/bronze plating. Useful textures; binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\skins\skeletal\maur_elephant_hero.png binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\skins\skeletal\maur_elephant_siege.png References: Here are some tips in how to make textures in Blender by rendering!
  9. Still a bit of work left, but it's looking more and more like a Mastiff now Showing an older and a recent WIP.. since.. well.. someone might be interested to see the progress (wip2 is the current state)
  10. Here is a WIP I kind of went overboard with the areas for which i thought alpha maps would be cool.. head could use a bit more work I think the tounge really puts a cool twist though I'll rig it up so it can be animated separately!
  11. Still needs some UV-mapping and stuff. It was a bit hard to find good references from above, so I'm not 100% sure about the overall shape.
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