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  1. 《Darius I》 Amidst political turmoil and rebellion, Darius the Great rises to power in the Persian Empire, facing challenges from outlaw rebels and Gaumata the Magus either disguising as Bardiya, the rightful heir who was killed by his brother Cambyses II, or seven nobles killing Bardiya himself, who has weakened the empire by not taxing for 3 years. Darius, along with six other nobles, navigates the complex political landscape to solidify his rule and defeat threats from the Scythians and Greeks. With strategic prowess and determination, Darius successfully establishes his dominance and ensures the empire's stability. Step into the sandals of Darius the Great, the ruler of the vast Achaemenid Empire, at the peak of its power. As you navigate the delicate balance between conquest and diplomacy, you must defend your empire from rebellious provinces, including the unruly Ionians and the fiercely Scythians, the nomad warriors of the steppe. Engage in epic battles against Greek city-states, including Athens and Sparta, who dare defy your rule. Expand your empire by outsmarting rival kings, quelling uprisings, and securing your place as the greatest ruler of the ancient world. Can you unite the vast Persian Empire and secure your legacy, or will the flames of rebellion consume all you’ve built? The fate of empire rests in your hands. Five days after the defeat of Gaumat the Magus, the Seven Lords of the Persian Empire, (Otanes, Ardumanish (possibly the same as Aspathines), Gobryas the father of Mardonius, Intaphrenes, Megabyzus I, Hydarnes, Darius I) each powerful in their own right, gathered in the grand chambers of the royal palace, where their decisions would determine the future course of the Achaemenid Empire.According to Herodotus, after the departure of Cambyses II for Egypt, the usurper Gaumata impersonated Bardiya (Smerdis), the younger brother of Cambyses, and became king. A group of seven Persian noblemen became suspicious of the false king and conspired to overthrow Gaumata. After defeating and killing Gaumata, in a negotiation to determine the form of government, Otanes (Hutan) recommended a democratic government, but his offer was not adopted, and monarchy continued in Iran. Darius I suggested continuing with monarchy, arguing that centralized leadership by a single capable ruler is far superior to other forms of government. He believed that democracy and oligarchy breed partiality, conspiracy, and treachery, as competing individuals or factions pursue personal interests over national welfare. In such systems, corruption flourishes, leading to division and unrest. Darius asserted that, eventually, these conflicts would culminate in the rise of a national hero who would emerge to restore order and suppress the factions. This hero would gain the admiration and support of the people pleading with him to take the reins of power, inevitably leading to a return to monarchy. He emphasized that the freedom and prosperity enjoyed by the people are due to the legacy of strong monarchs like Cyrus the Great. Darius warned that abandoning the established monarchical system would only result in chaos, as no other system could provide the stability and unity that monarchy does. 4 Players: 1. Darius the Great(Persians) 2. Miltiades(Athenians) 3. Scythians 4. Cleomenes I(Spartans) Revealed Map Unlimited Sources for all "Requirements" Installation of 0 A.D. alpha 26 + Millennium A.D Mod "File Paths" Mac: User/Application Support/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Linux: Home/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Windows: Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios -Mithra Shakiba Acheamanid Empire III.xmlAcheamanid Empire III.pmp
  2. The Spartans Above: King Leonidas and his "Battle Frenzy" upgrade Above: General Brasidas (left), Admiral Lysander (right) Above: Unused hero Agis III (left), Cleomenes III (right) Note: I might add Agesilaus as a 5th selectable hero and use the left-hand portrait Above: Queen Gorgo (left), Spartan Female Citizen (right) Above: Priest-Healer (left), Helots/Slaves (right)
  3. I usually don't play as sparta, but: 1) As I said in the balancing topic some time ago, maybe the translation of Ekdromos Skiritai, Skiritai Commando, should be renamed: commando reminds to some kind of modern special ops unit. I propose Skiritai runner. Sources 1, 2. The explanation of why Mythos gave that name is here. 2) Maybe it could given to them spartan pikeman champs with a Cleomenes reforms tech to train them in barracks and in fortress (researched in the second building). They won't be benefited from agoge, so in late game you could have some more champs. 3) Give them walls? They already have the population malus/penalty. Or a tech that allow to build them in late game.
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