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Found 2 results

  1. I am playing 0 A.D. for quite a while now. I like the game a lot. One thing I do not like is, maps often times look pretty at the beginning, but over time the look and feel of maps decline because of massive deforestation. The maps start to look very empty. Furthermore, deforestation seems to have been an issue for the Roman empire: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deforestation_during_the_Roman_period#Consequences_of_deforestation - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/45407393_Ancient_Deforestation_Revisited There are games in which trees grow slowly over time and are therefore a renewable resource. One game which implements such a model is Stronghold Crusader. I would love to see small trees spawning and growing over time in 0 A. D. I think this would make long matches or scenarios in which one side does not have a lot resources more interesting. After all wood is a renewable resource.
  2. i have a metapost with 3 subposts: * "Celtic Post" The celts were very fierce, but poor on techjnology, that means that the only way for the celts could lauch a huge attack is on forest, in open terrain are very very very very weak, we can implemente as there: O means on open terrain such as desert, F means forest, the unit that i talk is B * Britons: O infantry: 4 F Infantry 11 O delamokludda = 10 F delamokludda = 19 O chariot = 23 F chariot = 16 now the gauls: O infantry: 8 F Infantry 9 O solduros = 17 F solduros = 13 why?????: the britons were more "savage" more noise, naked, fierce, indomit the gauls were more disciplinated and good metalworking, that explains my idea * Note the Calvary "except Carbanto" don't recieve a positive or negative impact of it * Persia: * the persian melee infantry were of the worse infantry on 0AD world but is very very very cheap, we could implement with 8 hack the infantry and 12 the champions but with the 60% of the actual cost, the rest of the units are untouched by the change * Mauryans: many many many many soldiers, but few technology, we could implement it, i'm talking about melee infantry: B = 7 hack A = 10 hack E = 13 hack the champions don't recieve any impact of it B means Basic, A means Advanced, and E elite
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